Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/20

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4' II.' I'.l'iJKK'S COT.OXI.VI, CKXTin' (1) Eioliard Ilinigei-l'ord, of BrewsteiQold, Kill- ai'ney, aud Woodrille, Kiliiarvan, co. Kerry, J.P.. B.A. Trin. Coll., Dublin, b. nth- April, 1807 ; m. llitli August, 1832, tTances Diana, daugbter of Rev. Bas- table Hebbket, of Brewsterfield, and bad issue, 1. Arthur Herbert, h. 8th September, 1S33 ; m. 5th June, 1862, Jane Sophia, daughter of Colonel Henry Spencer, and has issue, (1) Arthur CecU Herbert, b. 3rd December, 1871. (1) Mary Frances Beatrice. (2) Jane Sophia Spencer. 2. Eichard Hunger- ford, b. 15th Aug- ust, 1844, m. lOih September, 18')7, IM.iria Martha Tat- LOR, and has issue, (1) Bastable Her- bert, b. 5th June, 1869. (1) Adriana Mary. (2) Rose Olivia Victoria. (3) Frances Diana. (4) Mary Geral- dine. (5) lerne Cornelia Georgiana. 1. MarT, m. 11th August, 1859, H. Wheatlet, and d. 12lh November, 1S63, leaving issue. (2) Thomas llungerford M.D. 1810, 1836, Margaret Augusta Owen, and had, Mary Elizabeth ; Frances Ger- aldine, m. L. Bolton, M.D. ; Sopliie, m. A. COPKT; and Tliomasine, m. Dr. Allen, R.N. (1) Sophia Anne Maria Crar.field H uugerford, m. 1830, George Beamish. . Henry, of Gortagas, co. Kerry, Captain in the army, in, Letitia Beecuek, and had issue, (1) Richard Beecher, m. and had issue, one daughter. b. 13th June, m. 18th August, (,2) Thomas .Vllen Beecher. d. s. p. (3) Edward, m. — Heatley, and had issue. (4) Henry, of Bridgeville Park, CO. Kerry, m. Racliel Herman. (1) Mary Anne. (2) Letitia .imelia. 1. An lie, m. Richard Rye, of Rye.'ourt. 2. Alice, m. William Mere- dith and had issue. (it) Grace, m. Daniel Ckumpe. (6) .'ignes, m. Thomas Wright, of Glengariif, eo. Cork, (c) Margaret. III. Robert, /«. EUza Smith, and had two sons and two daugliters ; 1. Ricliard ; 2. Lovel, who went abroad ; 1. Mary, d. iinm. ; and 2. Sarah, m. Major KiG, of Killarney. IV. George. V. Abram, Port Surveyor, of Kenmare. Tl. Raymond, d. unm. 1774. This gentle- man, an indefatigable genealogist, compiled, about 1745, a most extensive pedig'.'ee of his family. Mr. Orpen was s. at his decease by his eldest son, Rbt. Thomas Orpen, of Killowen, Rector of Kenmare, and the adjoining parishes, m. Agnes, daughter of Arthur Heebeet, of Currens, and had issue, I. Richard (Rev.), M.A., Killowen, co. Kerry, and Frankfort, co. Cork, Rector of Valentia, m. Mary, daughter of Matthew HtTTCHiNSON, and relict of James French, by whom (who d. 1804) he left at his decease, at Bordeaux, 1770, one son and three daughters : I. Eichard Thomas, High Sheriff, co. Cork, d.unm.; 1. Mary, m. fiisl. Captain John Thavees, of Fir Grove, co. Cork , and secondly , General the Hon. William Mordaunt .Mait- LAND, and had issue {see Burke's Peerage, Lauderdale, E.) ; 2. Char- lotte, m. 1790, Thomas QuiN, K.C. ; 3. Sophia, m. 1797, Philip Oliver Ellard, Captain Fencible Regiment. II. Arthur, lost at sea, with liis wife and only child. III. Thomas, d. in Trinity College, Dublin. IV. George, a Military Officer, severely wounded at the battle of Minden. lie m. Lucy, daughter of Nathaniel Bland, of Derryquin Castle, and had issue : 1. Thomas, Captain Kerry Miliua, d. unm. 182;?; 2. Henry Francis, Major 6i th Regiment, killed at Talarera, unm.; 1. Lucy, m. Alexander Steange, Captain of Diagoons, and had issue. T. Edward, b. 1741, who resided at the family mansion of Killowen, and was Major in a Volunteer Regiment; m. Eleanor Connor, and d. L817, having by her (who d. 22nd March, 1839 ) had