Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/201

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lilUKK'S COLOMAI. (iKNTUV. .-,sl of New Foutli Wales, 14th October, 1881, being now second puisne judge. He is a trustee of the Sydney Free Public Library, and the National Art Gallery of New South Wales. For his services in connexion with the annexation of Fiji, he received the honour of knighthood in January, 1875. Uinragc. Majok Rouert Long Inkes, H.Xf. army, of Clover Hill, oo. Li-itrini, IrolanJ, m. Susannah L.wvjiKR, and had a son, Captain Jo.skph Long Innes, of ir.Af. 3;ith Resimcnt, b. lOtli Kovinilier, ISdl); ,«. at Sydney, New South Wales, 51 h May, 1829, Elizabeth Anne Eeibey (who d. 19th April, 1870), and d. 29th May, 1885, haring had issue, I. JosErn Gkokoe Long (Hon. Sii-), ])uisne judge of the t?u}5reme CoiO't of New South Wales, the subject of this memoir. II. Herbert Mnnro Long, late of H.M.'s ■1th Regiment, 4. 5th October, 1839; vr. Anne, daugliter of Robert Leeuy, nnd has six ehildren. III. Reginald Gipps Long (Rev.), M.A. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, viear of Whitton, Hounslow, eo. Middlesex, b. 5th March, 1844.; m. 9th June, 1874, Emma Grace, fd'th dauahter of Edward CoorKK, by Matilda Ann, his wife, and d. 15th July, 1890, having had issue, 1. Reginald Wilberforce Long, R.N., I. 2.3rd May, 1877. 2. Sehvyn Long, 4. 21st June, 1878. 1. North Clara Long, 4. 27th January, 1876. 2. Grace Barbara Long, 4. lljth November, 1879. I. Elizabeth Jane Long, m. 9th Februaryi 1860, Commander George Poynter Heath, K.N., of Uanworth, Brisbane, Queensland, and of 10, Barkstou Gardens, London, S.W., formerly chairman of the marine board and port master of Queensland, and by him has nine children {see He th of Brisbane): II. Celia Long, )». 1851, Lieutenant- (ieneral Edward Lavves PrM,R.M.L.L, third son of Richard Elswortliy Pym, K.N. (who entered the navy, 20th June, 1809). Lieuten.ant-General Pym, d. 7th April, 1892, having had issue, 1. Edward Alfred Innes, Captain, late of the Worcestershire Regi- ment, 4. 2nd February, 1858 ; m. Eliza Clara, only daughter of Colonel Woodhonse, I.S.C. 2. Erskine Travers, of the Chinese Customs. 1. Elizabeth Mary, m. 1876, Captain Arms — Arrj. tJiree stars of six points az. Crest — A star of six points az. Motto — Fortis et Futelis. Residences — Winslow, Darling Point, Sydney ; Wales. Club — Australian. 4. 16th Novcndier, Henry Phineas Riall Sankky> R.E., eldest son of General Wil- liam Sankey, of the 9th Regi- ment, and ha,s issue one son and three daughters, viz., I. Crofton ; 1. Celia; 2. Margaret; 3. Joyce. 2. Clara Katherine. 3. Ethel Frances Celia. 4. Cecil Janet Intu's. III. Mary Susannah Long, b. 13th June, 1842 ; m. John AiiMSTKONO, barrister- at-law (who was 4. 2nd Se])tember, 1838), and has i.ssue, 1. John. 1. Cliristian, 1871. 2. Mary, 4. 21st April, 1873. 3. Frances. 4. Kathleen. 5. Eileen. IV. Clara Long, m. 16th January, 1872, the Right Rev. John Richardson Sel- WYN, D.D., formerly Bishop of Melanesia (second son of the late Right Rev. George Augustus Selwyn, D.D., D.C.L., sometime Bishop of New Zealand, and afterwards Bishop of Lichfield, by Sarah Harriet, his wife, daughter of Sir John Richardson, Knt), who was 4. at Waimate, New Zealand, 20th May, 1844; educated at Eton, and at Trinity College, Cam- bridge, third class classical tripos, B.A. 1866, M.A. 1869, D.D. 1885; ordained deacon 1869, priest 1870, curate of Alrewas, co. Stafford, 1869- 70, curate of St. George's, Wolver- hampton, 1871, and vicar thereof 1871, joined Melanesian Mission, 1873 ; con- secrated second Bishop of Melanesia, 17th February, 1877 ; resigned through illness, 1st January, 1892. She d. 30th December, 1877, leaving issue, 1. Stephen John. 1. Margaret Elizabeth. 2. Rcbie Sarah. 3. Clara ^'iolet, deceased. (Bishop Selwyn m, secondly, 11th August, 1885, Annie Catlierine, daugh- ter of Thomas Sutcliffe MoBT. of Greenoakes, Sydney, New South Wales, and by her has issue, 1. Dorothy Theresa, and 2. Mary Geraldine.) Clover Hill, Sutton Forest, New Soutli