Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/195

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BURKE'S COLOXIAL GENTKV 575 Uincnae. This family is amongst tlio most ancient of GcM-manv. So far back as the 9t.i century, h is slated to have been settled at Caslel Mar (the loin:in Caslellum Aliirum), a stroni;liold of I'eiidiil limes, siUialcd in the valley of the Jliiira, on the Italian frontier of the republic of the Grisous. Peiku bk Salis came over to England in the year 1709, as envoy and minister pleni- potentiary from Joseph I, Jiuiperor of Germany, to (Juecn Anne ; and on the 12th Marcli, 174S, he was created by the Kni]icror FuANCis, a count of the Germanic or Holy Koman Empire, wilji remainder to his issue male. He<f. in 17J9, leaving an only son and heir, Jekomk, CorNT deSalis, who was natura- lized by Act of Parliament, 30th Mareli, 173-t. He III. in January, 1735, the Hon. Mary Fane, eldest daughter of Charles, Viscount Pane, and had, Cha.'les, M.P. for the borough of Read- ing, 17U0; rf. X. p. 17S1. Peter, eventual heir to his and mother. Henry Jerome, in holy orders, D.D. of Queen's College, Oxford, one of the chaplains in ordinary to the king, vicar of Wing, eo. Bucks, and rector of St. Antholiu's, Loudon ; d. issueless in Miiy, 1S09. On the decease, without issue, of Charles, first Viscount Fane, in 1772, his sister, Mary, Countess de Salis, inherited the extensive estates in Ireland of the Fake family (derived from Raehael, Countess of Batlij. She rf. in 1784. and was s. by her elder sur- viving son, Petek, Count de Salis, captain in the Coldstream Guards, justice of the jieaec, and deputy-lieutenant for the eo. of Middlesex. During a residence of some years abroad. Count de Salis filled the office of president of the Grisons, and was captain-general and governor of the "'alteline and Chiavenna. He »i. Anne de Salis ; and dying 20th No- vember, 1807, left issue, Jerome, his successor. John, Count de Sails, a lord of the bed- chamber, and member of the Austrian privv council, at one time president of the canton of the Grisons, and subse- quently minister of state to his Im- perial Highness, Francis, Archduke of Modena. His excellency m. in 1835 Eliza, eldest daughter of General Coiuit F. S. DE Salis, first lady of the bcdcbamlier to the Arch-Duchess of Modena, but had no issue. The elder .son, Jerome, Count de Salis, justice of the peace and deputy-lieutenant for the coo. of Armagh and Middlesex, obtained in Decem- ber, 1835, a royal licence, permitting him to assume the nanu' of Fane in addition to that of i>E Salis, as the inheritor of the estate, and being the next rc|n'esentative of Charles, last Viscount Fane. Count de Salis »i. first, in June, 1797, Sophia, second daughter and eventually heiress, of Admiral Francis Wil- liam DliAKE, of linekland .Vbbey, Devon, brother of Sir F. H. Drake, liart., and by that lady (who d. in 1803) had issue, I. Peter John, his heir. Count de Salis, knight of Malta and of the order of the Red Fagle of I'lussia; a deputy lieu- tenant for the CO. of Armagh, and a magistrate for Middlesex and West- minster ; b. 2()th February, 1799 ; m. first, 19th February, 1821, Henrietta de St. Denis de Gkancy, second daughter of the Conite de Gnincy, a general in the French service, but by her had no issue ; and set'ondly, 19lh July, 1Sl'4, Cecilia HiMirietta" Mar- garet, daughter of David BouB- GBois, of the city of Neufchatel, and uieoo to the Comte de Mbukon, Prussian Ambassador at the court of Denmark, and had issue, 1. John Francis William, Count de Salis, /,. 25lh .Vugust, 1825; attache to the legation at Turin, from 4lh October, 1845, to De- cember, 1849, III. lltli February, 1862, Amelia Frances Harriet, eldest daughter of Christopher ToWEE, of Huntsmore Park, Bucks, by Lady Sophia, his wife, and d. 7th August, 1871, having by her, who d. 8th January, 1885, had issue, (1) John Francis Charles Fane, present Count de Salis, third secretary diplomatic service, J.P. and D.L., co. Limerick, J.P. eo. Armagh, 4. 19th July, 1864; m. 1890, Helene Marie de Riqnct, daughter of Prince Eugene DE Caeaman-Chimav, and has issue, John Eugene, b. 4th Octo- ber, 1891. (2) Henry Eodolph, A.M.I.C.E., i.30th Jnne,1860 ; m. 9th May, 1 893. AliceMary ,e 1 dest daugh- ter of Ca]3tain Kobert Lam- bert, of Weston,! hemes Dit- ton, Surrey, late of the 43rd Light Infantry. (1) Catharine Sophia, b. 18fi3. 2. Peter, b. 22nd November, 1827 ; late of the Austrian service; m. 19t,h November, 1874, Agnes Louisa, eldest daughlerof Charles Joseph la Tboue, C.I)., first governor of Victoria, and has issue. 3. George Aloys, b. 1st December, 1829 ; captain, Austrian service, d. 22nd October, 1 Hm. 4. Kobert John Drake, b. 13th February, 1837; m. 18TC, Elise, daughter of J. B. DE TsciIAUNEK, and tias issue.