Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/295

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BURKE'S .COLONJ AL GKNTJiY 073 2. Thcodorn, m. 22!hI Soi)teinber, l 1. Helen, ;«. David CooK, suliiiloi', 188-i, Augustus Heiu'y Frazer | of Anstruthev. Lefkov, of Toronto, Ciinadn, ' li. Adelina, w. 27th June, 1834, DugalU (if/iom .lee). ' Smith MacKellak, M.U., and has 3. ],illv, m. 17th O.toboi-, 1894, issue, Fi'e(leriekBiiOti:;uAij.,h:uikei',son 1. Jolin Alexander, of Kev. — liiiOfOHAL, of Toronto. 1. Aliee, 1 . I. Helen Unnter, m. 5th June, 1827, 2. Ada, /*"'" — llAC.ViiTiiru, and has issue, iii. Matilda Frederiea. 1. Alexander James, J. P., M.D. Mr. .4. II. U. Strathy </. IGlh September, 187.'5, Edinburgh. j aged 94 years. Arms — Or on a elievron azure between lliree creseents gu. a stag's Lead erased of the fIr.-(. Crest— An eagle disphiyed holding iu its beak a thistle proper. Mof/o — Audax justiini perficere. llesidence — Kingston, Ontario, Canada. HSavcntialc, FRANCIS RICHARD SALISBURY BAXENDALE, of Waiyovo, Taviuni, Fiji, a stipendiary magistrate of the colony of Eiji, and a commissioner of the Supremo Court of that colony, h. 6th September, 18G0, educated at the Charterhouse, m. 2.5th October, 1889, Adelaide Mara, only daughter of William Hexxinus, Consul in Fiji for The German Emperor, and has issue, Ethel Eleanor, h. 23rd September, 1890. ILtncagc. This family is of CTOrman extraction, but was settled iu England for many generations, in the West Riding of Yorkshire. JcsiAU Baxendale, of Castle Hill, eo. Lancaster, m. Mabella.only daughter of Thomas SAT.iSBrET, of Marshficld, Settle, and left two sons, I. Joseph, who had issue, 1. Joseph Hornby, of Worplesdon Place, Guildford, m. and had issue, Joseph William, m. 23rd June, 1874, Frances Margaret Julia, daughter and heir of Hon. Francis Scott, M. P. .fourth son of Hugh, Baron Polwoeth {see Bukke's Pfcrage). 2. Lloyd, m. and left issue. 3. Richard Birley, m. and left issue. 4. Salisbury, m. and had issue. 1. Alice. 2. Mabella, m. Hugh Birlet, of Manchester, M.P., and is de- ceased. 3. Jane. II. Lloyi) Salisbuey, of whom presently. The younger son, Lloyd SALisBrRY Baxexdai.e, m. Ellen, only daughter and heiress of Richard Salis- BUKT, of Cooper Hill, Walton-le-Dalc, and d. Arms — Gules afeise bvtu-een three trefoil Crest — A demi lion rampant holding a cr llesidence — Waiyevo, I'aviuni, Fiji. VOL. II. pre- iu 1858; issue, I Imvi; bv li ler, who d. 1SG9, had Lloj'd Salisbury, LL.B. Cambridge, Major late 2ud West York Militia (now 3rd Battalion Prince of Wales's Own West Yorkshire Regiment), 4. 4th September, 1830. II. Richard, of whom we treat. The younger son. The Ret. Richard Baxendale, LL.B. Cambridge, ricar of St. John's, Willington, Maidstone, Kent, b. 21th October, 1832, m. 1st May, 1858, Mary Auue,daughterof Colonel Francis Fuller, C.B., 59th Regiment, and d. 13th January, 1S90, having by her, who d. 13th February, 1875, had issue, I. Francis Richard Salisbury, the subject of Ibis memoir, II. Herbert Lloyd Salisbury. III. Arthur Salisbury, governnieufc superintendent of posts and tele- graphs, Selangor, Straits Settlo- uuuits. I v. Cvril Edw-avd Salisbury. I. .Alay Ellen. II. Etiiel Maud, m. Cecil J. Wuay, dis- trict officer. Lower Perak, Straits Set- tlements. III. Margaret Amabel.

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