Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 1.djvu/183

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BURKE'S COLOXIAL GENTRY. 159 the Rev. John Lowe, M.A., of Lincoln College, Oxon, vicar of Huddersfield, vicar of Brotlierton, rector of Tankersley, perpetual curate of Wentworth, domestic chaplain to Earl Pitzwilliam, pre- bendary of York cathedral, and justice of the peace for the W. R. CO. York. He d. 2nd Mar, 1837, aged 80, and was buried at Went- worth, CO. York. She d. Hth July, 1794, and was buried at Brotherton, co. York. 2. Mary, baptised 23rd January, 1759, and d. 24th August, 1762. 3. Catherine, baptised 6th October, 1760; m. 2nd June, 1791, as his second wife, Thomas William Tew, Esq., deputy-judge of the Honour Court of Pontefract, a banker at Wakefield, Pontefract, and Doncaster (who was b. 11th January, 1764, and m. 1st, 10th De- cember, 1787, Elizabeth, daughter of ... . Vaux, Esq. of Hundhill Hall, Pontefract. She d. 31st October, 1788), son of Thomas Tew, Esq. of Margaret-street, Cavendish-square, London (see Tew op Caeleton Gtean&e in Burke's Landed Gentry), by EUinor, his wife, daughter of Edward Cockroyd, Esq. of My- tholmroyd, Hidifax, co. York. He d. 22nd October, 1832, and was buried at Doncaster, having had by Ms second wife (who d. 9th June, 1830, aged 67, and was also buried at Doncaster), a son, Edward Tew, Esq. of Crofton Hall, CO. York, J.P. and D.L. for the West Riding, and previously captain 1st West York Yeomimry Cavalry ; and a daughter, Cathe- rine Mary, b. 1st January, 1801 ; m. 25th October, 1825, Rev. James Jackson Lowe, rector of Fletton, CO. Huntingdon, and d. 16th January, 1869. 4. Sarah, m. 2nd January, 1794, to Grosvenor Perfect, Esq. of Thorp Arch Hall, co. York, and d. in 1798, leaving issue. 5. Mary Ann, baptised 6th March, 1766; d. unm. 4th December, 1843, and was buried at Swindon, CO. York. II. James, of whom presently. III. Joseph, of 16, Hatton-garden, Lon- don, free of the Brewers' Company, 1781, baptised at Ledsham, 12th April, 1738 ; m. at St. Andrew's, Holborn, CO. Middlesex, 29th August, 1775, Sarah, only daughter of Edward Smith, Esq., citizen of London, free of the Girdlers' Company, and d. 9th August, 1799, and was buried at St. Bride's Church, Fleet-street. His widow d. 23rd January, 1832, aged 77, and was buried at St. Bride's, Fleet-street, London. He had issue, with three younger children, viz., Joseph, John, and Mary, who d. young or unm., a son, the Very Rev. James Edward Jack- son, M.A. of Queen's College, Oxford, dean and rector of Armagh, b. 5th March, 1778. He was the author of Two Main Questions between the Churches of England and Rome; m. 1st, his first cousin, Lydia, daughter of Thomas Jackson, Esq. of Tullydoey, co. Tyrone, Ireland. She d. 7th December, 1810, and was buried in the family vault at St. Bride's Church, Fleet-street, London. He m. 2ndly, in 1819, Lydia, daughter of Robert Lam- bert, Esq. of EUand Hall, near Halifax, co. York, and d. at Paris, 19th August, 1841, in the 64th year of his age, and was interred in the church of St. Bride, Fleet- street. There is a stained glass window in Armagh Cathedral, erected to his memory by Lord John G-eorge de la Poer-Beresford, archbishop of Armagh and pri- mate of all Ireland. His second wife d. 17th November, 1870, aged 78, and was buried at Harold's Cross, Dublin. IX. Thomas, of Tullydoey, co. Tyrone, Ireland, baptised at Ledsham, co. York, 20th August, 1740 ; m. at Leeds, CO. York, 11th December, 1783, Lydia, daughter of James Eyre, Esq. of Leeds, co. York, mercliant, and d. 29th April, 1805, and was buried at Benburb. His widow d. 6th Decem- ber, 1852, aged 91, and was buried at Benburb, having had issue, 1. James Evre, of Tullydoey, afore- said, J.P.", b. 3rd February, 1794; d. unm. 19th March, 1862, and was buried in the family vault at Benburb. 1. Mary, m. 16th August, 1804, to Samuel Neville Ward, Esq. of Baston, Haves, co. Kent (who d. 27th October, 1850), and d. 15th June, 1855, having had issue (see Ward of Calteblet in Burke's Landed Qfutry). 2. Lydia, m. her first cousin, the Very Rev. James Edward Jack- son, M.A., of Queen's College, Oxford, dean and rector of Armagh, vide ante. 3. Elizabeth, d. unm., 21st February, 1862. 4. Ann, d. unm., 27th May, 1859. 5. Sarah Eyre, m. 7th April, 1809, to the Rev. James Tisdall or Tindall, M.A., rector of Ballin- derry, co. Londonderry, Ireland, and d. October, 1865, leaving issue. V. Henry, of Rossington G-range, co. Y'ork, J. P., baptised at Ledsham, 29th