Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 1.djvu/137

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1833, leaving his property of Panmure to his grandson, Andrew Archibald. He had twelve sons and three daughters, viz., I. Angus, b. 1773 ; d. unm. II. John, b. 1775 ; d. unm. III. Alexander, b. 1777 ; m. Jessie Mac- donald, and d. 1847, leaving issue. IT. Donald, J 1779 ; d. num. V. Colin, b. 1781 ; d. unm. 1860. Yi. Ronald, b. 1783; m., and d. 1846, leaving issue. VII. Angus, b. 1786 ; m. Mary, daughter of Archibald Macdonald, Esq. of Rhue, and d. 1863, leaving issue. VIII. Hugh, of whom presently. IX. Archibald, b. 1790; d. 1873, leaving issue. X. Charles, b. 1792; d. 1857, leaving issue. XI. Norman, d. young. XII. James, d. 183-. I. Matilda, d. 1877. II. Clementina, d. 1873. III. Catherine, d. 1882. The eighth son, Hugh Maceonaid, Esq., controller of Customs and Navigation Laws at George- town, Prince Edward Island, was a member of the Provincial Legislature for several years, and for some time held the office of high sheriff of the province. He was b. at Island Shona, Inverness-shire, Scotland, 27th July, 1788; m. April, 1826, Catherine, daughter of Archibald Macdonald, Esq. of Rhue, Arisaig, Scotland (who held the estate of Dalelea and Lochfhiel, in Inverness-shire), and sister of John Macdonald, Esq., pay- master in the 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers, who m. Miss Farquhar, and d. s.p. in Malta. Mr. Hugh Macdonald d. at Georgetown, P.E.I. . 10th November, 1857, having had by his wife (who d. at Georgetown, P.E.I., 21st April, 1872) three sons and two daughters, viz., I. Andrew Akchibald (Hon.) , of whom we treat. II. Archibald John (Hon.), of George- town, Prince Edward Island, where he carries on a mercantile business, is a member of the Provincial Letiisla- ture and of the Executive Council, 6. 10th October. 183 1 ; m. 1873, Marion, eldest daughter of Dennis Mui'phy, Esq. of Hythe, co. Kent, England, and has issue, 1. Temple William Faber. 2. Archibald Glengyle. 3. Hugh AUister. 4. John Howard. 1. Mary Marion. 2. Ahce. III. Augustine Colin, a merchant of Montague, Prince Edward Island, b. 30tl) June, 1837; was a member of the Provincial Legislature from 1870 to 1873; elected to a seat in the Dominion House of Commons in 1873, and again in 1878 and 1882, but was defeated at the general election, 1887. He m. in 1865, Mary Elizabeth, fifth daughter of the Hon. John Small Macdonald, and lias issue, 1. Winnifred. 2. Frank Somerled. 3. Louis. 4. Ernest. 1. Josephine. 2. Helena. 3. Florence. I. Ann Isabella, b. 1830 ; d. 1832. II. Eliza Maria, b. 1832; m. 1833, John A. Macdonell, Esq. of Donaldston, Prince Edward Island, who d. s.p. in 1887. Crest tised — A casile, triple-ioxcered arg., masoned sa., and issuing from the centre touer a dexter arm in armour embovyed, grasping a sicord all ppr. Motto — My hope is constant in thee. Residence — Government House, Charlotte- town, Prince Edward Island, Dominion of Canada. Estate — Island of Panmure, Prince Edward Island, Canada. MEREDITH, EDWIN, Esq. of Llandalf, Masterton, New Zealand, member of the County Council, North Wairarapa, and chairman of the Whareama Road Board, h. 22nd August, 1827, vi. 14th December, 1852, Jane Caroline, eldest daughter of Captain Frederick Edmund Chalmers, and has issue, I. Edwin, of Te Nui, New Zealand, h. 30th October, 1853, m. Ada Stcuart Johnstone, and has issue, 1. Guy Owen. 2. William Laird. 3. George Steuart. 1. Ada Matilda. II. Richard Reibey, h. 4th February, 1857, m. Theodora Alice Lane, and has issue,I 2