Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/187

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. r.r.7 Ji'Sitip. MalxlLvdin. 6. John (Veu.)i of Ilonncnd, to. Hcrt- foid, JI..A., iiroli- dciieon of Snlop, cliapliiin of Kiug's CoUpye, Loudon, unci an inspector of scliools, h. 25th Wiiy, 1811, m. aid Jul.v, 183'!, Ilai- riet, dauglitcr of J. W. U IOC. INS, and <l. Ueeonibor, 1881, loavinf; with several daiiglilcrs. a son, Jolin lli«2gnis. (1) Slavgarct, m. A. Lkach. Tlif I'ldpst son, William Allen, of Gcllcswiek, co. Pem- bioke, liigh slicrift, 1742, m. the daugliter of Fowler, of Eoboston, po, JVnibroko, and d. (will proved at Cnnnarthen, 2ik1 Jnly, 1744), leaving with other issue, Joseph Ali^x, of Gelles-nict, m. 3rd Sejitember, 1751, Ann, onlv danglitcr of Charles PinLirps, of St. Brides ilill, of the family of Philipps of Ficloii Caxilc, and co- heiress of her brother, Tvho d. 17y8, and by her htd with four daughters, lliree sons, I. John, of whom presently. II. William. III. Charles, who assumed the surname and arms of Philiips by sign manual, about 1709, on inheriting the St. Bride's Hill estate, and served as high sheriff of Pembrokeshire ; he in. Cecilia, daughter of Philipps of Lampeter, and left a son, William Charles (Allen-Philipfs). Cecilia,™. Gilbert llAREls, of Llan- niiwas. Henrietta, m. 14th July, 1835, Sii- Arthur Grey Hazleuiuo, Bart., and rf.l 3th December, 1 883, having by him, who d. 11th May, 1890, had issue {see Bukke's Peerajjeand Baronelage, H azlekigg, Bart.) The eldest son, John Allen, of Gelleswick, m. 2fith Oe ober, 1798, Mary Bowen, and d. 4th Beecmber, 1808, having by her, who d 2nd September, 1827, had issue, a son, CiiAELES Bowen Allen, of Kickeslon Hall, CO. Pembroke, m. 20th May, 1824, ]{lizabetli, daughter of John Bowen, and d. 1 Kb April, 1S47, having by lier, who d. 30th October, 1849, had issue. I. JouN Bowen, of whom presently. Arms --Per lend rompu arg. and sa. six martlets counterc/iant/ed. Crest — A dove holding in the beak an olive branch all ppr, Hi otto — Amicitia sinej'raude. .E&s'rfencc— Steynsburg, Cape Colony, Soulli .('riea. II. William Bowen,?/. 2(;(h Afay, 1830, and d. unm. 31st August, 1803. III. Charles Hugh, of Keslon Hall, co. Pembroke, J, P., b. 30lh December, 1831, VI. I8th November, 185(5, Mary, ihiughterof the late Tliomas Kichurd Sani Ens. of Clifton, co. Olouecstcr, formerly of Hunbury, Co. Worcester, i.nd has issue. 1. Alhu Charles, I. 24th October, 18&7. 2. Hugh William, I. 0th June, 1864. 3. Ernest Inee, h. 22nd May, ISGG, m. 24th January, 1SS9, Jlelftne, youngest daughter of llio late Colonel Lewis William PliNN, C.B., A.D.C., K.A. 1. Edith Mary, »«. 2Uh March, 1885, Kichard Poyer 1-ewi.spENN, J. P. of Camrose, co. Pembroke, eldest .son of Colonel Lewis AVilliam I'ENN, aforesaid, and has issue. I. Mary Bowen, d. ni:vi. 28lli Oelober, 1818. II. Kmma Elizabeth, d. voung, 23rd October, 1828. III. Elizabetli Bowen, m. 3Ut May, 1853, William John Eidgnay 8ani>£1£S, of Clifton, eo. Gloucester, formerly of Hanburv, co. Woree^ter, who d. in Paris, 29th May, 1873. IV. Catherine Bowen, d. Aoinig, 7th Noveniber, 1836. V. Catherine Luther Ann, >n. 2nd June, l!-59, Thomas Inee Webb Bowen, of Camrose, co. Pembroke, and d. 17th January, 1867, leaving issue. The eldest son, John Bowen Allen, of Eiekcrston, co. Pembroke, b. 1825, in. 1st Apul, 185U, Jane Euphemia, daughter of General John Muehay, and widow of Captain George Eussell Deaiie, and d. 31st Decen.ber, 1809, having by her, who d. 12lh NoveUiber in that year, had issue, I. Chaeies Lewis Eeece, the subject of this memoir. II. John llutcliins Bowen. III. Harvey Graham, m. Ellen SnoEES. I. Elizabeth 5IuiTay,m. Arthur Edmund Lucas. II. Ada Blanelie, m. John Douglas Maktin, and lias issue a daughter. in. Elorenee Ellen, m. William J. Tench, and has issue, one sou and two daughters. IV. Euphemia Stepney, d. num. v. Catherine Euphemia.