Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 1.djvu/46

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26 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 1Ltn£ag£. Geoege Holeoyd Esq. of Crawcroft, son of WlI/LIAM HOULEKOIDE, Esq., m. 12tli July, 1602, Isabella Haigh, and had two sons, I. George, of Hutdiroyd, parish of Kish- TTorth, W.R. CO. York, m. at Elland, co. York, 8th July, 1639, Susan Wbiteley, and had amongst other children a son Isaac, who settled in Ireland temp, Charles II, and acquired large estates in that kingdom, m. in 1680 his cousin, Mary, daughter of John Holroyd, Esq. of Crawcroft, and had an only son, John, b. in 1680, m. Sarah, daughter of William Elwood, Esq., and sister and co- heiress of John Elwood, Esq., Vice-ProTOst and representative in Parliament for the Uniyersity of Dublin, and was s. by his eldest son, Isaac Holroyd, Esq., b. in 1708, m. Doro- thy, youngest daugher of Daniel Baker, Esq., of Penn, co. Bucks, and was s. by his only surviving son, John Baker Holroyd, Esq., afterwards Earl of ShefEeld (see Burke's Peerage) ; and ii. Isaac. The younger son, Isaac Holeoyd, Esq. of Barkisland, parish of Rishworth, W.R. co. York, by Agnes, his wife, had six children ; the eldest, Geoe&e Holeoyd, Esq., b. 28th April, 1643, was father of EsATT Holeoyd, Esq., b. 3rd February, 1689, who had a son, Geoegb Holeoyd, Esq. of Barkisland, aforesaid, b. 9th January, 1719; m. Eleanor, daughter of Henry Sowley, Esq. of Appleby, CO. Westmorland, and had issue, I. Geoege Sowley (Sie), of whom pre- sently. II. Henry, b. 7th April, 1760; d. 16th April, 1780. I. Mildred, b. 11th April, 1761 ; d. 20th October, 1762. II. Charlotte, b. 30th April, 1762; d. 30th March, 1794. III. Jane, b. May, 1764; d. 9th January. 1766. IV. Eleanor, b. 18th May, 1768 ; m. 9th February, 1797, William Glass, Esq., and d. sip. 7th March, 1828. T. Mary, b. 2nd February, 1771 ; d. 14th October, 1787. The elder son, SiE Geoege Sowley Holeoyd, Knt., one of the justices of the Court of King's Bench, b. 31st October, 1758 ; raised to the Bench 14th February, 1816 ; resigned 17th Novem- ber, 1828. He m. 10th September, 1787, Sarah, daughter of Amos Chaplin, Esq., and d. 21st November, 1831, and was buried in Wargrave churchyard, co. Berks, having had by her (who was b. 18th June, 1768, and d. at Exmouth, co. Devon, 14th November, 1848, aged 80, and was buried with her husband), I. George Chaplin, b. 9th September, 1790. This gentleman was engaged in a very spirited action between the " Ceylon," " Windham," and " As- tell," East Indiamen, and two large French frigates and a corvette, on the 3rd July, 1810, which ended in the capture of the " Ceylon " and " Wind- ham," and escape of the " Astell," on which last-mentioned vessel Mr. G. C. Holroyd was appointed (during the action in which he was wounded) cap- tain of two guns on the gun-deck. He m. 1st, at Hyderabad, 2nd April, 1818, Virginie, daughter of General Mottet de la Fontaine, of Compiegne in Picardy, governor of Pondicherry, and granddaughter of the Marquis de Fecamp, by Marie de Solmiac, his wife ; and by her (who d. 1st August, 1845) had issue, 1 George, lieutenant-general Ben- gal Staff Corps, b. 18th February, 1819 ; entered the E.I. Co.'s mili- tary service 1st March, 1838, be- came colonel 1st March, 1869, and lieutenant-general 7th Septem- ber, 1884; served throughout the " operations of the Candahar force, 1838—42 (wounded 15th Septem- ber, 1842), took part in the Gwa- lior campaign, including the battle of Maharajpore ; and the Sutlej campaign of 1845 — 46, and was present at the battle of Sobraou, horse shot. He m. 31st December, 1844, at Futtehgurh, India, Emily, youngest daughter of the late Captain L. Garstin, of the 88th regiment, and has had issue, I. George Augustus, b. 29th November, 1847; d, Easter, 1860. II. Henry William, b. 26th March, 1854, d. 8th March, 1884. I. Emily Mary Anne, b. 10th July, 1846; d. 16th July, 1847. II. Emmeline Louisa, b. 22nd August, 1849. III. Kate Virginie, b. 15th December, 1851 ; m. 31st December, 1872, to Major Norton Charles Martelli, Ben- gal Staff Corps, second son of T. C. Martelh, Esq. of Kings- town, Ireland, and has issue, 1 Charles Inglis Holroyd, b. 9th March, 1876. 2 Richard Godfrey Hol- royd, b. 23rd March, 1879. 1 Georgiana Kate, J. 14th November, 1873. 2 Emelyn Irene, b. 26th December, 1874. 3 Kate Virginie, b. 2nd October, 1877. IT. Florence Mary, b. 5th Feb- ruary, 1861. 2 Henry (His Hon.), of Kensington Gardens-terrace, London, county court judge, b. 14th July, 1820;