Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/62

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t’ieaties—26 Jots’, 1795. Arias—Same as Sloamsarn of Psi siMile, with a crescent for A s-ssss—5.jonrlecly, 1st and 4th, erg. on a tcme, wavy, gu., between difference. Motto—Fiat Dci voluntis. Sesi—Carlandesowo, cc. Death. 31 ETC A LEE. jk S mu METe tarn, Sin THL0FBILUS-JonN, Barb. of Fern Hill, Berko, C.B., Bengal Civil Service; b. 28 Nov. 82$ ; ste. 1851, Charlotte, elan. cf JAesit.-Gen. Sir Jolisi Low, ROB., late Member of Council Madrao Establishment, and by her (naho d. at Simla, 1855) he has, Cnxneea-Hhtaneav-TsieornsLus, S. iii 1859. It Iii ca5t. I. MeTCALFO, Eoq. (sen ef Thonsas lIetealfe, Eeq., 11El’nuEN, BARON (Frederiele - Henry- PanI Methnen), an officer in the army, l’y Margaret hio wife, dau. of the 11ev. .Jehn Williasoo, asd grandson ef Theephilos Metealfa, and A.B.C. to the Qsseen, and liesst..col. Wultehire Esq., who settled in Ireland about the 1690), having nailitia; 6. 23 Feb. 1818 ; sss. 14 (let. 1844, AnnaIlnratia-Caroline, aorved in a military capacity in the East issdies, 1,eeame a rlicoeter ,sf the Hen. East hsdia Conspany, and was created Sanford, of Nynehead, co. Somerect, and hae had a Baronet, II Bee. 1000. lIe ns. in 1702, Snsassnals-Sephia, iesne, relict of Major Smith, and dan. ef .1 cliii Debennatre, Eeq., s. P.ane-Saacoan, capt. Sects fusiiier-gnards, I. I Sept. by whom (who it. 10 Sept. 1015) ha had issne,, his heir. CitsacEe-’tn eoenitua, saeeessar to his brether. Tsiessas.TnnecsiLue, lale baronet. lieary—’flseephilos, Ii. 12 Feb. 1796; it. in Aeg. 1802. Ernily-Theephila, si. 22 Jane, 1812, to henry-Viewer, Visesont s. Cseorgisnsa-litsrstlia-Sassford. Asislsreek. Ocergiana Theephila, es. 19 Nec. 1822, to the Rev. Thomas in. Freslccica-. ne-Maris, 0. Sept. 1920. Srell STnylh, of St. Ansicil, in Cecnsvall, and d. his widow 8 Feb. loit4. Sir Tlsemao r(. 17 Nov. 1011, and was a. by his eldeet san, II. Sin Tnoornss.sss-Jssna, 8. 19 Sept. 1701 ; is. in 1901, vi. Emma-Censlanee-Slabch, sl. 25 Nov. 2859. Selina-Sephia, sian. of Thomas Rdsscll, Esq., and niece of Sir henry Russell, Dart., acid by that lady had an only dan., Tue nudest family of Msrssunx, or Ilrvnvca, taken its Eliaa-Dehennairc, whe as. 8 Jnne, 1826, Peter lleskeih, Esq. name fr,siss the liarssny of Sletlsven, in Perthshire, which of Ilessall, Lancashire (the late Sir Peter lheelseth—Fleetsvsed, was bestowed liv ill At COLS5 C vassoen, King of Scotland, hart.) ; assd is deceased. Sir Thesphilue, who wan presislesst ef the select committee on a German of distiisctis’us, wise occosepanied Queen 21 ass— at Canten, it. 15 Any. 1092; acid a-s he left ne male issue, nAsser from llssng;sry, ntsssnt 1070. Prose Joins ltnvovcu, the title develved sspsn his brother, Ill. Tue RIGHT lioN. Sin Cn.tnLno-Tiscsss’nsLus, DCII.; Joint Slevnavea, ssf Bishop’s Canningo, Wilts, ss’he wan, Is. 10 Jan. 1795 fec seine tinse member of the Supreme in lisa Feigns sf WIeLsass ;sud Queen Assac, esseeessirely ‘e,neeil of Dengal, geverner of Agra, acid rssident at ehaiscellor of irehind, and anshsessadssr to Portugal ; and Ilydrrabsel ; wae subsequently governor—general of Cassada, svas the framer ef that treaty icr the mntsssd interchange of s,isd svas created a 1sscr, an Bares .llstcs,ife, in Jsus. 1045, hnt psot svine au,d wossihen nsansstsetssree which has subsisted dysssg s. p. in Sslst. 1146, the pernate expired, while the till within a fese years. his son, baronetcy dcvelve,l sn his ssext brother, I 6,. Sin TsnssiAs—Tnropnsno, El. Ca. ‘e service, agent is Q,tesss Aisle and of Getsaoo I., sise of the secretariea of the geverner.gcneral ef ln,iia at the C”surt ef Delhi ; 0. state, a knight of the Bath, envey to various etales, 2 Jass. 1795; so. los, in Iota, firacss, eldest dan. of Alexands amlsasssssb a I,, ala’ irish, ansI eeosptrelles- of the hesssehsld ,c 5 ‘lseckc, SOeq. sif Rutl,vess, Nil., ssnd hsy her (who sO. in April, 1024) hail issue, i. mcophilss-shacpherssn, Ii. Nov.1917; d. Jnly, 1021. n. Chacles-Theohhilas.lttdeeei, 6. JsLn ansi d. Dee. 1020. lIe Os. Ondiy, Felicitd-Anne, eldest dan. of J. lirs’wne, Naq. of Cershans It’suse. lIe 5. in 1757, and was buried in of flee Bengal Medical Board, ansi isy her frhs ii. in Sept. Westsntssster Abbey. lie was e. by ins cetisin, 1142) had isene, 1. 5 unorniere-Joocs, present bart. n. (ihacles-Theephilas, 6. 27 Aug. 1037; so. 27 Aug. 1997, Ehicn-Geergiane.1’,s,tsingien, 2nd dan. st the llev. itenjamin scho ci. Anne, den, of Inane Selfe, of Benacre, by Ponclepe sic I’eile, of ihaificisl. hens. i. Fmily-Anne-Theophila, ss,6 March, 1950, to Eds’ardChis-e wife, d;iss. med cs-heir so Chines, Lord Lures, of Sisechield, haylcy, Esq. of Use heagal civil service. n. Georgiana-Chnvlshle.’l’hcephhla, sa.ls25, Sir Edward.Filzgsrald Iiy hits hsrelhsr, ‘i’hsoshss, upon whose death, in 1705, il bccunse Cansjsbcll, Dart. 164 f’s’ssties,—21 Dee. 1092. three ealses, stainer, na. a sssscsl, fessessays, iSo point to the sisisicr, hiisr., possssael dish hilt, or, for .llETeALFs; 2nd end lcd, per fesse, go. end Ce. on a fesse Science a castle in chief ansI a lien ras,s1asnt in base, or, three nsollels of six porn Is, of use first, for hSnBOaNAt5ie. (‘s-sat—A taihot, sejani, sa., the dexter paw sappertiog an escutcheon, or, charged with a lined issaa,,i frons clouds o,, the sissisler, sssssl hoIsting a Inn, all hspr. Sotsperusre—Dn list dexter, a snesnshee of Bengal, hsbhlnd lslsr., asist en the shunter, a soldier of the Bengal native infantoy, e,1ssi;s1sesl unit cruised, sr. M”Ifs—Cenqssirsesi. &sul—i’crn lull, Windsor. 31 E T H U E N. of Corsham, en. Wilte, late a lord-in-svaitsng fitly child of the Rev. John 1915. is. Frederick-Taibst-PnnI, 0. to Nev. 1991. fit. Clsarleo-Lncas-Watkine-St.John-Panl, S. hOApril, 1954; 55. 1061. it. Jaue-Cbariotte. iv. Pleres;ec-Gesnldioe-Slarion. v. Slarie-Cicety, d. 7 March, 1060. ILillcagc. secretary of state iii Scotland, A.n. 1440, descended Ste lure 51 exnura, was a mnth-esteesncd minister et sssssi svsss tr,sstsd ssnd regssrsled as a nsa,i of this highest hossoisr ;snd nnceinprstsnsissg isslsgrity. Me poseessed sitsthngisiohcd taste iii the fine arts,and formed a very extenaivs collection of pictures during his residence in Italy and other co,sres, which be boqsscsstbcd to his cousin, I’anl Strthuesi, Pare Mswnrcs-,° Eoq. of Cerehans, lIP, for Warwick; This Peal Ishethueu seas the nos of Tisesico Mavunace, whirl, nebicasen it. in 1599, coil was soccccded in the dignity extinct. Tue rrpceseuttntiesi, hosnever, of Chantes, Lord Locni, eventually vested in Paul llctisuen, of Carolinas, and lies MET MET Sir henry, who was tallest t.,s the Irish liar in 1797, and was iii. Ehies-Thtcephhla-Drbsnnatre, so.26 Juttc, 1160, to Captain a Q.C., LL.D., assd sue ‘if the paid cechc-siasticssl eonsmis- I),snicl !‘cploe Webts, 4th stregesa geards. siossers for lwland, it. 2 Slay, 1059. iv Sephssa-Sehcua-Thesphita, it. in (Jet. 1041. Sir Thomae-Thcophitlsss it. in 1051.