Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 1.djvu/100

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78 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Assembly for Murrumbidgee, 2od April, 1856 ; was minister for Lands and Works, 1856 — 7 ; speaker of the Legislative Assembly, 1862 to 1865 ; became a member of the Legislative Council, 26th June, 1867 ; and on the 8tb July, 1873, was appointed its President, wbich office be still bolds. He was created a knigbt commander of St. Micbael and St. George in 1878. Hmtage. William Hay, about the middle of last century, held the farm of Shellim, which has been in the possession of his descendants ever since. Before that time the family seem to have been resident in Buchan. By Annand, his wife, he had a son, James Hat, of Shellim, who, by Jean Sim, his wife, was father of, John Hat, Esq. of Little Ythsie, co. Aberdeen, Scotland, b. at Shellim ; m. Jean Mair, who was b. at Mill of Birness, Ellon, and d. at Little Ythsie, Tarves. He d. at Little Ythsie, leaving issue, I. John (Hon. Su-), E.C.M.Gr., now of Rose Bay. II. James, m. Jane Chalmers, and had issue, 1, James ; 2, John ; 3, William ; 1, Helen ; 2, Jane ; 3, Mary. Residence — Rose Bay, Woollahra, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. CLOSE, ROBERT CAMPBELL, Esq. of Streyncbam, Stanmore, New Soutb Wales, h. 5tb October, 1831 ; m. 3rd June, 1880, Marion Sophia, daughter of Charles Nathan, Esq., M.D., and has issue, I. John Campbell, h. 17tb March, 1881. II. Douglas Campbell, h. 20th August, 1883. I. Gertrude Campbell. II. Dorothy Campbell. Hincagc. This family was formerly settled in York- shire, England. Edward Close, Esq., H.E.I.C.C.S. (the only child of an only son), m. in 1789, Mari- anne, only sister of Charles Streyncham CoUin- son, Esq. of the Chantry, Ipswich, co. Suffolk, and d. in India, 1790, having had by her (who, after remaining in India nine years, returned to England with her son, and resided with her brother at the Chantry, dying in 1826), a son, Edwabd Chaeles Close, Esq. of Mor- peth, Hunter River, New South Wales, Australia, b. in 1790 at Rangamatty, India, educated at Hackney, England ; in 1805 ob- tained a commission in the 48th Regiment, then serving in the Peninsula, and was engaged in seven battles. In 1817 he went to New South Wales with a detachment of his i-egiment ; soon after sold his commission and settled at Morpeth, on the Hunter River. He m. 27th September, 1821, Sophia Susan- nah, only daughter of John Palmer, Esq., R.N., then deputy commissary- general of New South Wales, and d. 7th May, 1866, having had by her (who d. 26th June, 1856) three sons and a daughter, viz., I. Edward Charles, of Morpeth, New South Wales, b. 1825, m. Louisa S. Piatt, and d. 1887, having had issue three sons and three daughters. His second daughter, Sophia Susannah, was b. 1854 ; m. 18th January, 1877, Henry Flesher Smith, Esq. of Ivy ogle. Casino, New South Wales (who was b. 18th August, 1838), fifth but third surviving son of John Smith, Esq. of Manor House, Quinton, and Q-reens Park, CO. Northampton (see Smith of GoKDOX Brook), and d. 1886, having had issue, Thomas Close, b. at Church- street, Newcastle, New South Wales, 19th June, 1878. II. Robert Campbell, of whom above. III. George Thomas Palmer, m. Amy Leonora James, and has issue three sons and three daughters. I. Marianne Collinson, m. George Campbell, Esq., and has issue three sons and three daughters. Arms tised — Az. a chevron between three garbs arg. Crest — A garb arg. Motto — Fort is et fidelis. Residence— ^, Stanmore, New South Wales, Australia.