Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 1.djvu/67

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 47 1LtnEac}£. There is in the possession of the Hon. John Alexander Cockburn a family Bible, printed 1713, -wherein are the following entries : — James Cockburn, b. 18th February, 1729 ; Janet, h. 2nd March, 1731 ; Marget, h. 6th February, 1733 ; John, b. 5th August, 1735 ; Mary, b. 14th May, 1737 ; Thomas, b. 1739 ; Mark, b. 1741 ; Elizabeth, b. 1743 ; Cecil, b. 1745; Hannah, b. 114,7 ; Agnes, b. 1750; and Sarah, b. 1754 ; there are also dates which seem to show that the father of the above was b. 1698 and d. 1760. Peter Cockbuen, Esq. of Whitrigg, Ber- wickshire (whose father lived at Ayton, Ber- wickshire, where, in the village churchyard, is the family burial ground), was b. about 1777, m. Hannah Brodie, and d. about 1823, leaving a son, Thomas Cockbtthn, Esq. of Berwickshire, Scotland, m. at Tweed Hill, Hutton, Berwick- shire, 1845, Isabella Wright (who emigrated with the family to South Australia in 1867), and d. in 1855, leaving issue, I. Patrick, d. unm. II. John Alexandee (Hon.), of Ade- laide. III. Thomas James, m. 1887, Alice Bathern, and has issue, two sons, Patrick and Thomas. I. Isabella Begbie, m. 1872, Clement Giles, Esq., member of the Legislative Assembly of South Austi-alia, and has issue, three sons and two daughters. Crest used — A cock croioing ppr. 'Residence — Adelaide, South Australia. palmer of JSmtane antr ^tmtl) l^mneDp. PALMER, HON. SIR ARTHUR HUNTER, K.C.M.G., of Brisbane, and of Beaufort, South Kennedy, Queensland, Australia, president of the Legislative Council, h. in Armagh, Ireland, 28th December, 1819; edacated atToughal Grammar School; m. 8th June, 1865, Cecilia Jessie, daughter of Archibald Mosman, Esq. of Armidale and Randwick, New South Wales, and sister to Lady McUwraith, and by her (who d. 81st August, 1885) has issue, I. William Hangar Hunter, I. 17th May, 1866. II. Arthur Cecil Hunter, I. 27th April, 1868. III. Carl Beaufort Hunter, 6. 18th November, 1871. I. Mary Jessie Hunter, 6. 24th October, 1873. II. Estelle Georgina Hunter, h. 15th May, 1881. The Hon. Sir Arthur Hunter Palmer emigrated to New South Wales in 1838, was engaged for some years in pastoral pursuits in connection with Mr, H. Dangar's stations in the north of New South Wales, rising to the position of general manager, and, in 1845, Sir Arthur went to Queensland. He repre- sented Port Curtis in the Legislative Assembly of Queensland, 1866 to 1879, and Brisbane since 1879 ; colonial secretary, secretary for works, Queensland, and secretary for lands, Queensland, 1867-68; colonial secretary and premier for about five years from May, 1870 ; colonial secretary and secretary for public instruction, January, 1879, to December, 1881 ; president of the Legislative Council since 1881 ; administrator of the government from May to November, 1883, again from April to December, 1886, and subsequently from 9th October to 30th November, 1888. In 1881 he was created a knight commander of St. Michael and St. George. IlincagE. Rev. Aethtje Palmee, A.M., chancellor of Ossory, and rector of Bunford, co. Kilkenny, Ireland (brother of Patrick Palmer, F.T.C.D., LL.D., and of Ven. Henry Palmer, arch- deacon of Ossory), m. 1777, Margaret, daugh- ter of the Rev. Samuel Madden, LL.D.,