Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 1.djvu/271

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 243 I. Marmaduke John, h. 1863. II. Richard Orme, h. 1864. I. Agnes Rosa Marion. II. Catherine Amelia Mary Elizabeth. Hincage. "William Dixon, Esq. of ITolton Park, co. Lincoln, d. in 1780. By Martlia Drury, his ■wife, of Adlington, co. Lancaster, he had issue, besides four other children, I. William, of whom presently. II. Thomas (Eev.), of Laceby, co. Lin- coln. III. Richard (Rev.), of Claxby, co. Lin- coln, m. Miss Walkden, and had issue, two daughters, Fanny and Martha Walkden, both of ■whom d. imm. I. Ann, eighth and youngest child, m. Richard Eoadley, Esq. of Scarby, co. Lincoln, and had issue, a daughter, Mary Ann, 'who m. her cousin, Thomas John Dixon, Esq. of Holton, co. Lin- coln, and had issue. The eldest son, William Dixon, Esq. of Holton, afore- said, who, in 1800, established the " Society of Industry" at Caistor, co. Lincoln, for the better relief and employment of the poor. He m. the daughter of the Rev. Mr. Parkin- son, for fifty years rector of Healing, co. Lincoln (by his ■wife, the daughter of the Eev. Mr. Green, vicar of Kirkby-upon-Bain, CO. Lincoln, ■whose wife ■was the daughter of Sir Richard Wal^wyn Green, of Hereford- shire), and by her had seven children, amongst •whom were, Thomas John, of Holton, co. Lincoln, eldest son, ■who ■was high sheriff for that county, 1862 ; m. his cousin, Mary Ann {d. 1885), daughter of Richard Roadley, Esq. of Searby, aforesaid, and d. 1870, having had seven children, all of whom d. young, except two daughters, viz., Ann, now of Holton, unm. ; and Emily, m. to . . . Jamieson, Esq., M.D., of Caistor, co. Lincoln. James Geeen, fifth child, of whom pre- sently. Amelia Margaretta, seventh and youngest child, in. George Ship worth, Esq. of Moortown House, co. Lincoln, high sheriff, co. Lincoln, 1858, and had eleven children, amongst whom were, George Borman, of Moortown HaU, South Eelsey, Caistor, co. Lincoln, barrister-at-law, lord of the manor of South Kelsey, b. 1820; called to the bar at the Middle Temple, 2nd May, 1845 ; m. 1846, Miss Alethea A. Bigsby; Margaretta, m. to the Rev. Mr. Turner, of Offord Cluny, co. Huntingdon ; Susannah, m. 1858, John Lewis Ffytche, Esq. {b. 1816), of The Terrace, Freshwater, Isle of Wight, and of the National Conserva- tive Club, London, M.A. Oxen., F.S.A., J.P. and D.L. co. Lincoln, J. P. CO. Derry, and high sherifP, co. Lincoln, 18G5, lord of the manors of Sheiiord-cum-Campton, co. Bedford ; Eisley, co. Derby ; Leybourn, co. Lincoln ; and Fenstanton, co. Hun- tingdon ; cousin to Lord Tennyson, the poet laureate, and eldest son of J. Ffytche, Esq. of Thorpe Hall, near Louth, CO. Lincoln, J.P. and D.L., who d. 1855 ; Charlotte, m. to the Eev. Benjamin Gibbons, M.A. Ox- ford, of Waresley House, Hartlebury, Kidderminster, co. Worcester, vicar of Lower Mitton, Stourport, co. Wor- cester ; and Annie, m. to the Eev. Samuel Wright Andrews, M.A. Cam- bridge, J.P., prebendary of Lincoln, rector of Claxby- with-Normanby-on- the-Wold, CO. Lincoln, 1869, and vicar of Usselby, Caistor, co. Lincoln, 1887. James Geeen Dixon, Esq. of Caistor, co. Lincoln, m. Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John Dawber, Esq. of Brigg, co. Lincoln (by Miss Eobinson, his ■wife), who ■n-as son of W. Dawber, Esq. of Scampton Hall, in the same county, by Mary, his wife, daughter of the Eev. Mr. Kirk, vicar of Appleby, and d. in 1878, aged 89, having had by her (who d. in 1872), the present Maemaduke Dixon, Esq. of Eyrewell Park. Arms used — On., aJJeur-de-Iis or, a chief erm. Crest — A lion ramp. arg. Motto — Mespicejinem. Residence — Eyrewell Park, West Eyreton, Canterbury, New Zealand.

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r^ RUEBER, STEPHEN HENRY, Esq. of Ormley, Fingal, Tasmania, V^ J.P. since 1843, and elected ten years successively -warden of the municipality of Fingal, h. 8th May, 1818 ; emigrated to Tasmania in 1839 ; m. 23rd May, 1839, Elizabeth Miller, of Edinburgh, and has issue, VOL. I. R 2