Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/259

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 037 Uincnge. ■William Makshal, of Waclwortli, co. York, Knglund, >«. twice (first wife, Mary, fecoii, Sarali, who survived liiiii), and made his will, 7th February, 1779, in which he mentions hi< issue, I. WilUam (son of the first wife), to whom his father devi.-.ed his real estate, baptised 25th .luly, 1742; m. 16th January, 1770, Mary Stacv, and had issue, 1. Mary, h. 1770; w. 13th March, 1706J William I'ausonson, and had issue. 2. Ann, 4. 1777. II. John (son of the first wife), of whom we treat. I. Mary. II. Betty. His younger son, JoHX Marshall, baptised at Wadworth, 2r)th May, 17-15 ; m. Mary Pinches, and had is^-ue, I. JoHX WiLLOUGHBY, of whom pre- sently. II. Joseph, Lieutenant E.N., d. unm. at Halifax, North America. I. Hannah, m. Robert Smithsox, of Korthampton, England, and had issue. His elder son. Captain- John Willoitohbt Makshall, E.N., b. 1779, entered the Royal Navy 1790, became Post Caplain 1809, m. Deeeml)er, 1810, Lucy (4. at Ipswich, 3rd July, 1789), only daughter and eventually sole heiress of Rev. John Marjoram Close, of Ipswich and Lucy Lawton, his wife, and ct. at Caen, Calvados, France, January, 1824, and was buried at Southampton, having by her, who d. at Avramhes, Normandy, June, 1831, and is there buried, had issue, I. John' Williams, of whom presently. II. Willonghby Cliarles, b. at Wey bread, Suffolk, IGtli October, 1816, entered the Royal Navy, and d. at Malta as Lieutenant, H.M.8. "Howe," 1849. I. Liiey Elizabeth, b. at Yarraoulh, 10th November, 1817, m. Captain Matthew Caesan, 84th Regiment, and d. 1862, Hclginm, m. Captain Thomas Cas.san, 81th Regiment, ami has issue. The eldest son. Major John Williams Marshall, of Tutu T*)tara, Marton, Rangitikei county, New Zealand, b. at Yarmouth, Norfolk, 25(h July, 1814; m. first, at St. James Cbureli, Ilult, Wellington, May, 18 1-9, Mary Frederica, eldest daughter of William Swainson, K.R.S., &c. (by his first wife Mary Paiikks), and by her, who d. at Wellington, N.Z., in September, 1854, had issue, 1. John WiLLorcHiiT, the subject of this memoir. If. William Swainson, of Te Heskenga, Kiwitea, b. at Wellington, 21st S<'|)tcmber, 1852, m. 20th October, 1892, Klizabetb Hilda, second dauglitfr of William John SwAiNsox andEmilio Frances Urol'guton, his wife, and has issue, a daughter, b. 20th March, 1894. Major Marshall m. secondly, at St. James church, Paddington, London, January, 1S"8, Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Josc))h UorLTER, of London, by Jane, his wife, diiughter of Artis BENTi.Er. of Ipswich, England, and d. 25th November, 1891, having by her, who d. at Rangitikei, Sep- tember, 1881, has issue, III. Il-nry Halcombe, b. at Rangilikei, Octobei-, 1863 ; m. 9th April," 1892, Eleanor Mary de Lys, third daughter of William John SwAixsox, above- mentioned, and has issue, a caughter, b. 27th October, 1893. I. Mary Lucy, b, at Auckland, N.Z., 4th December, 1859 ; m. Jaiiu.ary, 1881, Arthur Richard, third son of the late Colonel FitzIIerheiit, of Somersal Herbert, co. Derby. England, and lias issue, three sons and one daughter. II. Edith Annie, b. at Rangitikei, 14th June, 1862. Major J. W. Marshall entered the army as Ensign 65th Regiment in Scjitember, 183G, served in Canada and New ZiMiIand, and retired as a major on half pay in 1831, and settled at Tutu Totara. He was in coininand of the Militia and Volunteeis in Rangitikei, from 1862-9. leaving issue. II. Jane Louisa Caroline, b. at Malines, Arms — Quarterhi first and fourlh, argent three bars sable, a canton ermine (for Marshall) ,• second and third vert a chevron or belireen three gamljs or {for Close). Crest — A man in arntour in his dexter hand a baton all proper. Residence — Tutu Totara, Marton, R.ingitikei county. New Zealand. JDorsfall JOHN ATHERTON HORSFALL, of Sunoy HiU.'^, near Jlelbounv, Victoria, a Fellow of the Royal Colo;iial JiistituU-, h. in Docemher, L8U', m. July, 1850, Rachel, second daughter of George GofMiJtv, of Ni.rthuiulicr- land, and has had i.ssue,