Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/17

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Gvfliwillan, Wollinglon, J. IStli July, 1825 ; «(! 20(liOelub('i-, 1858, Annie PiilnuM-,(liiUf;litc'r ol" William Bcetluim, oi' Danuni. ami tlicir oungost son is ICrl Temple, h. "tli February, 1885, and their youngest daughter, Knid Ctillia, was b. nth Aujjtusl, 1881 ; v. .Tolin William, h. (;th April, 1827 ; m. May, 1854,Sanili Hiisliy ; VI. Joseph Mai-sdcn, h. 5th March, ISUT, vnm. ; I. Marianne, h. 28th Ajiril, 1820 ; m. Februarv, 181-3, the Kev. t'hristopher I'earson l)aTies;'n. Sarah, h. 26th Februarv, 182!); i«. April, 18-19, the Kev. Thomas Eiddulph Ilutton, and d. 5th April, 186G; iii. Cather- ine, //. 24th February, 1831 ; m. May, 1852 ; IV. Caroline Elizabttli, b. 13th Koveraber, 1832 ; m. December, 1858, Samuel Ludbrook ; V. Lydia Jane, b. December, 1834; m. Novem- ber, 1859, Hugh Francis Carleton. Wilson (p. 60). — Sir Samuel W'ilson's eldest son, Gordon Cliesney, ot tiie Eoyal Horse Guards, m. at St. George's, Hanover Square, London, 21st November, 1891, Lady Sarali Speueer-Churcliill, youngest daughter of the seventh Duke of Marlborough, and sister of Lord Randolph Churcliill. •Sir Sanaie! 'ilson's second daughter, Jfaud Margaiet, m. at St. George's, Hanover Square, London, 11th June, 1892, the Eurl of Huntingdon, and has issue. WiNDETER (p. 93). — Alai-y Emily, second daughter of Hon. W. C. Windeyer (who received the honour of knightliood 1N91), LL.D., m. Alexander G. Ralston (not Archi- bald G. Ralston as stated). Wish (p. 177). — George Fostn- Wise's sister-in-law, Maria Bate, widow of the Hon. Edward Wise, d. at Sydney, 7th Nmcniber, 1892, aged 65. WOOLLCOMBE (p. 35-1-). — Bclficld WooU- conibe, of Ashbury, near Timaru, N.Z., d. 22ud July, 1891. Wkixon (p. 142). — The Hon. HcniT Jolm Wrixou was created K.C.M.G. iu 1892.