Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/218

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508 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. jpamily. of Tliomas Baiiker, J. P. and D.L. of Albrighton, near Wolverhampton, and by Jior lias is.^uo, II. Clurniont Grantliam, h. at Milfoixl-ou-Sea, Hants, 30th April, 1891. Mr. S. G. Grantham-Hill went to sea as a mid.shipraan at 14 years of age, and was wrecked three times. He went to Queensland in 1862, and started life with one pound in his pocket and no friends in the colony ; was a stockrider for two years, and was appointed to the Civil Service in 18G4, from which he retired in 1888, having been the registrar of the District Courts and clerk of Petty Sessions at Rockhampton. He speculated successfully in the celebrated Mount Morgan Gold Mines, near Rockhampton, and returning homo, settled in Hampsliire, where he now resides. He assumed the additional name of Grantham, 26th April, 1893. Hmm. CSiantJjam Jonx GRANTnAM, descended it is said from the aniient family of Crraiitliam, of Goltlio, CO. Lincoln, m. Selina, daugliter and beiress of Sir Thomas de Bueoh, and had with otliPi issne, an eldest son, Thdmas Grantham, who m. the daughter of John Bennett, of Lincoln, and left a son, Thomas Bennett Guantham, Captain L'jth Regiment, m. Margaret, daughter of Captain Tliomaa Webber, R.N., by Margaret Robertson, his wife, and <l. at Ketton Oi-anjie, the residence of his second son, in IHlfi, liaving had issue, I. Thomas, of wliom presently. II. Charles, of Ketton Grange, co. Rut- land, Captain R.N., high sheriff 1844, Ik 4th December, 1790, m. 25th July, 1811, Emily Grace, youngest daughter of the late Right Hon. James FoRTES- CUE, M.P. of Eavensd.ile Park, co. Louth, and sister to the late Viscount Clermont. III. Arthur, of the Royal NaTy, »«. 1S40, Susan, daughter of T. HEiLE,aud had a sou and daughter. I. Anne, m. Colonel William Suortt. II. Margaret, d. uiim. The eldest son, Maior-Geneeal Thomas Grantham, of the Royal Artillery, served in the Peninsular campaign, and afterwards oommauded at Jersey, and in the Island of Ceylon. He was A. 1788, m. 1808, Anne, daughfer of Edwai'd Stanlet, descended from James, seventh Earl of Derby, and <l. 1859, havnig by her, who d. 1845, had issue, I. Thomas, d. 1851. II. Edward, d. 1851. III. Charles Caldwell, Colonel 98th Regiment, m. Adeline, daughter and ]ien-ess of Colonel Johnson, 5th Fusiliers, and had issue, Charles. Adeline. Mabel. Emily. IV. William Fortescue, d. 1860. I. Cliarlotie, m. Major Fulford, R.A. II. Emily, »«. as b.doio, Captain Fred- erick William Hill. %m iFa>»'lji. This family claims descent from the Hills of Sp(i.rtuii and Hound sford, in co. Somerset, whose pedigree is very amjily given in the Heralds Visitation of that sliire. Dr. John Hill, an eminent physician to the Coiu-ts of George 11 and George III, was h. 171fi, and m. Wilheluiina, secojid daughter of ChavUs JoNES (by Elizabeth, his wife, daugliler of James Douglas, J. P. of Haddington, Scotland), and sister of Charles, fourth Viscount Ranelegh, and d. at his residence in Canonbur, 9th Feliruary, 1789, leaving issue by her, who survived him, I. Thomas, of whom presently. II. John, of Frcemantle Park, Southamp- ton. I. Frances, m. Clement SwANSTON. The elder son. Captain Thomas Hill, of Holly House, Twickenham, of the Royal Navy, served under 'ice-Admiral Parker, at the action off Dogger Bank in 1781, in H.M.S. "Princess Amelia," and was dangerously wounded ; he was afterwards in command of H.M.S. " Firebrand." He m. the daughter of Thomas SpARKMAN, and d. at Holly House, in October, 1791, leaving issue, I. Swann, Colonel in the First Royal Regiment. II. John, Captain 2nd Dragoon Guards, and afterwards in holy orders of the Church of Rume. He d. a missionary bishop, in South America. III. Frf.iierick, of whom presently. IV. Edward, Commander R.N.