Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/88

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BERNARD-1IORLAND, SIR partisans sf lice eslonisls in tlsts rounlry. Ills esadunt, hswever, FRANCIS, of Nettleham, Co. sent lifts out the palesl, erealing Isim n Barsuct, while still Lincoln; b. 7 Jonc, 1790; s. his - Q Q M 0 It M 0 It Sir John dvin in 1721, was a. by his eldest eon, VI. Sic CnssiLre whs represented the ca. Warwick in brascb of the Beniard faintly became extinct upon the parliament for nearly fifty years. Ole is. lot, in 1720, a dau. of Sir Jshn Csnvccs. hart., by whoen he had two darn. whs both ,1. use. Ole is. fudlv, lit 1730, Ssphia, niece, orbs cm., and whssc son, Brigadice-Gen. Robert- only dau. of Sir .Om’lni Wodchonse Dart. and bad two suns, Bernard Sparrow, so, Olivia, the dan. of Arthur, 1st Earl Is ‘ :;.‘:;le:5 reeler of llessiegbaom, Norfslk ; of Goafonl, and their only dau. and belt’, sit. tieorge, Sib Ia 1774, Cliarlr,ilc. dan: of Sir I’ltilil’ Musgrave, Bail, of a yossnger branch of the same family. Kemphan Park, by whom be bad, Uirtingdsn iii 1600. The male descendants of this elder death of Sir Robert Bernard, 31.0’. fsr Westminster in 1705, svhe then died a baehslsr, bitt leaving as his heir a Duke of Slanebcetcr. The present hart, is descended from I. Fusrccis Macnun, Esq. (great grandson of Thomas 1 Cusares. Bernard of Reading, Becka, 3rd son of Francis Bernard, I Charlotte, ,l. usia. in 1023. lord af Abingfou), was appointed, in 1728, governsr of New The Rev. Charles ,llonlaaut ‘1. 22 Jan. 1820, Jersey, and in 1700, of Massachusetts’ Bay, in which office Sir Charles it in 1770, and seas a. by ins eon, VII. Sin dons, one of the grooms of the bedchamber, and for bie services in that trying pei’iod seas created a H.P. for the cs. Warwick, aisd LL.D. This gentleman cmi. baronet, 5 April, 1709.° Upon the death, in 1770, of his he osntiuned far 10 years, nntil the American revolution, Elicabet Ii, dan. and cs-heir of Tlisnoas I’rowoo, Esq. of first c,,nsin. Jaiae, Ike wife of William Beresiord, Eoq. of Axbridge, co. Ssmcrsct, by svhonc he had, Cusares, his successor, .lolnm, in holy enters, rcclor of Wickca, Bucka; ,t. in 1806. Tyringbnms of Nether Winehcndr’n, a yonngor brancb of Ehcatetli. Sophia. Slary, is. in 1002, todobo Erskioc, Eoq., brother to Lord the Tyrlngbanis of Tyringhans, co. Bucks, the first of Catliesinc,m.m. 26 Oct 1011, Is lIme 15ev. Francis NIBs, of Jane, dan. of Arthur tlosdwyn, if Over Wincheodon, si. Barford, W’mirmriekslure. Charlollo, s. 15 April, 1000. ilichard-Bippisley Tnrkfielml, Marquess of Whai’ts’n who wss attainted for high treason. Esq of Fnlfsrml, ilcvso, and 5. a soirlaw in May, 1040. Santo, o. 10 Aug. 1314, is William, Earl sf01. Gennans, and Offley, Esq. of Norton I-tall, cs. Derby, by Mary his wife, ml. in ls’JO. Long Leadenbani, cc. Lincoln, leaving Sir Francis his heir and devisee, he became the represontative sf tbs whom vi. the heiress of J,,ha Goodwyn, Esq., whose niece, I’hiliis, -0th Lord Wharton, the grandfather of the famous Sir Francis Bernard oi. in 0741, Amelia, dan. of Stephen sister of John, Viscount Barrington, and had issne, tic ,f. 10 Nov. 1000’, anil was a. by his only ssu’viving son, VIII. Sum Cnauvns, 21.P. f,r the no. Warwick, who is. in Tnnci’as who a. his brother. 1807, Jlariasssc, oldest dan. of William Holbech, Boq. of Sc’nopc, who o. as 4th baronot. Jouc b’ successa F,mrnhorongh, co. Warwirk, by whom (who it 2340) be left, William lient. in the 06th regt., lost in the expedition to J lhc 911 lsrr oi Mary, ii. 1-1 March, 1-041, Is Themss-Dyke Aclaod, Esq., Jai3e, is. to Charles White, Esq. of Liiscoln; and 4. his MB., eldest son of Sir J.-D. Acland, Ihart. and it’ll June, Ameba, si. in 1703, to Capt. Benjamin Baker; and of. in 1051. E . Sir Charles d.7.0 May, 1020, and was ,s, by his sin, IX. Oso JoInt, 5 24 Aug. 1000 is,,. 7 Aug 1014, Caroline- Julia, oi. to the 01ev. Jooe1,h Smith, prehendury of Sails— Canada, in 5760. He if. scsi. wid9w, 2 Feb. 102. Feb. 1793. Frances-Elizabeth si. ts the Bee. Richard King, rector of Wortben ; unit d. lno, 00 Dee. 1011. Sopbia, 2nd dan. of the Bight Rev. George Murray, D.D., bury, and if. his widow, 10 Doe. 1024. bioliop of Rochester, aisd bad issue, Sir Francis ii. 10 June, 1779, and was o. by his eldest son, i. Cisaem.cs, prcscal baronet. II. Sin Jons ; svko ml. nsi,i. in 1009, when the title des’. Jonv-Slueeay. Is. 76 Dec. 1017 is 13 Slay, 1060, Ellen- vslved sspon his brother, bclh-Evelyn, led dais, of John Cobs, Wosdcole Ilall, Ill. Sin Tusasas, LL.D., chancellor of the diocese of ,Sslop,ass’l his wife, Lady Louisa Cetes. -ry 5.12 Ap;’il, 1815, and 1. in 1651. i. Slary-Augosla. su. Alice, sf, Oct. 1004, to lie lion, and Sloe. Walter Charlotte-Matilda, youngest dan. of Sir Edward lOuIse, Durham; the author of soveral works, and a great bonefactor of the Foundling tlospltal. Ho so. let, Ii May, 1702, Slargaret, dan. sod heir of Patrick Adair, Esq. ; and Oodly, Berkeley Forlasan. Part ; but left no male issue at his decease, 1 July, ISIS, Sir John it. in 1045. ills widow Si. 2n,lly, 33 April, 1031, when the title descended ts his only surviving brother, Ouelanis-T. Smith, Esq. of Geldieolo, cc. Worcester. IV. Sic Scnorr, 13.0 L., and SIP, for Aylesbury and . f’’.oti,io—20 June, 1611. , A,’m,mo—Arg.,ss chsvs’oe, l,ctweeu Ibree eslsclos, sa. (‘,‘cat—,t blacka,ossr’s head, affrsusS, cooped at the shenlders and had issne, St. Slawcs. This gentleman in. 26 July, 1705, Harriett, only child of William borland. Esq. of Lee, cc. Kent, hIP., . pyr., hasded cr1111 s wreath reusd the tcoiples, or and go., and s. Wlihism, t. 7 July 1706; sheriff of Bucks in 1011; 4. nh,ands of the same. Muffs—lee’s concise. test—Walton 1 tall, near Sti’slfsrd-es-Aven, co Wanvick. Fsica Ziosae—l0, Cheshaum Street, Belgeave Square. unsi. at Casn, 21 Nov. 2020. n. Thomas, 5. 13 Oct. 1787, ii. an iufant. ni. Fua Nets, present hmaronct. mu. THnsnoe-Tvnsteouaai, of Nether Winchendon, Bucks, Sheriff of Bucks in 1010, aud for some tims SIP. fec MORETON LORD, Off DUCIE EARL OF. ü It j • . [Q ‘ su[ u9j father as 5th baronet, 18 April retired from Ihe medicol profession wills a large forlnne, prior ‘ - 1830. ‘55 - Aylesbury, hfeni.-eol. of the hunks yeomanry, 0. 15 Sept. 1791 so. lot, 20 July, 1019, Sophia-Cbarloite, only child of the late Sir David N slhsams,7 Bart. of Rose Hall, e Ills addresses to the Ilouse of Retreseulativem of hlsssaelmnsetlo’ Bay, srhirh are noslained in limo Sod vol. of Reteham’s memoirs of mles. lit, salmsrally exposed him ho censiderabte lmsstihihy, net only in lIme Amnericamm cm,loaies, hot amongst the obtained for him she mat-Iced apps’oval of toe soveref go, who holding the office sf governor. 7 Tlmfs William Mom-hand was an eminent surgeon and had to Isis dan. mssm’ryiog Sir Orrepo. lie was the grandson of Wiliism Srortand, master slmipwrigtmt (then an important sppofnlment lathe Navy) at Slmeemess. 7 This faucfly was of vcm’y distingaished Welsh descent. The first who assumerl the Fnghisls smsrnanse was Sir David lVlihiams, . fhs family of Bern ‘2rd is descended from Godfrey Per- of Guenmevet, Brecsn, a Judge of Bse Coort of King’s Bench, in na,’d, of Wammeferd, co. York livimmg fey Hcsuv ill one his ms-itt devised the whmstc prsfllsof the titles of Gssrullmer, one of whose descendants Itobert Jdsrnard I ,rd of I--fri am his estatesin B,econ, to ctmaritablepnrposcs, a devise which after— - ‘‘sr ards came under she roasidei-stion of Lord Chancellor Hnrd- - ugh shcrmfl of the ro. of 7iorthamptomi, A.n Laid. wichce (see Anmbler’s Rep., 199). Sir David was in direct or many generations the Beroards were lords of Abingtsu descent feons Blethyn ap Ilaenyerh, the last British lord of mu that us. In I 055, Sir itsbcnt Bernard, Kut. of Ahhmglin, P,renkoork, and, as is shsssrn by the Welsh pedigrees, from seas created mm baronet. lie was a. by Sir John Bernas-,l Carad,’c Snatch Fras. sr of the Strong Arns, ooe of the KnIghta Nut., amsd 11.0’. far llnntiugdoim in the Long Pai-hiamaent of King Arthur’s Round Table. Sir Henry, this sea ef Sir wh,, rn. the dau. of Oliver St. John, Lord Chief Justice J o .ommomm Pleas. His snis, Sir Robert, was NP. for Williams, the father of SIrs. Bernard, m. the dau. and cs-heir- Ilme reigns sf ELIOABErH and Jaucs I. He if. in 0612, having by