Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/96

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MOU MOU ii. Gay, of Abbey, en. Tipperary, 6. 1691, high sheriff co, ,. Roger -.loepb. 6. in 1849 Tipperary, 1722; a. 1717, Nary, elder don, and Co-heir of 1. (‘on tanli,i, a non. - Coidloy (IonIc, lDsg., and hod, Cny-Clndloy Ittoore-Cooto, ii. Winnift rd to. 10 Jill1’ I ., I, 10 N diano SiopOn. 0 and of her bone. (Sic WAvenPaee.) itt. Teres., ot. 18 Sept. I 34, 10 1 rondO N hitS eels C, . l iii. ltoberf, of Ardmoyle ond 3looremount, so. Minor, 2nd it’. Mare-Lucy dan. and en-heir of Chidley Cooto, Log., and hod 0 000, V. Stoma, d. 2’, April. 1037. ‘ Ii r Tli,ooas-Bob Moore. on ‘Ohtry-Paslioe, 7 (hi. I 0’, IC flu-hoed IL mo y, to. Thomas, of 31 nore hail, Co. Cork, and of Marifiehi, Co. Lot1. f Wool’ oi II .ilI, Ni ow,tt 0). W .nt telshtri Tipperary, ti. 1721, Mary, dan. of George Icing, iZog. of oil. Agnes. - lcilpoaeon, en. Limerick, and had bone, on’ Catherine. a nun I Sfrphrn, high sheriff for en. Tipperary, 1717 01.12 Fol’, Sir Edward ,l. Is Jotly, 1841 1731, Alicia, younger dau. of Sir Robert Moude, Bare. 2 Ilicltard, li. 1727. t’i-,’nlicn--—28 tpril, 1676. , . . I term, on to Sir Jameo Afoy, Part. .4 rots—Icr lien,1 oiniolrr. cr01 oat ertlneco, a hon,t ampanl,or. 2 91 ary. (‘not—A lion, ntnpaol, On . 3 Lhzaboflt, o. to Sir .tethar Nooreonoon, Ilarf. i/eli —.tnxiliao, mrlim 0 1 (online. o’. Ce,rorf. S’,of—T,iPirre, ro. I hot. Srevnew 3fooion, Esq. (the older oon), purchased Nil- —— w’,rfh, 00. Cork, mtd oottlod there. Mr. Moore had the o or n’ T r honour of being poroonally known to RilIg WILLIAm, to I U U N T C A. ovhotn, upon that prineo’o aeriral in England, ho lent £3600, aoo’hieh coin was never refunded; Ito wan, however, eonstttntod hy his majeoty, gorornor of c’. ‘Tipperary, and colonel .A /‘ of its militia. ito to. 91100 1 ‘coke, Attir or graioddan. of Sir — , fie’ago CriMe, lord-elnef-juofico of the King’o Bench iii — England, hy whom ho hail on only son, Poiciroen Sloono, Fog., who ,o. Jtlieahoth, eldoot dms. if lifetimo of his father, boring’ an 01113’ non, W’illiarn Ponoenby, Viscount Dnnwonnon and d. in the 4 b offrninn1t1fJgyo8 no Baron Kdnonh Ike rify or Cao%rll, 22 J.ui. 1766. Ilis lordship to. Alicia, s 6, - olin. of Hugh Coirillo, Esq., and heir of her brother, Eobort U N I ‘f A .. 0n C”lrille, Log., by whom he had tootte, r. Richard, 6. in 1729; 1. in 1761, ton. MonNTcAtnLLL, EARL OF (Stephen Moore, AM., to. Anne, dan. an’l co-heir of 7). Vowkes, Log RR.S.), VIscount Mount caohe]I, en. Ttppoenry, neal and dying 21 Nov. 1810, loft iosue, Baron K(lworth, of Mont’s Park, no. (nrk, In the I Stephen, of Saperton. C. 11 SopI. 1938. woeo e of Ireland’ 0110 of the eop’ooontatii’o lords ; 2 Without, ‘if Moore lIill and Sopertou, ot. in 1812, Story, 1 20 A 1t1 ‘ e Iii’ f other no 3rd nan 27 Oct. el,lest dan. of Cite lIon, and hey. Roliert Moore, and by n I , .‘,. . her (who C. 18 March, 1814) loft at his deeoase 4 Slanh, 1822; of. 31 Mao, 1819, Anna-llama, elan, of Santnol l49, Wyeo, Esq. of the Canton of Borne, Sortteerlood, and William, of Moore ilill, en. Walerford, 6.14 Jan. 1616; Ions isono, to. in Aug. 1849, lane, don, of Charles Goodden, Log., 1goc and 1.21 Nov. ISis. (. sTnrnF,r, Lot LumenS, , . 11 Mm nit, .‘ , - helena, ii. 19 57)6. 1039. to Roberf-Poroevol Maxwell, it. f’harleo—W tlham 31cm o.-Snoyth, of R.tllyttatt ay, 1oos, Po; of I’innebronur, us. Down. hail, Co Wnterf ed, 6. li Oct 10°6; ot. 18 Jan. 1848, 1 El both t’harlotto May, “lily eltilet of the late 19 Smytb, Esq. of Sr. floliort, in holy orders; to. Isabella, only dan. of Rielmisi R.ollytiatrsy, cc 31 oteif’ ed (by his wifo the Hon. CivIl Fog. of Odell l.odge, Co. Walerforil; and d. in 1817; Harriet St. Legee(, and niece to fhs Pehtecoo of Captta baring had, ovit It olhrr tootle docoased, three dano., and Lady Oinorben, mtd has. I Illory, on. to her cousin, Williont Moore, Log. 0th1 C. 1 hiieliard-Charleo-Moore, 6. 27 Sept. 1399. 18 llareh, 1834. 1 lLtrriet-Gerlrti,ln-lo,,bolha. 2 harriet. 2 lfclena-Anna-Maria. 3 Louha, C. 13 Nov. 1813. 3 Cha;lntfe-Adelaide-I.oni a-Ihiveesdalo. a Sorab, ot. 21 SepL 1758, to Henry Sandfot-d, Log. ol nbc lion. C.-W. Moore ooottmod, by royal licence, 1858, Cootlerea; and C. 3 Oct. 17(4, leaving imue, fhn add,tinnnl ounoanoe (ltd anus of S.otvmr. liT. Grnr0r-Francio, 6. 10 tpril, 1832 an 15 Aug. 1803, in. Elizabeth, ot. 24 Nov. 1768, to the lion. Ponoonby Mooco, Jane da;t. ‘f the Into George-3lainwaring Dance, brother of Charles. 1lorgnooo of lirogheda, Eoq. of lull C.tstle, 00. We-wbord. iv. Cotltoeine, si. to 3laucieo, hot Lord llartland;and d. in 1834. Jane. Lord 3hontitearboll dying in 1766, was a. by hio eldeot ourI Anata-Sforia-lo ihella i. lot 2i July 3818 Richard— vtvlng non, - — Sri rnttu Dtit viscount oo ho 00 50 ado noced 5 Jan 1 oh I’oetl-llaoo ,Io’lrell, Loq, who C. L Nov. ISa ‘m to an etorldom, no StooL or 3lnunTcosneLL. ifis lordship JonneLb, ltoor.( ; o;t’I nolly, .f .tptil, 18a6, Janoos- ii, in 3768 fhclona, dan. (toy his wife Tlelnaa, dan. of Johit, Uerl’ort P rome, Log. of it retitnall hfonsr, Shrnp- Earl of Egmont( of John, 2ttd Earl of Sloira, by whom shire. (wits C 27 Slay 9782) he hod hoono, iii. Helnna-Adelaido, oi. 12 Nov. 134°., to (lao Rev. Edward- -. i. Srernev, nd earl. henry h,owonhato, 1,6 1 ooltnnre, 00. Cork. ,. b. 7 otlirtl, 1773. lv. Cathnrine-Loni,., in Its Aug. 1016, to Riehard-SpI rod I. helena, 1(1.6 hhay, 1894, to Georgo, 3rd Boil of Kisgofon. Morgan, Esq of Rn lestown, cc. Cork. The earl 1. 14 May, 1780, and n-as a. by hto eldest son, STerno-s. 2itd earl, 8. 15 March, 1778; who itt II Sept. IttlIcaiff. 1701, 3largoret, eldost daso. of Robert, 2ndEarh ofKingotnn, This family is a branch sf the Moons of 5/iropohice. (See by wholn (who A 20 Jan 1633j ho had iooue, hlunar’.s Landed Ceelry, neticlo lIons of Slate5.) i. Svornee, present peer. Ihenooe Sbooee, Es,j. of Cloontel, woo tugh sheriff for thr n. RolirrL a lieol.-rol. in tlte winy; 6. II July, 1753; /. 4 ,-a. Watorford, in 1666, aitd tif Tipperary in 1673’ will doted Non’. lone. - -, - ill. Edo-ard-George, tn Itoly orders, canon ol 33 todoor; oo’l Ii April, 1600, proord 10 Sept. ls90. lIe loft issue, Iiy his ore-Icr i,f 9V,’ot hIder, florks, 6. 18 Ann. 1708; t;i. 27 Starch, seife, Shorgorol, oolio ourrt roil Itiot, two sotso, on , 1527, Aotte—OIotildo eldest don. of htebert—Gcnrgo, I 6th tril STertlea, oncostor (if Cite FooLs or SIOCOT Cooootn. Clhalon, nod lion tad issue, ‘i’ho,nas, of t’tianrellorotowe, do. ‘I i]iprrory, Ot. Elicanor, don. I Rd wncd—000rge-Auyliotus-Iiar000rt, 5. 27 Nor. 1029. of ffieharil Cove-ri, of the oily of Corhi, al,terman, by Chriotian 2 t’hanloo—l6nliert. 5. 11 Aug. fslh d. 2 Feb. 1853. Ins wife, don, of Nirtioltto Finn. I ho wilt is doto,l 21 April, 1 Liioim—Fantty—Sbalildn. 1702, and pros oil 2 SIarcll, 1762-I. Ihy Ins sold wile, orha 2 lhary-Augnoho-Grorginna, es. 24 Nov. 1814, Alget’itso html rod lit,,, (and -otoiorried soihh Jol000 lhorrioos, Fog, of Gil Iioh, Fog. of Fern 11 ill, no rh o. Clogboforil, en Tip1io raey(, lie ltad ioouo doe sotts, viz. iv. Riettord—Ernoris, in the F.. 5. Co N scroico 6. 26 July. 1. .Soernnw, ancestor of Moose of Born, es. Tipperary. 1502. 798