Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/197

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P.riUvE'S COI.oXl.Vh (IKXTUY 577 Moltoes—SiiUx llectitur sod non frangitur : also Pro Deo, rop;e, ct palvia. Sesidences — I'herwii, Laiivoii, Syilnev ; and Strathniore, Bowon, (iiiccnsland. C/«6— Svdiioy. Note. — Tlio members of this family arc lioredilary kniglits of tlie order of Uie O-Dlden Spur, aud enjoy the dignity of Counts Palatine of the Pahiee of the Lateran, eonfirnu'd by Pope Paul IV, anno 1550. lj[>rtt. HON. ALEXANDER RYIJIK, of Micalagn, ilicliflago, atid of Avnprlor, Braidwood, New South Wales, tiiember of the Legislative Council and justice of the ])eace, Now South Wale.s, b. 17th Dcceiiibor, 1827; m. Hth .luly, 18G0, Charlotte, elder daughter of the late Captain Alurcd Tasker Faunck, of the 4th (King's Own) Regiment, now King'i^ Own Royal Lancaster Regiment (by Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of Lieutenant- Colonel John Kenneth Maikionzii;, of the same regiment, who served all through the Peninsular war. and afterwards in America, where he was severely wounded at the battle of Bladensburg, afterwards settling in New South Wales, where he arrived in command of his regiment in 1832), who was son of General Alured Dodsworth Paunce, C.B., aide-de-camp to the King, and grandson of Major Thomas Fahnce (see Burke's Landed Gentry, Faunce of Sharded), and has issue, I. Cassels Campbell, h. 4th May, 1861. II. Granville De Laune, h. 1st July, 186.5. in. Alison Faunce, 6.30th August, 1867; n M. GiRso.v. IV. William Moodie, /-. 20th October, 1869. V. Vincent Wallace, h. 23rd July, 1871. VI. Stanley Stewart, h. 10th September, 1873. I. Edith, b. 7th September, 1862. II. Evelyn, b. 11th July, 1875. 26th October, 1891, Eva Hincacic. Stewart Eykie, of Sydney, and of Arn- jirior, Braidwood, New Soutli Wales, was one of twelve brothers b. at Caitliness, Scotland. He was in the commissariat- department, in which he served throughout the Peninsular war and at Waterloo, receiving from Greneral Picton the field- glass he used during the battle with its donor's name engraved on it. He arrived in Sydney as deputy commissary-general, in 1825. He m. twice; firstly, Anne Stewakt, of Si rath Caithness-shire, sister of Greneral Stewart, of the 3rd Regiment (The Buffs), who was acting governor of New South Wales from 1st December to 19th December, 1^525, and resided at The Mount, Bathurst. By this lady Mr. Ryrio had issue, I. William, m. Marianne, daughter of John Cassels, of Arnprior, near Stirling, Scotland, and d. leaving issue, onp son and two daugiiters. VOL. II. ^^ II. James, d. unm. III. Donald, m. Jane, dauglitcr of the Rev. J. Salmon, and d. leaving issue, three sons and four daughters. IV. Stewart, of Coodra Vale, Yass, New South W'ales, m. Janet, second daughter of Lieutenant-Colonel John Kenneth Mackenzie, of (he 4th (King's Own) Regiment, before-men- tioned, and d. leaving issue, three sons and foiu* daughters. I. Elizabeth, ;«. William MooDrE, an officer in the commissariat deiiartment, and d. s. p. II. .lane, m. Francis Lascelles Walt.aoe, M.D., of Sydney, and d. leaving issue, one son and one daughter. Ryrie m. secondly at Arnprior, near Stn-ling, Scotland, 1825, Isabella, third diughter of John Cassels, of Arnprior, before-mentioned, by whom he had issue,