Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/252

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0:50 BURKE'S COLONIAL H ENTRY. beautiful spocimen of the flora of the Wesfprn Hemisphere " The Victoria Rogla," which he introdiioed into England. Dr. Schoniburgk settled at Buchsfielcl, Gawler Elver ; and in 18(i6, succeeded Mr. Francis as director of the Botanic Gardens, Adelaide. He was the author of papera on the cultivation of various plants, and had nunicrous honours conferred on liini. Setidence — Adelaide, South Austr.ilia. ^oy;i>s. EVELYN ARCHER POWYS, of Mathraval, co. Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, h. 1848, educated at Shrew.sbui-j, and settled in Manitoba, in 1882. ILinfflge. The house of PowYS deduces lineage tlirough the Barous of Main-yn-Meifod, in Powvsland, from lorwerth Goch, Lord of Mocbnant, in Powjslan'^I, youngest sou of Meredith, Pi-ince of Powys, representative of Mervyn. King of Powys, third son of Khodri M.'iwr, King of Wales. The descendant, by Torwerth Vyclian, the younger son of this Iorver'ii Goch, M.DOC AP Iefan, of Main-yn-Meiford, in. Angliarad, daughter of leven ap Jlinion ap lorwerili, of Mechain, and had issue, I. Owain ap Madoc, from whom deseen- ded the family of Griffiths, formerly oF Glover, in Llansilin. II. David Goch ap Madoc, of Meifod, Trefnanny, and Deuddwr. III. John, of whom v^e treat. The third son, John Powr.s, of Myfod, was father of, James Powys, whose son, William Powys, of Ludlow, i. in 1491; m. for his second wife, Margaret, daughter of Kicliard Rowbcry, and had, with other issue, I. Thomas, of whom presently. II. Jolin, of Bryndrinog, ancestor of Powys, of BerKick Hmisp, and of Westuiood. {See Btrke's Landed G..ntri/.) The eldest son of the second marriage, Thomas Powys, of Snytton, co. .Salop, b. 1558; m. Elizabeth, dapghter of Richard .Smyth, of Creilenhill, e .. Hereford, and d. l'»39, having had nine children, of whom the eldest, Tii0M.s Powvs, serjeant-at-law, and one of the benchers of Lincoln's Inn, was seated at Henley Hall, in the parish of Bitterly. He m. fli's*-, Anne, daughter of Sir Adam Littleton, Knt. and Bart., of Stoke Mil- borne, cliief justice of North Wales, a des- cendant of the celebrated author of (he Trenfi'se on Tenures, by whom he had six children, umut^Iv, I. Littleton (Sir), Knt., of Henley Hall, h. 1647 ; a bencher of Lincoln's Inn, received the honour of knighthood from King William III, on his appointment to the eliief justiceship of North Wales in 1692. In 1695 he was made one of the barons of the exchequer, and in 1702 a judge of tha King's Bench, whiidi he resigned in 1726, after a service of thirty-one years as one of the twelve judges. By his wife, Agnes, who d. before him, daughter of — Carter, he had no i«su°, and dying 13th March, 1731, was buried at Bitterly. II. Thomas (Sir), of whom pre.^ently. III. E Iward, of Trinity College, Osfonl, where he d. a bachelor in 16('8, and WIS buried in the church of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford. IV. John, in holy orders, d. oci his pas- sage to the West Indies. I, Anne, d. in infancy. II. Anne, m. 11^97, Andrew Hill, of Court de Hill, of the eldest branch of the Hills, of UaivJ>estoiie. He m. secondly, Mary, daughter of John Cotes, of Woodcote, Shropshire, and by that lady had five sons and a daughter. The second son of the first marriage. Sir Thomas Powys, of Lilford Park, co. Northampton, bred to the bar like his brother, was appointed solicitor- general in 1686, when he received the iionour of knighthood, was attorney-gpneral the next year, and con- stituted one of the j idges of the Queen's Bench in 1713, whence be was removed in 1711. Sir Thomas purchased in 1711 the manor of Lilford, in Northamptonshire. He m. first, Sarah, daughter of Ambrose HoL- BECH, of Molliugton, co. Warwick, bv whom he had (with two other sons, and three daughters, of whom Anne m. Andrew IIili., of Court of Hill, Salop) issue, I. Thomas, ancestor of the Barons Lil- ford (xee Burke's Peerage). Sir Tbomis m. s.^condly, Elizabeth, daughler of Sir Philip Meadows, Knt., of Chaltisham, CO. Suffolk, knisht-marshal of the king's oahice, by Dorothy, his wife, sister of Hugh BosoAWEN, first Viscount Falmouth, and d. 4th April, 1719, having had issue, II. Philip, of whom we trjat. The second son, Philip Powys, of Hardwicke, co. Oxford, m. Isabella, only child and heir of Richard