Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/181

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BUEKES COLONIAL GENTllY. oCl Hiiuacir. Tliis f.mii1.v settled in St. Kitts before 1660, nixl 1ms lielcl the fume estates ever siiiec. .loil.N KsiKlDOK, A. about 164(>, and rf. ITOl, leaving two sons, 1. JoeepI', li. lf)7I, d. 1710 leavinf; a son, Jolin, who m. 173-1, Miss I'AVNi; and (/. s. p. ; and 2. BhNJAMi.N, of whom we treat. The sefond son, Bknj..min E.-Tiuuoi-', who held lauds at Wieh, Somerset.shire, Kngland, and gave a site at St. .Tohn's, Cnpisterre, St. Kilts, W.I., for a rluireh, m. Kranees Bk-spiiiuou, at d b_ her had, with ot.Iur issue, a second son, JoM.v EsTKiDCK, 4. 1702, m. Elizabetb, daughter of William I'llirrs (bv Lady C'uth- crine Axneslkv, his wife, oidj dauj^hter and heirof James, third Kahlof .Vnoi.ksky), and sister of C'onstantine Pii i pi's, first LoKl) MuL- ORAVE (see Bl'KKIi's Feirage, KoKMANUY, M.), and by her had issue, a son, John Esteiboe, b. 1732, m. first, Mary Sjsaton, and by her, who d. 1772, had issue, I. John, b. 1760, m. Eliza Parson, and d. 17y-l, leaving a daughter Eliza, h. 17'J1, d. 1868. II. Arelas, b. 17i;8, m. Ann Jn.ins {b. 1774, rf. 1838), and rf. 1815,leavingissue, 1. Aretas William,*. 18U4, m. Cath- erine Barnstable, and d. 1870, having by her, who was b. 18i6, and d. lS7fi, had issue, («) Arefas, d. s.ji. 1882. (b) John Julius, of Sutton Veney, Warminster, Wilts, b. 1847, m. Louisa Ann loR- VILLE (6. IboG), and has issue, (1) John Jidius, b. 1883. (2) George Ceed, b. 188-5. (3) Aretas William, A. 1887. (4) Augustus, 4. 1888. (5) Cliailes Ilenrv, b. 1890. (6) A. sou, b. 18'.I2. (7) A son, b. lSii3. (a) Gertrude Ann, b. 1815, d. unm. 1884. 2. John Julius, b. 17t)9, deceased. 1. Anne, d. 1847. I. Mary, b. 1759, m. Dr. England, and d. 1782. He m. secondly, Susanna Whatlet, and d, 1778, having, by her, who m, secondly, 1782, Godfrey Meynell, who d. s. p. (see Landed Gen/iy, MEYNiLL-lNGRAM, of Hoar Cross), had issue, III. Edward, b. 1775, served under the Puke of Yoi'k in Elauders in the 1st Royal Dragoov.s. IV. Joseph, of whom we treat. The youngest son, Joseph Estriloe, b. 1777, who served in Besidfuce — Minety House, Miiiety, Malme and Bramble estate.", St. Kitts. the 1st Koyal Dragoons and was wounded be- fore Cateau, in Elanders, in 1704, and d. IS] 4, luiving by Ann 'J'aylou, his wife (A. J77(, </. 1854), had issue, I. Joseph, d. 1802. n. Charles, of the Slst Regiment, b. 1803, (/. 1851. III. Gkorsk, of whom presently. IV. Edward, b. January, 1808, d. Mav, 1801. V. John, b. 1800, d. 1820. i. Joseph, Lieutenant-Colonel Bombay Engineers, A. 1811, m. A. SlPPlE (4. 1820, d. 1880) and d. 180 t. VII. Henrv, A. 1812, m. Mary Lcraine (A. 18Cy, d. 1800), and d. 1852, having issue, 1. Henry, 4. 1833, m. Miss Drum- IIOND and d. 1870, leaving issue, (a) Henry I'owys, 4. 7lh July, 1858, d'. January, 1801. (A) I'owys, d. an infant. (a) iIar"ion, 4. 1808. 2. Loraine, 4. 1810, m. M. S. 1'bab.';, and has issue, (a) Samuel, 4. 1873. (4) Geofl'rey, d. an infant. 3. Edward, 4. 1843, »h. Elizabeth Parry, and has issue, (a) John Powys, d. au infan*, 1871. (A) Edward Powys, d. an infant, 1875. (f) C. Loraine, 4. 1877. (d) Audrey R., 4. 1878. (f) Edward Wilfred, 4. 1885. (J) W. E. Parrv, A. 1886. (n) Mildred, 4. 1872. (A) .Mary Loraine, A. 1874. ((•) Kiith Margaret, 4. 1880. (d) Elizabeth Dorothy, 4. 1881. (e) Hilda, A. 1882. 1. Marianne, 4. 1839. 2. Emily, A. 1837. I. Susannah,' A. 1806, d. 1807. The third son, George Estridoe, «j. first, Graeo Male, and by her had issue, I. Edward, 4. 1833, d. 1866. IL George Tylor, 4. 1835, served in the Indian Mutiny in the Bombay Native Infantry, and '(/. 1862. III. Henry Wiiatihy, the subject of this memoir. I. Anne Maria, A. 1831, d. 1840. II. Grace Elizabeth, A. 16th January, 1843, d. 1882. Mr. George Eslridge m. secondly, Margaret Anne Wilson, and by her had issue, III. Fanny Marion, A. 1845. IV. Susan, d. in infancy. ibury, Wills; anil the Hill, Lower E.-tridge's VOL. II.