Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/613

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THE PEERS AND EARONETS. Stubbing Court, Derbyshire . Dunfermuline. B. Studley Castle, Warwickshire . Goodricke, Bart. Studley Royal, ni’. Itipon, Yorkshire Sudbeurn Hall, Woodbridge, Sufrolk Sudbury Park, Derbyshire Summerhifl, Heath Sunhinrr’rille, no. Waterford Sundy Brook hall, Derbyshire Surrenden-Dering, Ashferd, Kent Suttons, Romford, Essex Sutton Court, SomerseLhire Sutton Park, Bedfordshire Ssvainston, Isle of Wight Swaleliffe house, Oxfordsliire Swaliewfield, Reading, Berko Sw’anburne, Bucks Swift’s itouse, Oxferslsliire Swillingtsn House, Leeds Swithianti Hall, Leiceotershire Syclenham, Roxbni’ghsliire Sydling St. Nicholas, no. Dorset Systen Park, Granthaus, Lineolnshire Tubley Hsuse, Knutoferd, Cheshire Talacre, Fiintslsire Talton House, Worcesterilure Tunowortls Castle, Warwiekshirk Tandridge Court, Gsdstone, Surrey Tanlsurst, Docking, Surrey Tawstork I louse, Devon Tattershall. Lincoinshire Tattingstone Place, Suffolk Tatton Park, near Knuisferd, Cheshire Taymouth Castle, l’erthslsire Toyton House, Gloucesterslsire Teddesley Pack, Pcnkridgc, Staft’arclsh. Hatherton, B. Templeogue, co. Dublin Tenaplensere Priory, no. Tipperary Tempo Manor, Tempo, eo. Fermanagh... ilimserson-Tennent, Tendring Hall, Suffolk ‘i’erlingPlace, William, Essex Tliaine Park, Oxfsrdshire Thanches House, Devon The Abbey, Caernarvonshire The Beach, Macclesfield The Castle, Bishop’s Auckland The Castle, MaUsw, co. Cork Tlse Castle, Newcastle, Ireland The Castle, Castle Bellinghom, Loutli ‘riseCedars, Sunning hills, Docks. The Cottage, Macloss’ Tue Craig, Windei’inere, Westmorlasad ‘rileElms, en. Gloucester The Elms, Leicestershire The Farm, Londonderry The Grange Itouse, near Edinburgh Tile Grange, Airesford, Rants The Grange, Rotherhant, Yorkshire The Grove, Watford, Herts Time Hall, Mount Charles, ea. Donegal The Hastes, Present, Laneashir The Otealh, Wrolham, Kent The hlirsel, Berssickshmire The iloo, near Welwl’n, HerD ‘rhoLodge, Great Maivern The Noale, Mayo Theobald’s Park, Cheohounl, HerB. Theobaltl’o Park, HerB The Mount, Kiinarnoek, Ayrshire The btoosnt, near Woolwich The Palace, Chiehester Tile Palace, Ely The Palace, Wells ‘ThePastures, Derbyshire The Priory, Breeknoek The Priory, Christchurch The Spring, Ilanwell, Middlesex Thirkieby Park, Thirsk Timirlesiane, Derss’iekshire Thirlestane Castle, Selkirkshmre Thirlestatie House, Chieltenham Thonoek Hall, Goinsbro’, no. Lincoln Thoresby Park, Ollerton, Notts. morley hall, herb ‘Thornbiory,Gloutestor l’horndon Ilall, Brentwood, Essex Thornham Hall, Suffolk Thornton Hall, Bedale, Yorkshire Thoydon Garnon Rectory, near Epping Tionrlhy blaB, near lincoln Thurnlsam ItoH, Lancashire ‘ThursoCastle, Caithnoss ‘rhursford,Nrfo1k Tichbarne Park, Airesforsi, Hunts. ‘l’ickhillCastle, Yorkshire ‘rifcy,Anglesey Tinoran, Wicklow Tisoiugton hall, Aslibourne, Derbyshire Fitaherhuert. Dart. TiGer I lo,soe, Caithness—sloire Tiverton Castle, Devon Tockenliana House, W’ilts. 1315 Be Grey, B. llertford, Id. Vernon, L. Langford, B. Forteseue, E. htlakiston, Dart. Jierulog, Dart. Smith, Dart. Stracloey, Ban. liurgoyne, ilart. .9iooeon, Dart. Wennoan, B. Bhossell, Dart. Fremnantie, Dart. Pcsyton, Dart. l,swther, Bait. Lnnesborouglo, E. Dickson, Burt. Smith, Bart. Thorolsl, Burt. Do Tabley, B. blostyn, Dart. Parker, Dart. Townslieod, M. Co000nhuns, E. Romihly, B. Vrey, Dart. Ferleseue, B. Western, Burt. Egerten, B. Breailalbane, B Osren, Dart. Donivile, Burt. Carilen, Dart. htowley, Dart. [Dart. ‘l’vrcalhenStranorlar, Co. Donegal Rayleigh, B. Wonman, hi. Graves, D. Newboreuglo, B. Stracey, Dart. Durham, lip. Norreys, Dart. Devon, F. Belliotgliam, Dart. Willslmire, Dart. Clayton, Dart. Pasloy, Dart. ltieketts, Dart. Broke or Brooke, Bart. Virginia Park Lodge, no. Cavan Ferguson, Dart. Dick-Lauder, Burt. Asbl,urton, B. Etlingloam, E. Clarendon, B. Conymoghani. II. Birch, hart. 11011001, Burt. Home, B. Duere, B. Lainbert, Dart. Kilnsaine, B. Prescott, hart. Moux, hart. Orannmore, B. Perrott, Dart. Chielseotso’, Bp. Ely, Bishop. Auckland, B. hllane, Bait. Camden, 11. Poeock, Dart. Spearman, Dart. (loll ,vey, hart. Lauderslale, B. Na1sier, B. Nortlowbelr, B. Bacon, Dart. .ilanvers, B. Ellenboreugh, E. Hey, hart. Petie, B. hlenniloer, B. Doilsworrlm, Dart. Faster, Burt. Broisiliead, Dart. Fitzgerald, Burt. Sinclair, Bark Chad, Ibart. [Burt. Westcrhahl, Duuifo’etoshire Dough ly-Ticloborne, Searlrough, K. Williams, Dart. Paul, Dart. Csitlioess, E. Carew, Dart. Bssxlon, Burt.’ Van Netten Pole,Bart. Susleley, B. ‘rlmreipland,Dart. RoSen, K. Kingsdown, B. Ducio, B. Seymour, Dart. AilestooD’, ID. Steuart, Dart. Hasvke, B. Price, hart. Fermoy, B. Nelson, B. iii, Trafford, Dart. 1)h,i1Ov, lbort. Bailey, Dart.: Dailey, hart. Wrey, Dart. Tre’legar, B. Clinton, B. Faliuoutlm, V. hIereforol, V. Williams, Dart. Trelasvny, Dart. Vyvyan, Dart. Price, Dart. Sutherland, B. Exmouth, V. Puns, Dart. Fluulyer, Dart. Beauofonl, D. Tuaus. hip. Abereromly, B. hloncreoff, Ban. ‘rniuolestown,B. I.vndlsurst, D. ‘rurvihlPark, Henley-on-Thanocs, Oxon Blake, Dart. Strounge, Dart. llauhslingten, E. Cenyngham, H. Lindsey, E. Uffington house, Stamford, Limocolnsluire Trotlope, Dart. CliBbrd, D. Piinglo, Bart, Yadermount, Donchourch, Isle of Wiglst ilunster, F. Siulmouth, V. l’elli’, Dart. Tichborne, Earl. Nortmry, B. Delaniere, B. Mcdlycott, Dart. Yen htooosr, Milborne Port, Sonocroctslo. Ileadfort, dl. Grafton, B. Bawls, K. Guildford, B. Burrard, Burt. White, Dart. ‘hrevelyan,Dart. hlorpeth, Nerlhuinberlanol Dalhousie. H. ‘ronkeryille,E. Morthount, Dart. Wmmlloou, Stratford-on-Avon, Wanvickslo. Palmer, Dart. Mornington, E. Carnac, Dart. Aruadell, B. hiorthuniberlamud, D. Bradley, B. Walsh, Dart. Pclley, Dart. W’arren, Dart. Crewe, Dart. lulooncaster, B. Warwiek, E. ltarniugton, E. Henley, B. Iloare, Dart. fluckwertlm, Dart. Forteseue, E. Portland, P. Home, Dart. Fhlawifliam, E. I Weiotworllm House, P.ethorham, Yorkoh. Northumberland, D. Wcrrington Park, Devon and Cornwall P.ronghton, B. Gage, V. Foster, Burt. Ihippioley, Dart. Tanered, Bart. Strangford, V. Moon, Ilart. Johnstomoe, Dart. Fitziaerbert, Dart. Clifford, Dart. Burrell, Dart. Elplutnstone, Earl. Csll’crns. B. Nugent, Dart. Paulet, Dart. Nugent, Dart Tootenham, Gloncestershmire ‘louhiliogton,Gloucestorolmiro ‘loftingaliHouse, Caitlmness-shire ‘lollysnorePark, Castlewallan Torry 11111, Kent ‘l’ortworth,Gboucostershire ‘l’ottmihl,near Plymouth ‘l’ettenlmamnPark. Marlboroogh, Wilts ‘I’ouclo1 louse, Stirlingshiire ‘IowtaoHall, Yorkshire ‘i’ovley,Herefordslmire Trubolgan, eQ. Cork ‘lrohmlgarhtouse, Sahiohonry, Wihto Traltord Park, Lanrashire ‘l’raleeCastle, no. lcerry Trehoariad Court, Hrecenshiro Irel,insliun House, Breeonslnre Trel,itchi, Cornwall Tredegar, hhonmuosothohoire Trcfusis Castle, Cornwall Tvegotbnaa, near Truro, Cornwall Tregoyd, Breconsluro Tregullow, Cornwall Trehassney, Corowahi l’rehowarren, Cornwall Treogwaioton, Cornwall Treothoam, Staffordohio’o ‘lreverry,Teigmamouth, Cornwall ‘JuoternaghAbbey, no. Woshueusth ‘lvastri’,Ilonnioutholotre house, Menmomotishiro ‘loimoltPalace, Gaiway huolhiluosly, Clacknsarmnansloine ‘ioolhiboleCastie, Kinrosohmiro Turvey house, cc Dubin Twisel Castle, Co. Dui’hiani Tvnan Abbey, co. Anmnaghm Tvainghanoe Castle, tladdiugtonsloiro t’ffonol hall, Northamptonshire l’glrooke Park, Chndleigh, Devon t’per Lodge, Bushy Park Cii en Ottery, Honibon, Devon Upton, Essex Ulstou hlooose, Dorset Valemice, Kent Vmmlc tloyal, Nortlmo’ich, Cheslmiro Wakefield Lodge, Stony Stratforol Walcot Hall, Sionelsshire Walolerslmare Pork, Kent Wohhoaeipton, hunts Walling Wells, neat’ Worksop Walmer Castle, Kent Walton-on-Thames, Surrey Wanlip hall, Leteestershire IVenstead, Essex Wnrboioe, Lyaningtou, Hunts Wardour Castle, Slmaftesbury, Wilts W’arkwertho Castle, Northsomberland Wanley Lodge, Essex Warnfield, Berks Waruhomn Cooort, Jhorshaua Warremo’s Court, no. Cork Woo-show hail, Staffordshire Waiter Hall, Yorkshire Warwick Castle, Warwieksioire Washoingly 1-lail, Rents Wabelford Court, near DaveiltrlWoven den, Bmmeks Wear house, near Exeter, Devon Weir Giffard, Devonshire Welboeck Abbey, Nctta Well Manor Farm, Southmanipton Wcsrluumcy Cetbege, Ghooresteusloirc Westloury House, Hants Westcombe Villa, Putney lleatlm West Cowes, hole of Wiglst West Cosves, Isle of Night Westenhanger, Kent Weslern House, Brighton West Fainleigh, Kent Westfield House, Rydo, Isle of Wiglmt West Gninsteooh Park, Sussex WestlmaU, Aberoleenslm Inc West Ilarling, NortoN West hlanhing Hall, Nontollc West huh Lodge, blants Westhorpe House, Manlow Bucks