Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/610

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SEATS AND MANSIONS OF Leigh Court, ssear Bristol . Stiles, Ban. Leigh Park, Itants Lessoel House, P,ersvtehshire Lennox Love, ltsstrhiogtsn, Iteufrowsh Leslie House, Fifeshire Letisaso ltsose, es. Haddiogtsss Letterfoisrie, Itanltslitro Levalsu, Woodland, Devon Leyt,o,srne Grange, nr. MaHslone, Kent Ilawley, han. Leyratts, on. Kithenny Lilforst I’ork, Northamptonshire Lilteslsalt, Shsropshire Limerick Ilousc’, Ireland Lissdertes, Kerriomoir, t’orfarslsire Liosford Globe, Donerasa, Ireland Linotead Lodge, Kent Lisbssra, Co. Ants im Listseen, es. Tipperary Lislee Court, ro. York Lissmstton, Itssssstsassglilin, es. )lealJs Liansors Castle, Waserford, trelaosl Lisssegar, en. Cork Lissane, en. Tyrosse Lissadell, eo. digs T.illlr Stottsfielsl, Ashford, Kesst Llststjrvosssair, Wales Liandast Court, Glasnsrgsnslsiro Llanolls, Carossrtlsessstsiro Llangalleck Park, Breeoo Llanorrtwio, Oswostry Liaoo ed Castle, Ereeonsluro Llass,s es, Aliorgareony Llasssassnor, (tlamorgansisire Llanwero house, Ness-port, ,ltossmossllstls. Salusbnry, P.ail. Llwvnvsvsroswsod Paris, Carsnsrthensls. Grtffies-Wilhtsnss, Bt. Shickieton Shaoor house, Gtoaeessersh Steele, Ilaro. Llynsr aster, Montgomery Loots T,ioelsart Lodge, Ross-shire Loris Bean llsssse, W’igtsnslnre Lorlsrnd, Doctor Lsrknaw Castle, Sirsorser, Wigisoshire Agnew, than. Letters Cnssrt, Dsrsstshire S,sflsss Hall, ro. Wexforcl Logls Bray, eo. Wirktose Login Alsssrssd Itossee, Perthshitrr Logie-Elplsinstsne, en. Alserdeess Lohsrt Castle, en. Cork Londeahorougls, MarketWeiglslsss, Ysrks. Lossdesluorossgls, B. London ltsssse, 35, St. Jasoes’s—sqoare... London, Cp. Lnagford Cattle, Wills Lstsgfsrd house, or. Cs,llesney, es. Shigo Craltos, Cart. Lsngteat, Warsutoster, W’ills Langley hiatt, near Hssdstersfiold, Yorks. Rasnoden, Earl. Lnngseod, ldants Lntoss Park, Stsrepshire Landsan Cattle, Ayrststre Lnughoooter Castle, ro. Gstwoy Lnngts SlrP.ory Lodge, es Tyrsne Lnaghgtyos ldsssse, Rnsosmmon Leugls tryoss, eo. Leitrim Loughtse, Msoeygahl, King’s Cessnly Losssh Hall, en. Lentls Lnvaioe, Yorkolsire Envel Hilt, Berks Loveatsr, near Tstnes, Devonshire Los-esPy Hall, Leireotershirs Low Stilt House, Comberland Lower Clseam, Epsom, Surrey Lowther Castle, Wosroosrland Luddentiam, Sydney, Now Sossils Wales Nicholson, Dart. Lsshliogsrooe Castle, Kent Lsssnler’ Castle, tsssrhasss Lssnstte, h’orfarshire Lsspten llsase, Itevots Luitso, Lineelnslsire Lydiard Tregooe, Wilts Lynelsaiss Park, Cslytoo, Devon Lyons. itathenole, 00 Kildare Lytohet Jhinster, Dorsetsisire Slaeersom Castle, es Cork Sladeleen, en. Kilkenoy Slartresfield Court, Wsrrestershire Slaesteile, Ltaodils, Csrmartlseoshire... Mantel, Itarl. Itlaideo Bradley, Wills Malahside Castle, en. Dublin Slaiham-iVater, Vsrkstsire Malshaogrr, near Stasiogstske Slassohead Park, Devonshire Macby Seall, Liocslsslsire Maosr iteuse, Streatlsam Sianor House, Great Dssreford, Wilts Manor itonse, Terquay, Dresoslsire Staoor Itoosse, lVesttsury, Wilts Manor Mouse, Duomsw, Essex Mansfield, Ayrshiee Slartste hitS, es. Galseay Siorrhmssssot Bossse, near Dunse Marden Pork, Gsdstnse, Sorrey Slaresfield Purse, Sussex Slarelims, Clsehrork, near Dublin Slarino, Fsirvteor, near Dabliss 1312 Stsuntso, han. hladdioglso, B. ittantyre, C. houses, Csuoless Ilepbssrss, Carl. Gordon, tl:srl. Shilsssao, hart. Csstko, liars. Litfsrd, ii. Snttserlaod, D. Limerick, St. Sluoro, Barr. Maeartoey, Dart. Teynlsam, It. ltortford, St. Pirogerald, klan. Synge, Burt. Dilless, Dart. Devonolsire, P. lhiversdsle, Ii. Staples, Barr. Death, Coot. ilnare, Barr. Cnnrsy, Burt. Llandaff, Bp. Dsodas, Dart. Eeaafarl, D. Wynn, Dart. Itaitey, Earl. Llanevor, B. Dailey, Slart. Kossrles, hors. Mackenzie, Cart, Wallace, Start. Warreoder, lIars. Nepean, Dart. Ely, St. Crssoplon, Barr. Stewart, hurl Elplsiostussie, lion. F.gmeot, 11. Eadnor, B. Bans, St. Norllsesk, B. Leighton, Burt. Shootings, M. Gsugh, V. Stewart, Barr. Dillon, V Lettrtns, E. Disosniteld. B. Lossth, B. Nsrthssnsbestossd, P. Knosvtoo, Dart. Baker, Dart. Fewke, Dart. Brtsco, Cart. Anubesbos, Dart. Lanodsie, B. Dyke, Barr. Seorbrsngh, B. Cansperdsss-ss, E. Churstan, B. Preston, Bort. Betingbroke, V. Seaten, B. Cleoeurry. B. Scott, Hart, Bantry, B. Sberedytts, Barr. Eessoehamp, B. Somersel, D. Tatbst dc Matahido,Id. Slosont Wolselny, Co. Carhow ‘Wslseley,Cant Ribbleodato, B. Conyssghsame, Burt. Ness-mass, Dart Varbsrsssgh, B. Key, Eart. Malmesburv, E. Path, Slacs. S.spes, Dart. Beaumsol, Bsrt. Steotetis, Bars. Borke, Dart. Campbell. Dart. Claytoss, Dart. Stsehley, Earl. Ctonennp’, D. Chnrhosnont, K. Startstose, near Ptymootls, Devon , Lopes, Earl. Siarilseroogh honor, St. James’s I’risee of Wales. SI arhesr t’arle, DorIes Yessng, Bars. Starr Lodge, Aberdeen Fife, B. Siarsk hail, GntsburooBhs, Yorkshire ... Zetland, B. Slaralno 1 lease, sear Proton, Snmeoootoh. Cork, K. Matfess hIatt, Nsrtlsssnshses-lansh Bhaeteett, thart. Staoldesh halt, sear Manchester , Manchester, Bp. Siassseoett Itouso, Ssnsersctotstre Shade, Bars. Shawley hall, Stiropshsire 5010005, Bass. —Steaford Ball, Stone, Ssastordotsire .., St. Vincent, Sleasgias, en. Donegat Ltffsrd, V. Shelbeseroe, Caseasta .Aylmer, B. Sbeht,suroe hItch, es, Yes-It Vavassur, Boot. Shelbsiry hlssise, Dorseteturo ,,, Ilehoster, B. Slntrlst,osroo I’arh, Cedfsrdshstre St. John, B. Sletfsrst hiatt, Sstfslk Pariser, Dart. Stettorstato, Keiss, to. tioxhorgis hbaddtugton, B. Jletguod, Porfarshtre Mints, B. Shetlea Constable, Norfolk Hastings, B. Slelvihite Cattle, Edtnlsses’gh Slelvthtr, V. Jiossubland II souse, ties-no Porrtesg, Barr. Slealossgls Castle, es. Galseay Blake, Cars . . (Cape St. Vincent, Storohsston hiatt, ltsrnneon, Shasnpstssro Countess Moretaistoan Castle, Shtd-Lostetan ,.. Napier, B. - (Falnoossth, V. Storowarth Castle, no. Itadlow, bent ... Lo Dospesoer, Brnoo. Slorsham Itarets, nose Astsferd, h(ent ... Knahohshstt,Dart. Slorstham htsuse, Red 11th, Surrey ... Hylton, It. Sles’tsu Sloth, Tisetford, Nsrfshle Watsioghaso, C. Storisun, Bersrtekshis’o Pohsvarlls, B. Stertyn halt, Plintohoiro Clerke, liars. Siethley Park, or. Wakefield, Yorkshire Siexbersssgh, E. Sitddtolen Park, Oxford Jersey, B. Stidsllelso ltatl, Lancashis’o Suffiold, B. Shidulletso hiatt, Warsoickststre Stiddletsn, B. Slidohho Slut, Woreeslorshtre Phillips, Dart. Stidfsrd Cattle, sear Balh St. Agatha, Siarehessa Mildenhath, Suffolk Bnnbnry, Bnrt. Milgato, Kent Croft, Dare. Stitlkssm Tower, Kdinborgtsshire Fsuhts, hart. Millers, ttosfre,vslsire Napier, Barr. Shilnsbridge Iheesse, Ysrkshts’e - Eadrtiffe, Carl. Milton, Peteotsorough, Nsrelsaoepssnshe Fitessthtiam, E. ,Sttoteroo hlsuse, Cerse AtsS,as, Darseish Dighsy, B. Stints Caslle, Coxhorglsshiro Shinto, B. Mistloy llahh, Essex httvers, C. Stse005 Coors, Herefordolsire Coroes’aht, Earl. Sloehram Stouse, Wigtssohtre Dsnhar, East. Slsdreeny, near Cisgiojordan, Ireland ... Dancer, Cart. Mohit house, es i.eirrim Cmftso, Hart. Metro, en. Down ihastiogs, St. Sloira Park, Cs- Dos-n Laoesro, Barr. Sloncretife House, Bridge of tans, Perlhshire - Stoncretifo, Barr. Slontogus Iloseso, S’ootman Square Eokeby, H, Stsnlngose hlosso, Whitehall Gardens Duccleoeh. B. Sbaseoeiths, Wiglonshire Maxwell, hart. Montreal, Seven Gaks Amhisrsl, St. .Siesymsssle, Aberdreoslstre Grant, Ears, Sloane Abbey, Slonosherrveo, Ktldaro Drogheda, SI. Mosre Park, en. Cork Slnonreashsott, B. Sheor Pork, hens ENtry, B. Slerehasoptoo Pask, Shonefos-dshiro hlsskyns, Cart. Sisnlands, Slants Terople, Ban. Shsroe Park, ee. Doss-n Kilmorey, E. Stortimer Shill, noon Bonding Hunter, Ears. Slortimer Idonse, Italkin Street, Eel- grave Square Fitcwshhsans, F. Jiostyn, Fuintshtrs Sloslyn, B. Slnteooobe hleuoe, Tioroesohire Westminster, 55. Stoto Park, Staidotone, Kent Esmney, K. Stole Pat’k, Csscosnmon Crolosn, B. Sloolt Idousg, Devonshire Devon, B. Slsuoees, Nontloomhenlaod Suotnhsanne, Dart Slonss Boson, Devon Scale, Dart. Slossot Bellow, es. Gaiway Stethess’, Cart Slount Craven, Isle of Grenada Dallas, Cart Slsoot Edgousnise, Devenpesot, Devote Slonot Edgessoobe, B. Slossot Juttel, Thomastnsvo, KtCsonny Carntck, B. Stsssnt Norton, Devon , Dart. Stsssntnorlhs, es Cork Lisle, B. Monnt Divers, Waterford Musgenve, Dart. Slouset Shsaooen, cc. Limerick Ctare, Couneess Stance Stewart, eo. Dawn Loodotsdes’ry, St. Mosrntstoart, isle of Bose Bute, St. SSsnnt Teviot Ledge, Roxturglsshetre Loltutao, St. SiossotTrenrhard, eo. Ltmertete Slonleaghe, B. Sbovdrssm Castle, en Westmoalho Casslemaioe, B. Mudtford, Hanto Stseo, Barr. Stoigrave Casthe, or. SVhttby, Yorkshire Nsrmaoby, 55. Shusinavar, en. Tyrooe Strange, Brat Stusnoastor Castle, Cssnebenland Sluncaster, B Slystole, nesr Canterbury Fogge, Bart Norman, Slertonobtoslstre Vaughan, Cart. Nansvnitba stall, S1ontgsnoor’shoire hereford, V. Narbeths CatCe Porrset, Hart.