Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/64

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111 E X i. Jouo-Hoasec, Floes owl Follinglotr, It. 17 June, 1843, sot. 24 April, 1887, Vonetia, 3rd dan. of Sir Rowland Erring- to,,, Dart. The earl m. 2ittlly, 27 July, 1SG1, Agnes-Louisa- Elizabeth, youngest dan. of John Raphael, Esq., and by lice has, U. A son, it. 17 Sept. 1888. 1. Marie-Louise. ii. Anne. 1. fnrat. Sia Joita Sorter, Eat. of Itradiry I tall, t’o. York. oar of the barons of the Eooot,etjuor in the rrigos of Euzonern and JAMES 1., was ant his decease by 1,10 etitosl 000, liroisi Soviec, Esq. of ltrthtor, in the santo eo., wisa was created a Baronet in 1811 tonI of. toillst,nt tsst,o, in 1631, orhen vi. Attitut’, 31.0., in holy orders, rerlor of Fonlmire, nearRoy— the title became octittet, and the estates tlert,1 roth goon (the eon of Sir Jattn Sante, by that gentlootait’s 2nd soife, Elioatooth don, of Titoosas Wontwortts, Esq. of Norlh Elnssall) his isalf’ brotbeg do ta Sorter., lisq., sotto thus itoeaaso of Mettitey.” 1k to. lst.3lary, stool, of .tttltn Itot ,i,ta:m, Esq. of Itytlie r;andlndty, Margaret, sloe. ttf Sir I leery tlarrtoeay, lint,, lard—tuoyor of i. Saralo-Eliaabeus, 0,0. 1941, ta tlan, Janaes Lindsay, latsM.P. Lonotta, By fiso latter Ito load issue, Jona, lois sarressor. llargarrt, a. to Sir William Ittgtolt3 Dart, Elioabetlt, tot, to Leonard Wasteti, EM. Cathoriitc, ,,o. 1st, to Sir William Clotinsley, Dart, of Wiutby ttsd 2adhv, to Sir Nioltolas Stoottr, of Ctsipsteot Dense, Kent .Sapatso’trro_—’l’wa lions, ppr.. eothared and olsatnod, or. (01 the ancient family of Stroote, of t’arnlsaiu, Co. Dorset), nod tI. 1710. Dorothy. tot, to John Cbs ering, Esq. Ire ‘I. in 7811, and n’as .‘. by his son, does S arter, Essi. of 7tetlsley trot Ttsriherg, it. in toll; who as. Sarah, tan, of Voter Tt-son, Esot and had issue, i. John, who predeeeasrth hit father, dying in 1711, and left, I Jolsn, drosrued to 1713. 2 tlenry, of itlotttley. of. ott. 1 Elizabeth, ‘rho inherited Thriherg, and ott. tltc Itan. John Finch. IL. Cioseeco, of wttom presrtstly. i,t, dames, of W’akefeld, lelt an only dat,. and heir, Saralt, soLo to. the 11ev. Joseph Leecit. iv. Satnuet, of Darringtast, ro. Yorh, left an only dau. and tteir, Sarat,, n’ho no. Williana Sstheron, Esq and soot mother of the late FRANK SOTLIERON, Esq. of Nit-ktiagton, Notts, adatirsi of tite Iliac, t. Sarals, tot. to Sit’ Thousas Stingsby, Part, of Seriven. The lad soon, C,taauss Savien, Faq., tot. Ate.thria, dat,, and co-heir of Gil Mitlollotta,,, ro. Warwick, asaol a loarouot ; b. 28 Atsg. hrt’t llethtogton, Esq. of Fet try Ahottey, eo. Not tiotgltaat, autO toots 1877; ot. 3 Aug. 1543, Julta’Lssu)oa, only data, of the .‘. 0, t 741, tty Itis ottta’ son, Ssn dotta S.svtee, tilt.. srtsu was elevated to tlte peerage of (‘ltsuthwoaitr, eta. York, attd Atitsadotle Castle, Isle of Ireland, 8 Nttr. 1713, as An ‘tot i’oolthttth,’to, at’ Luotgftot’ot attd Skye ; antI has issue. created Vttro,otol J’ottiogtstt, attd foote or 3lrxansns’un, 11 Fob. ,. Biusr-Wna’rss’ou’rn-Boa’oan,ca1ot. Scott fasiiicrguards, 17Sf. itis lorotstsitt tot’ 36 ,Jast. 1750, Sarult, dat,, of Fs’anris— Blake ttetaval, Esti., oa’t sister of doitta, t.ortt Itrtavat (a dig’ It. Codfrey-Ernrst-I°ereival, officer 0th lancers, 8. 18 tti t’ orhbrlt capiord in 1501), tty wtsom Ito hind issue, i. Je Its, ltts stteeessor. ii. btenry, tehto oh’ its 1820. LII. Cltarhcs, 0.27 April, 1716; at, 27 AtM. t0t13, ltiss Wilson, tv, R,’thwelh-Jas,tet-Ifoevitbe, It,N., 8. 26 May, 1920, tb. at aad 1. s. 1t. tO Feb. 1607. TIte earl 1. 27 Felt. 1775, and teas .. hg his son, dons, Itaot cart, it. irt April, I lilt ; ott otto. 23 Se1tt. 1792, Elie,a V. Leotootd-Viuerat.ttoorold, it. loNer. 1991, both, otsty dan. a,td Itrir of Henry Stetottenso,,, Est1. of East VT. Tatluti-Latoe-Potx, it. 21’ Doe, 1950. I tar,attotttt. listetos, attd of Coox I.oodgc, Itoar Netveastle—att—Tyue, vts. l:lisud-IIetory-c’omoo’aieh. 8. 7 duly, 19f2, by wltottt (sslio of. 7 J note, 1421) Ite ttotd issue, dons, 3rd eat-I, Saralt’Etioat,eslt, to. 1sf, in 1807, to .toltta.C,eorge, 411, Lortl Iloonoon oosttt ‘lndty, 21 Hot, tot of, to t tettry—llit’hsard, toresrut to’, Leti icc-it orsnia,sr-l’iolet, Earl of Votrsrick. 11cr Itolyattip tt. 30 don,. 1811, ‘t’lte earl 5. 3 let,. 1539, and tras a. b3’ Ittt Ottt5’ so’s, dons, 3rd eo,rt, srtto was it. 3 daly, 1783, otnd to,. 29 Aug. 1867, His lut’dsbip s. his cousin as 8th baron, 5 Nov. 1856. Anne, eldest dan. of Pititijo, 3rd Earl of lt,,rdsrieke, and had isssto, 766 M I B 1 Ceorge, it. 20 April, 1947. 2 lIenry-Wiltiam, it. 9 March, 1950. 3 Frederick-James, b. 27 May, 1951 8. 03 JaIl. 1969. 4 ‘hh’iltiasot-llale, it. 31 Doe. 1059. I Aliee-ltary. Lv. (‘Itartes-Stuart, fo,mertt’ nttacl’ 1 to the Itritish tegatian at thte etturt of l’t’nssia, atothor of liarah—Ka1ttang. an oriental ro,,taaee, and seorral otlser works of fiction, it. 2d Feb. 1916; so. It Jane, 1054, t’atttinn-Slary-Aian, only dan. of Stajor Williastt-Jtdtn Eitsg, lotte Its; tegt. fnsitiers, anti Itas issue, Attnr’3tott-it’—Atiee—I’autitaa. v. Frederick’, liottt. PA. it. 17 Starch, 1917; sot. 27 May, 1039. Aiatttnia, dati. of tite ltee. tt’ithiataa Arrttdatl, rector of ‘l’tnlern ; stnol of. 3 Atorit, 1051, leotvittg issue, I l’hiitij-Atexander, it. 1 April, 1943. 1 Lustisot. 2 Agnet-Yorhe. ii Sooralt-Etirabeth. stots, Catnhridgesltirc, it. 20 ttrc. tSt9 sos. l3dnly, 1912, itlon. 1.oey-urorgiua PenIle, It’d dan. of blictoard, 3rd Lord Itraybroahe, a,sd Isas Isad isotte, hi rey.lht’nry, tf. an buRnt, if April, 1018; a sea, 8.6 (tel, lotOl; a SoOn, 8. 9 Srtd. 1959; Ehiatttoetlt.Jatse;Iliraitel-Anue Aletbca—ihlaud Orurgiistt— Ls,cy t it’ere—Pttilitotoa.lilattslte-Auotte’ ; ]“lorrtter—Augtssta siaoh tletas’ia—Lwosa. I lit tardshsi1o st. 25 thou. 1 iSO. Ce” lisoo,s—iksrou, 9 Nov. 1113. Earl, ,‘ce,, II Feb. 1766. A o’oo.a—.trg., oa a lootid, sa., three ossts, of the field. ‘e’ of—Ass osol, as in ttso anus. Ills’ ft—tic fast, Settb—Ilethley l’ark, Waheheld, Yorkshire l’s ott Ilatow — 33, Dover Street. M I D B L E T 0 N, IhItnDLEToN, BAIt0N chic Hosts’y Willoughby), of late Aloxauslor.Williostu Doto’ille, Eoq. of Thurpoatttl 8. 24 Aug. 3944. duste, 1847. in. Fratsrin.llrssry-Stirhing, it. 13 Aug. 1948. hit, ole Jatteiro, 17 Jul3 1807, a naidobijtmast aboard ILM.S, tlahatra. soil. Alcosaudcr Ilsigh, it. 19 Seot. 1S53, I. Aletoaudrini-llenrietta’Itatilda. It, Leibi-Lonisa-ihlillierut, it,, I lvtota-lbo,ria—Iladehisse, v. 3bairi-htyrllc. This family descends from a common ancestor with the nstissct Lords W’illoughby of Parboam ; namely, Sir Chris. ii. I tenry-Aheaasodcr, it. 12 10cr, loll; a nsititary officer t ns. tophser Willoughby, KB., whoac yossngest son, 17 Aug. 1540, Calltarisar, Itoh dotss. of tttc late Eissgsntilt Ste Tnoaion Wis,s.ussounv, lint., was lord’chief-justiee of J’eaaefosthsr,’, Esq. of Neon t’urk, eO. ‘h’ilot t000ry, sstd oh. the roust of Common Pleas in the reign of Hewso- VIII. I ihlooroh, bIG, tat-bog toy hoer (trite 5. 1 .laia. 1943) Itad a lIe no. Bridget, rhau, a,sd heir of Sir Robert Read, of Dora son, Willissaoa, liettt. SIts to,seers, it. 9 let. 1041 tt. 12 ,bsotse, Place, Kent, one of the jssdges of the Cotumon Ptess; and 1061, Entity, da,t. of Capt. [felt, d-S’ynsaur Obuviss, of Iligbi dyisog in 1342, was a, by his son, iii. l’htilip.Yorhoe. Mt., iso Iaoly orders, sector ofltethley,Yot-lo— Roseu’r Wts.eouonnv, Eoq. of lhorr Place, whose. Dorothy, sltit’e, it. 21 Astg. 1911; ott, 20 ,Jaa. 1942. Esnily—Ilotry—lttoonst, dan. of Sir Edward Willoughby, of Wohlaton, Notts, and was ehdrst dat,, of William Itale, Esq. of King’s Walden, hierte, a. by Isis son, s, dans-CnAaLcoo-C,E055e, present leer. ,aead, Carshigoonshire, and hsas motor. atsd Isas hod issnc,