Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/90

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M 0 R ILtncagc. ROBERT Monois, of Bishop’s Castle, and of Cleobury Mortimer, II. Sin Frsencoscsc-Toessc, 6. 1 Jan. 1781, who ea. 15 Nov. co. Salop, ,o. Mary, dan. of Richard Tristam, Req. 1821, Jane, dan. of Rsbert Waa-wick, Esq. of Warwick Hall, of More Hall, co. Worcester, and had a son, ROBERT Msoisse, Req. of Tredegar, co. Glamorgan, who harslsct. sa. Margaret, dan. and sole heir of David Jenkins, Eq. of Maehynlleih, cc. Slerionethahire;’ and 1. i7oo, leaving Issue, Arms—Ac., a croes-crocolct, arg., between four martlets, Robert, of Lincoln’s Inn, barrister-at-lace; ,s. hut ri s. p. or; on a chief, of the eecond, three escallops, gn. in 1707; Jones; Bridget, ‘a. to Themas Lockwood, Req. Margaret, m. to Noel Beseesfans, Req., consul-general for Cresl—A demt-wyvern, rampant-regardant, vert, collared, Poland; and Jane, em. to Edward King, Req. of Marina, co. or, supporting an escutcheon, as., charged with a bezaut. Olamorgan. The second son, L Jose MoRals, Req. of Clasomont, 5. 12 July, 1741. was created a Baronet 12 Slay, 1806. Sir John Is. 20 Slay, 1774, Henrietta, dan. of Sir Philip Mnsgrave, Bart. of Eden Rail, cs. Cnsnbes-land, by whom (who ,t. 16 June, i812) he left, 1. Jones, his sncceseor. ci. Thomas, MA. i. Henrietta, em. to Sir Nathaniel-Levitt Peacock, Dart. and d. 4 June, 1825. II. Frances, S. 13 Feh. 1059. iii. Matilda, em. 13 Nov. 1807, to Edward Jesse, Esq. of West Bromwich, es. Stafford; and 5. 5 Jnly, 1850. iv. Charlotte, S. sesss. 24 Sept. 1427. v. CarolIne, Ia. 6 Sept. 1824, to the Rev. O.-W. Panquier. Sir John d. 25 June, 2819, and was s. by his son, II. Sin Jon,’, 5. 14 July, 1775 ; is. 5 Oct. 1800, LucyJuliana, youngest dau. of John, 5th Viscount Torringtsn, and had issue, I. AanIess-Jones, present harsnet. ii. George-Byng, 0. 22 March, 1816; ss.21 Oct. 1052, Emily- Matilda, dan. of C. -H. Smith, Req. of Dcrwcn Fawr, co Olamsrgan, and has issue, Robc,’t-Tuwnscnd, 5. 9 July, MORTON, EARL OF (Sholto-John Dossglae), Lord 1851; and Charles-Smith, Ic. 12 Dec. 1814. iii. Frederick, 0. 2SJan. IsiS; commander R.N.; sc.?O Jan. Dalkeith, Aberdonr, and Douglas of Lochleven, isa 1854, Agnes, only dan. and heir of the late CharlesBrandford the peerage of Scotland, and one of the representative Lane, Req. of Castle Orant and Claremont, lieut. in the 11th liussars ; oc. lot, 21 Jan. 1844, Barhadocs, and has issue, Frederick, f’. 20 Dec. 1824; and Charles-Lane, 5. 29 Slarch, 1857. iv. Augustus-Thomas, 1’. 8 May, 1820; ci. 7 Jan. 1831. v. Charles-Henry, C.B., colonel in thearmy, and an officer Helen, dass. of the late James Watson, Esq. of of the Legion of Honour, 5. 27 Feh. 1824. I. Henrietta-Juliana, is, I Starch, 1838, ta Albert-Lasccllcs Sisotro-Ocosees R-WATsose-Dono Las, Lord Atc,-dc,,,’, 6. 5 Jenncr, Req.. sen of the late Robert Jcnncr, Esq. of Wenvuc Castle, Olamurgan. Ii. Cecilia-Lucy-Elizabeth. in. Beatrice-Charlotte, cc, to tile Rev. Thsmae-(’lsarleo dass, of John-George, lot Eac-l of Durham, lady of Hyde Leaver, SEA. iv. Gesrgiana-Angusta. v. Matilda-Anne-Cecilia, cc. 26 Slay, 1851, to Jasper his father as 19th Earl, 31 March, 1858. Livingstsne, Req. Sir Johu ci. 24 geb. 1855. (‘realism—iS Slay, 1806. Arcae—Sa., on a saltier, cngrailcd, crm., a bezant charged Wittssss (Sir), Lord of Liddesdale, designated “The Flswer with a cr050, cooped, gu. U”esl—A lion, rampant, or, charged on the shoulder with a And S,ss Jones DonoLas, of Dalkeith (the second son) who cross, conpcd, gu., with a chain in the form of an arch, gold. so bsavely defended ths castle of Lochlevcn against the Jfolls—Scuts fidci. ScaI—Skctty Park, cc. Glamorgan. M OR S II EA D. MOISSHE&D, SIR WARWICK- CHARLES, of Trenaut Park, co. Corsawall; late Captain 6th draguons; gmnddau. of EaBEnT II., and was s. hy his elder son, b. 26 Nov. 1824; a. his father, as 3rd baronet, in July, 182S; sic. 8 June, 1854, Selina, 3rd dan. of tlse Rev, W.-Versaun Hareourt, MA., rector of Bokon. Percy, and canon of Yos-k, 3rd soss of the late Archbishop of Yos’k. RtllfEgf. I. Jones MonsncAn, Esq. of Trenant Park (eldest eon of William Slorshead, Esq., by Olympia, dan. sf .Tohs, Treise, Sir Jshn Douglas, of Dalkeith, was assassinated by order of Req., and sole heir of her brother, Sir Christopher Trciec, Rut.) was crested a Iiaronct 22 Jan. 1784; and wse appointed, Sir David Barclay, of Brechin, in 1150, and Barclay himsolf in 1706, surveyor-general to the Prince of Wales; was slain on the Shrove Tuesday following, by order of and in 1708, lord-warden sf the Stannarics Sir John em. in 1778, Elicaheth, dan and cs-heir of Sir Thomas Fc-edcrick, Dart., and by her (n-he snrvived him till 17 Jan. 1845) had, s. Fnrocnic-Tnciso, his enecesser. ii. John, u.s. 5• s. Schna, em. let, to Sir Charles SIsil, Bart. and Sndly, remainder of his large pooseeeiene, whereby he was placed 15 Aug. 1839, to W.-II. Ashsmt, Req. of Waterstock, Oxen. amsng the first rank of the greater barons. Sir Jamee was Si. Elaza-Caroline. * Dy Bridget his wife, sister of Stephen Parry. Req., SIP., the crown of Scotland. in 1273, he made a pilgrimage to of Nsyadd, cs.Cardigan, and dan cfJollnParry, Esq.,lincally descended from Owen Owyucdd, Prince of North Wales. 792 N. 0 R SirJohn 5. in April, 1812, and wase. by his elder son, in Cnmberlaod, by whom (who ,l, 1013) he left at his decease, in 1820, an only child, WAowscsc-CRARLES, the present Crcalisn—22 Jan. 1784. Scat—Forest Lodge, Berke. N. 0 R T 0 N. lords; 1. 13 April, 1818 ; formerly a Sanghtoss, Misilothiau, N.E., and by her (n-ho rt. 23 Dec. 1880) had, Nov. 1844. He is. 2ndly, 7 July, 1853, Alice-Aline-Caroliue, 3rd the bedchansber to the Princess of Wales. He 0. 4L ulcrigr. Sirs Jaaiee ns Docotas, of London, left two eons, of Chivalric ;“ who ci. without male issue, in 1253; Roglish in the minority of Davsu Ii. He cc. Agnes Moofsdc, and had, with other ieeue, JAMES, his successor. Henry (Sir), of Lugton and Lechleveo, ‘us. Marjory, dan. of Sir Walter Stewart, of Ralstown, and niece of ROBEET 11., and was e. by his elder son, SIR WILLIAM, of Lochlevcn. who cc. Marjory, dan. of Bavid, let Earl of Crawford, and Sm HENna’, of Lochleven, who em. Flicaheth, dan. of Sir Robert Erekine, of Erakinc, and was e. by his eldeet son, BoBcaT, of Lochleven, whe fell at Flsddeu, in iSIS, and was s. by his only con (by Elizabeth, dan. of David Boswell, of Baimuto), Sin ROBERT, of Lochleven, who em. Margaret, dan. o7 David Balfour, of Burleigh, and wae s. by his grandson, Sin ROBERT, of Lschleven, who sa. Margaret, dan. of John, 4th Lord Erakine, mother, by JASIBe V., of the REGENT MoRay, and had iesne, 1 Witts as, of Lochleven, of wlsem hereafter, as 7th Earl of Morton ; 2 Robert, Earl of Oluchan; 3 George (Sir), so celebrated as the deliverer of Staev Queen of Sects frem the Castle of Lochlevcn, 1567. William de Douglas, in reveogo of the feul deed. Sir John mass. by hie eldest son, Sis JAMES Duuotae, who s. his uncle, ths Lord of Liddesdale, in the baronies of Dalkeith and Aberdoni, and the present at the coronation of ROBERT II., at Scene, 26 March, 5271, and his seal is appended to the act of settlement of Canterbury, for which a safe conduct wae granted to him as “James de Douglas dc Daweth, Chivalcr,” dated 8 Dec.