Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 1.djvu/378

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348 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. ILincage. This family is believed to have come from Ashford, co. Kent, England. Tradition asserts that a Handfield was with "Wolfe at the time of his death on the Heights of Abraham, and that a Colonel Handfield served in the conquest of Canada. One of the family, a Miss Handfield, m. into the family of Viscount Gal way. Colonel Charles Handpield, of Her- mitage House, near Dublin, Ireland, com- missary-general for Ireland, had several brothers. He m. 9th June, 1778, Margaret Alford Winslow, and d. 1831, having had (besides other sons and several daughters. The last of the latter A. at South Brent, co. Somerset, in 1885, aged 93 years), Edwabd Handfield, Esq., commander E.N., who m. Louisa Sarah Coakley, and d. at Belbroughton, co. Worcester, England, 1839, having had by her (who d. at Dundalk, Ireland, 1834), I. John Charles, d. leaving issue. II. Edward, R.N., deceased. III. Carey, d. s.p. IV. George Johnson, M.A., deceased. T. Hexey Hewett Patilet (Rev.), now minister of St. Peter's Church, Melbourne. VI. Frederick Oliver, d. having had issue, 1. Frederick ; 2. Pavilet ; 3. Harold; 4. Carey; 5. Eeginald ; J. Eleanor. VII. William Hopton, m. and has issue, 1. Edith; 2. Florence, «i. and has issue, Harry and Louisa. VIII. Phillips, deceased. IX. Charles Arthur Stuart, m. Miss M. Beverley. I. Lousia Monckton, m. A. J. Masters, Esq. II. Theodora Maria. III. Fanny Charlotte. Arms used — Arg., a lion, ramp., sa., between nine crosses crosslet of the last. Crest — An eagle's head couped, tvings elevated, and ducally crowned. Motto — Jnstiis nee timidus. Residence — St. Peter's Parsonage, Mel- bourne, Victoria. (grifKt^ jd( JSrtsftane. GRIFFITH, HON. SIR SAMUEL WALKER, K.C.M.G., of Merthyr, Brisbane, Queensland, leader of the opposition, member of the Legis- lative Assembly of Queensland since 1872, h. at Merthyr Tydvil, co. Glamorgan, Wales, 21st June, 1845 ; m. 5th July, 1870, Julia Janet, daughter of James Thomson, Esq., commissioner for crown, lands. East Maitland, New South Wales, formerly of Edinburgh, Scotland, and has issue, I. Llewellyn Arthur Peter, I. 6th July, 1872. II. Edward Percival Tliomson, h. 3rd February, 1877. I. Mary Eveline, l. 1871. II. Helen Julia, h. 1874. III. Edith Margaret, h. 1879. IV. Alice Gwendoline, h. 1881. The Hon. Sir S. W. Griffith v^as educated at Sydney University, New South Wales (B.A. 1863, M.A. 1870) ; called to the Queensland Bar 1867 ; Q.C. 1876 ; entered the Legislative Assembly 1872 ; attorney-general 1874 to 1878 ; secretary for public instruction 1876 to 1878 ; secretary for public ■works 1878 — 9 ; leader of the opposition 1879 — 83 ; premier, colonial secretary, and secretary for public instruction November, 1883 ; resigned the last-mentioned office January, 1885, and the office of colonial secretary April, 1886, and accepted the newly-created office of chief secretary; delegate to the Intercolonial Convention held at Sydney December, 1883 ; member of the Federal Council of Australasia, held at Hobart, and chairman of the standing committee of the Federal Council 1886; delegate to Colonial Conference held in London 1887 ; Colonial Treasurer 1887 ; elected President of the Federal