Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/84

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M 0 N M 0 N EL’ R 0 S E. MoreTaOsE, DUKE OF (Sir James Graham, NT., P.C., Catheart, by sahosu (,aho d. 1712) he had no issue. Lord D.C.L.), Marqneao of Montrose, Marquess of Graham Lynedoeb d.aged 93, Ii Dee. 1843, whoa his peerage and Buchanan, Earl of Moatrose, Earl of Kineardine, harry. walter, of Wallaeetoo-ss, ancestor of the GRAtIAMO of Easel-- Viscount D ondaff, Lord Graham, Aberrnthven, Mngdoek, and Fintrie, in the peerage of Scotland; Sir Willlam woo a. by his grandson, Earl and Baron Graham of Belford, Co. Northumberland, PATRICE GRARAM, of Kineardine, who having hoen in the peerage of Great Britain ; hereditary appointed one of the lords of the regency during the sheriff of Dumbartonshire, an,1 general of the royal nsinortty of JAsIeo Ii., was made aloril of parliament about archers of Scotland; postmaster-general; lord-lieu. Iho year 1443, by the title of i,oson GRAHAM. His lordship tenant of the en. ‘if Stirling; b. 16 July, 1799; so. d. in 3463, and was a. by his eldest son, 15 Oct. 1836, Caroline-Agnes, youngest dat,. of John, WILLIAM, 2nd Lord Graham; who had a safe-conduct 2nd Lord Deeles, and has had issue, 1, James, Jlarqe,00 s/Graham, 8. 7 Fob. 3843 ; d. 33 Jan, 23 Nov. 3466. Hio loi-dohip ia. Lady Ainie Douglas, da’t. 1846. It. JAMEs, Marqeeoe of Grabs ii’, heat, lot life—guards, 8. 22 WILLIAM, his heir. June, 1947. in. Douglao.Boreoford-Mahise.Ronald, 7,. 7 Nov. 1832. 1. Agnes-Caroline, oi. 13 Sept. 1839, to Lient.-Ci1. John Murray, late gren.-guardo. ii. Beatrice. Violet, is. 11 Dee, 3863, to AlgornnaW.-F. Lord Gnobora wao o. at his deeoaoe, in 1471, by his older Creville-Nngent, Eoq., Mr. (ate WARWIIK, EARL OF). salt, in. Ahaa-linogene-Leoaoi-e—Carlotta. His grace s. his father, as 4th duke, 30 Dec. 1836. IL (it cage. Aeeonling to the Seottiob historians, this dneal family is his life. His lordship fell, with dAMns IV. at Floddenfield, as ancient as the restoration of the monarchy of Scotland wife, Annahella, dan. of John, Lord Drumnsoud, by FER005 II. ; and by the same authority, it derives ito WILLIaM, 2nd oils-I This nohlensan is. Jane, dan of William origin front the renowned Ginaie, who governed that king- dent dnring the mhooo-ity of Fenouo’o graodoon, Etoeaoe II,, youngest of whom, Slnngo, was ancestor of the GRAnAMO of which monarch’s reign conamenced in the early pact of the 0,-chill asti Killora. The earl was o at his dccoase, 24 May, fifth century. it is certain, however, that no family of 1373, by hio grandson, North Britain can boast of greater antiquity. Sia DAVIE Gaanaoi, Knt. of Old )lontrooe, eo. Forfar Joan, 3rd carl (poothumuno son of R,,bo,-t, Lord Graham, (lands obtained by his father, Sir David Graham, of Kinoardbso, who was slabs at tho battle of Pinkie, 10 Sept. 1347, by in exchange for the estate of Coo-dross, from Shas-gas-et, 3rd dan. of Malcolm, 3rd Lord Fleming, great- Ronea-r I.), a personage remarkable for patriotism and chamberlain of Scotland). This nobleman was appointed valour, woo one of the Scottish barons employed to negotiate chancellor in 1398-9, assd held the seals until if 84, when it the ransom of DAvIo 11., made prisoner at the battlo ovao required that the ehaiscellor should he a lawyer. Rio of Dnrham, in 1348; and Sir David’s son, SIR PATRICK Gnansm, Lord of Dnndaff° and Kieeardine in 1389, Jea,u, eldest dan. of David, Lord Dnammond, anti knight-hanaserct, became one of the hostages by which mao a. at doceasc, in 1699, by halo oldest son, the release of the king was eventnally accomplished. Sir JOHN, 4th earl; who was appointed president of the Patrick si, lot, Matilda, and had issue, WILLIAM, his atsaecosor; council in Scotland in 3616; and dying 24 Noe, in the same Matilda, as. to Sir John flr,imniend, of Concraig. year, wao a. by his only son by his wife Lady Margaret lie si. indly, Egidia, dan. of Sir Joins Stewart, of Ralston, ttnthveu, eldest dau. of William, lot Earl of Gowrie, brother of Roeostv 11., by whom he had four sons ; of JaMes, ith earl, 8. in 1619, the illustrious Ruyahtst commander, which Sir Patrick Drahana, the eldest, ‘a. Enphame, eonstitutod capt. -gen. and commander-in-chief of all the Countess Palatine of Siratberne and Co,nsteoe of tlaith,oeos, forces to Iso raised in Sootland for the king’s service. While and in her right became EARL OrSTRATIIORN-E. Sir Patrick holding this cosnmand he beat the rebels onceeooively at was a. by Isis eldest son, SIR WILLIAM GRARA3I, of Kinnsrdine, who si. lot, Maciota, Tippermuir, Aifurd, and Abes-deen, said he followed up the don, of Sir John Oiij,hant, of Abordalgy, by whom he had success by the two famons battles of Inverlochie and Kil’ two oens, Alexander, who it. beforo Sir William, leaving t,oo sons, PA-odes, successor to his grandfather. Alexander. John. He so. indly, the Lady Mary Stowart, fnd dais, of King at Edinburph, ii May, 1638. His quartered remains, after ROBERT III., nut widow of George, Earl of .&ngns, and of hebsg exposed, wore interrod under lbs gallowe, but at Sb- James Kennedy, of 1),inure, by whom (who o,. 4thly, the Restoration, CnARLoo II bad them dug up, and buried A brooch of the GeAssosss rf Di’sdoff are use GRAOARO of in stale in the aisle of the Cathedral Church of St. Giles, T,’inrae-cr, co. Stirling, Row repre,onled t’y W’sLuoss GeAIIA5I, 14 May, 16,11. The Starquesa is. Lady Magdislen Carnegie, Esq. of Iturnishiel,, to. lteoh-eao. James 2nd s”o of Jomo, dan. of David, 1st Earl of Sonthesk, and was a. by his Grahtm, Esq. of ‘fssorawer, ‘shod. in 1915, o. Jaaet Sian olt oisi3’ stuvi,-ing sRi, heiress of Ibe families of Williamwood and Stosksworsh, and JAMes, 2nd marqucts, called The Coed, who woo instantly was father of the presont lAMes GRARAaI-3IAxWELL, Esq. of Williamwood end Merksworth, CnmLLs II., anti nsadc a privy counoillor. This sioblemais 786 M 0 N Sir William Edmonotone, of Dnnts’eoth) be had five suns of which, Robert was ancestor of the GeAssaass of Fi,,fry (now represeated by ROBERT GIIAOAM, Esq.), and of the GRAHAMB of Clooerhouse, a family to which the heroic defender of the house of Stuart, the “Bonnie Dundoo,” Joint GRAHAM, of Claverhouoo, created in 1699, l’iocou,,l Do’odee, who fell victoriously at tise battle of Ktllaeraukio, 3d May, 1689, has givesi a great, and a historic repubalion. Patrick, bishop of St. Au,lrew’s, and Papal Neneio if. a prisoner in Lochleveo Castle, in 1478. William was progenitor of the Gs,.vvns of Gained, noav ropreseated by dAMos GEmIE, Esq. of Gsrvock (see BuRKE’s Lea,fe,l Ceob’y), sad of the gallant Sisi Teossas GRAHAM, lime hem of Bsrossa, who was created 17 Slay, 1814, Losss Laaesocn, and ‘she ol. Stury, don. of Charles, 9th Lord became extinct. dolls,,. to go into England, or to pass through it into foreign parts. of Ge,o’ge, 4th Earl of Asagtmo, and had two sons, George. of Collandar, svho foil at Flodden, leaving by Eb’zut,eth thhipbant his wife, a son, Wihhiaos, of Cahlaudor, whose ton, dunn GRAOAM, who if. before 1197, was father of LACRON’OE GRahAM, whose dau. and cvcntual heir, AoNoo GRAHAM, on doRa BosoaR, of Kihgraohon. WILLIAM, 3rd Lord tiraham, who was raised to the dignity of Banal Mos,lrooe, 3 Slareh, 1304-3, baconsideration of the gallantry be had displayed at the battle of Sanehyburn, in 14sf, wherein his royal naaoter, Jaiseo Iii., lost 9 Sept. 3313. and wao a. ly his “lily son by his first Koith, 3rd eorl-marioohal, and bad four sons, the lordship was then constituted viceroy of Scotland. lie a,. created Mactacos ef Jfo,otroo,, 36 May, 1644, and oyth, gained against the Earl of Argyle and the army of the Covenant, After these brilliant victos-ics, he woo surprised soil defeated isa 1840, at Phlliphaugh, by General Lesiy and the Parliament forces. He then left Scotland. bnt alter the murder of the king, he attempted an n-med descent upon Orkney will, a few gallant followers, but was made prisoner, and exoented with eves-y circumstance of indignity, reotorod to his eatotes and bonours at the return of