Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/293

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BT'RKE'S rOLOXTAL CKXTIO'. 671 Kiigland, nnd by him, who il. (Ith .ruiu', 18'J2, lias issue. 2. Louisa Abigail (twin with her sister Jessie), m. Edward Portkr, and has issue. 1. Laura Sophia, h. February, 181 1 ; d. 27th February, 1821. n. Luev Eliza. A. 23rd December, 1815 ; d. uiim. 16th Mm-ch, 1HS8. HI. Laura Addison, b. 27Lli November, 1821; rf. 17th September, 18i7. The second son, Joseph Davis Ridout, of Toronto, Canada, merchant, h. 9th June, 18011 ; »i. first, Julia, daughter of llollingswortli 1!h.vm- LKV, of CO. York, England, and widow of Ocorge GrOULD, of Bath, co. Somerset, and afterwards of Port Hope, co. Durham, Arms — Per pnle arg. atidi/ii. a griffin seyreanl coiintrr chiingcd Creif — A nag's head coiiped ppr. Motto — Aqui'a von capit innsras. Residence — RosedJe House, Toronto, Canada. Canada ; but by her, who il. 21st .lugust, 1852, lie had no issue. He in. secondly, 16th N'ovember, IS.")!., Caroline, daughter of Thomas Cumim;iii,An'i>, and d. 4th June, 1884, having by her had issue, I. Pebcevai, FiiKDEitic JosErii, the sub- ject of til is memoir. It. Waller Lionel, of Q.uorn College Colborne, h. 1 Ith January, 18.')8 ; »i. 2nd June, 1881, Alice, daughter oi Kov. Robert Cliarge Hovivii, of Col- b-^rne, and d. 9th January, 18!)0, leaving issue. 1. Frederic "Walter Boyer, b. 12th March, 1882. 2. Robert Joseph, A.lSth April, 1SS4. 3. Lionel Cumberland, b. 2>tli June, 188S. tratljin MAJOR JAMES BRAKENRIDGE STRATHY, of Kingston, Ontario, Canada, late of The Pines, London, Province of Ontario, J. P. for co. of Middlesex, Ontario, Major (retired) 7th Battalion Canadian Militia, h. at Perth, Scotland, 3rd July, 1813, m. at London, Ontario, Canada, 21sfc February, 1844, Elvira, daughter of Hiram Davis Lee, M.D., by his wife Anne, daughter of Simcoe Terry, M.P., and has issue, I. Edward William, 6. 29th December, 1844, m. 27th June, 1872 Geraldiue Alicia, daughter of Edward Van Coutlaxdt, M.D. of Ottawa, Canada, and has issue, 1. Edward James Van Cortlandt. 2. Kenneth Gordon. 1. Harriet Geraldiue May. 2. Louise Brakenridge. 3. Muriel. 4. Frances Olive. II. Henry George Gordon, h. 29th July, 184G, in. at Quebec, 6th July, 1872, Amilie Marie Louise, only daughter of George Boucher de Bouchertille, author, of the city of Quebec, and has issue, 1. Henry Ernest de Bleury. 2. Gordon Alexander Brakenridge. 1. Ethel Marie Louise de Boucherville. 2. Elvira, deceased. III. Frederick Rolph Lee, M.D. , M.R.C. P. Edinburgh, /). 25th January, 1849, m. at Alford, Aberdeenshire, 15th January, 1880, Mary, daughter of David R. Lyall-Gr.^nt, J. P. of Kingsford Hall, Aber- deenshire, and has issue, 1. Jessie Ljall Lee. 2. Elvira Mary Seton Leu.