Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 1.djvu/172

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148 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. ton, Bart.) ; m. 1st, Miss Penelope Stainsby, and had by her, Richard Wharton Middleton, of Old Park, co. Durham, and Grinkle Park, co. York, b. 1795, and d. s.p. 7th October, 1885, having m. Francis Penelope (who d. Ist September, 1878), daughter of Lieut.-Col. Watson ; Anne, m. John Wilmer Field, Esq. of Heaton Hall, CO. York ; Frances, m. John Wilkin- son, Esq. ; and Elizabeth, to. James R. Watson, Esq. Mr. Wharton Myddleton, m. 2ndly, Elizabeth Sophia, daughter of Captain Pococke, of the 1st Regi- ment of Life Guards, by whom he had issue, Henrietta; Sophia, m. Rev. R. Gray ; and Catherine. II. RiCHAED, of whom presently. III. Jonathan, of London, d. s.p. 1768. I. Catherine, m. William Ettrick, Esq., of High Barnes, co. Durham. II. Elizabeth, m. the Rev. Thomas Leighton. Mr. Wharton d. March, 1752. His 2nd son, RiCHAKD Whaeton, Esq. of the city of Durham (mayor, 1760), b. 1721 ; m. Anne, daughter and heiress of William Lloyd Chan- cellor, Esq., and granddaughter of William Lloyd, Bishop of Worcester, and had issue an only son. The Ret. Robert Wharton, M.A. Pem- broke College, Cambridge, chancellor of Lincoln Cathedral, and archdeacon of Stowe, b. 1751 ; m. 1787, Sarah, only child of the Rev. John Wlialey, of Huggate, co. York, and by her had issue, I. William Lloyd, M.A. Pembroke Col- lege, Cambridge, of Dryburn, co. Dur- ham, J. P., D.L., high sheriff co. Dur- ham, 1833—36, b. 18th October, 1789 ; m. June, 1818, Frances (who d. 28th February, 1879), eldest daughter of the Rev. J. H. Jacob, of The Close, Salisbury. Mr. Wharton d. 15th November, 1867, and was s. by his brother, John Tliomas. II. John Thomas, M.A. Pembroke College, Cambridge, of Dryburn, and of Aber- ford, CO. York, J. P. and D.L., s. his elder brother, b. 1795 ; m. 1832, Mary, 2nd daughter of the Rev. John Henry Jacob, prebendary of Salisbury, and had issue, 1. John Lloyd, now of Dryburn, co. Durham, J. P. and D.L., and Bramham, co. York, J. P., M.P. for Durham City, 1871 — 4, and for West Riding, East Yorkshire, since 1886, chairman Quarter Sessions, co. Durham, barrister- at-Iaw, b. 18th April, 1837; m. 20th January, 1870, Susan Frances, eldest daughter of Rev. A. Dun- combe Shafto, rector of Bi-ance- peth, CO. Durham (see Shafto OF Whitwoeth, Burke's Landed Gentry), who d. 29th March, 1872, leaving issue a daughter, Mary Dorothea. 1. Mary Sarah. Mr. J. T. Wharton d. 25th September, 1871, and was s. by his son. III. RoBEET, of whom presently. I. Anne Elizabeth, d. 1851. II. Catherine, d. 1862. The Rev. Robert Wharton, d. 29th January, .1808. His 3rd son, Robert Wharton, Esq., B.A. St. John's College, Cambridge, barrister-at-law, judge of the County Court, N. R. co. York ; m. Katherine Mary, 3rd daughter of the Rev. Robert Croft, late canon residentiary of York, and d. 27th October, 1849, having had issue, I. Robert. II. William James Lloyd, Captain R.N. ; m. 31st January, 1880, Lucy Georgina, daughter of Edward Holland, Esq. of Dumbletou, co. Gloucester, sometime M.P. for Evesham, co. Worcester, and has issue, three sons and one daughter. III. Henet, of whom we treat. I. Elizabeth Anne, in. 30th October, 1866, Edward Vaughan Richards, Esq., Q.C., who d. in October, 1884. II. Catherine Alice, m. 11th April, 1860, James George Fife, Esq., Lieuti.-Gen. R.E., Bombay Army (who was b. 12tli September, 1824, see Fife-Cookson, Burke's Landed Oentrif), and has issue, four sons and five daughters. III. Matilda Mary. ly. Sai-ah Isabella, m. 4th August, 1874, John Walter Buohanan-Riddell, Esq., barrister-at-law (who was b. 14th March, 1849), nephew of Sir Walter Buchanan-Riddell, Bart., of Riddell, CO. Roxburgh, Scotland, see Burke's Peerage), and has issue, I. Walter Robert, b. 21st April, 1879. I. Katherine Margaret. II. Olive Frances. HI. Dorothy Isabel. Arms — Sa. a maunch arg. and a canton or. Quartering, with several others, Kirkby, Lancaster, Bolbeck, Montfichet, Middleton, Conyers of Bowlby, Conyers of Layton, Aton, De Vesci, De Vere, Bertram, Scrope, Lloyd, &o. Crest. — A bull's head erased arg. horned or. charged with a trefoil vert. Motto. — Dio volendo lo faro. Residence. — Highfield, Waiau, Amuri co., Canterbury, New Zealand.