Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 1.djvu/408

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376 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 4. Maria, b. 17th Jane, 1874. 5. Barbara, h. 28fcli November, 1882. ir. Edward, of Sedgemere, Soutbbridge, Canterbury, New Zealand, b. 24th August, 1842 ; m. 31st October, 1878, Ellen Julia, daughter of Henry Dent Gardiner, Esq. of Purau, Port Lyttelton, Canterbury, New Zealand, and has an only child, Etbelberta, b. IStb October, 1884. I. Maria, b. 28th August, 1840; m. 29th August, 1861, William Robert Maddison, Esq. of Brookdale, Southbridge, Canterbury, but has no issue. II. Fanny, h. 7th September, 1844. III. Charlotte Anne, b. 23rd September, 1847 ; d. 15th July, 1848. Mr. Waslibourn m. secondly, 18th August, 1850, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Jones, Esq. of Lai-k Hay Villa, Hucclecote, co. Gloucester, and by her has had issue, IT. Mary Elizabeth, h. 2nd July, 1852 ; m. 15th January, 1873, William Henry Wilcox, Esq, of Temuka, Canterbury, New Zealand, and has a daughter, Mary Theodora Joyce, b. 24th November, 1873. T. Eleanor, b. 11th July, 1854; d. next day. Ti. Margaret, b. 21st August, 1855 ; m. 21st Augnist, 1878, Henry Joseph Campbell Jekyll, Esq. of Gayhurst, Avonside, Canterbury, New Zealand, and has issue, 1. Edward Joseph Richmond Webb, b. 21st October, 1883. 2. Ralph Trevor Buchanan, b. 6th June, 1885. 1. Barbara Margaret Bellairs, b. 24th October, 1880. 2. Dorothy Agatha Jones, b. 28th February, 1882. 3. Ellenor Lavinia Campbell, b. 2nd December, 1888. VII. Catherine, b. 19th May, 1859 ; m. 22nd Septembei-, 1886, Charles Phillips Kay, Esq. of Brookshaw, Pigeon Bay, Canterbury, New Zealand, and has one son, Thomas Washbourn, 6. 23rd January, 1889. Mr. H. J. Washbourn, with his family, left England in 1850 to fourkd a new home in New Zealand. They were among the pioneers of the Canterbuiy settlement. Hfncaue. Mr. H. J". Washbourn probably belongs to the younger oranch of the Washbournes of Washbourne, the eLler branch of which is represented by the Money-Kyrles of Homme House, Much Marcle, co. Hereford (see Burke's Landed Oentri/). The tradition is that during the Civil Wars the family sacri- ficed all " save honour " in the Stuarts' cause. Nash observes of Little Washbourne, anciently Wasseborne — " It is sometimes called Knight's Washbourne, from the knightly character of the family who take their surname from thence." 'This village and that of Grreat Washboiu'ne were once their properly. Thomas Washbourne, D.D., who was incumbent of the church of St. Mary-de-Lode, Q-loucester, was a member of the same family. He published a volume of poems, still extant, and on the occasion of the Restoration preached a sermon in rhe cathedral at Glovicester to commemorate the event.