Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/313

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IRTRKK'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 691 33ctts, AUGUSTINE MATTHEW BETTS, of Eutlifll:i. Ooulbmn. New South Wales, J. P., solicitor, h. at Parnmiiitta, 6th jMai'ch, 1844; w. 27th October, 1868, Elizabeth, daughter of F. A. Tomi'SOX, of the Murruaibidgee, grazier, by Esther his wife, and has issue, I. Ernkst AuiiusTixE, h. •24th June, 1872. n. Selwyu Fredciic, h. 10th Ihu'cli, 1879. I. Lily Elizabeth. II. Amy Mary. Mr. Betts was educated at King's School, Pari'aniatta, and was admitted a solicitor of the Sapreme Court 1866. He is clialrnuin of the city of (joulburn Gas and Coke Company; and chairman and government rcj)resentative on Fire Brigades Board ; held the office of coroner for (ioulburn for nineteer years ; and holds appointments as notary public, and commissioner of the Supreme Courts of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, and New Zealand. Hincnac. JoiTN Betts. of Cloiitlofler, near Parra- iiiattn, New South Wales, m. Mary, daughter of the Eev. Samuel Marsden (who m. 21ft April, 1873,Klizabetli Tristan, granddaugliler of Sir Cloudesley SnovEi., and rf. 12th May, 1738, she dyiug in 1835), for upwards of forl^- years senior cbaplain of New Soutli Wales, wliieii appointment he was induced to accept by Mr. Wilbcrforce, being one of the first clergymen to emigrate to the colony of New South "Wales, where he arrived in March, 179-1.. Rev. Samuel Marden made seven voyages to New Zealand, and was the first to introduce Christianity into that land, in con- sequence of which be has been known as the 1851, issue, anil bis widow in 1880, having had Augustine Matthew, the subject of this memoir. Charles, deceased. Frederic, m. and has six children. Henry, m. and has five children. Hebe Musgrave. James, m. and has two children. Sara'i, m. Kev. James Carter, LL.D., deceased. Mary, m. James Gibson, of Queensland, grazier, and has seven children. Clara, m. Edward Palmer, of Brisbane, Q,ueenslaud, M.L.A., and has one child. Apostle of New Zealand. Mr. Betts d. in Arms — On. a chevron erm. in chief fico crescents arij. anrl in h/ise a Jleiir de lis or. Crest — Out of a naval coronet arg. a demi-lion yn. holding a sail art), charged with an anchor sa. Residence — Euthella, Goulburn, New South Wales. JHartjctts. EDMUND PHILIP MABERLY MAUCUOTTS, of Bindi, near Tongio, North Gippsland, Victoria, h. 17th May, 1846 ; m. 8th August, 1877, Ellen Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Alexander Cobham Watson, and has issue, I. William Edmund, b. 12th November, 1881. II. Henry George, 6. 11th June, 1883. III. Frederick Herbert, h. 31st January, 1885. IV. Alexander Charles, h. 23rd January, 1892. I. Alice Emily, 6. 27th July, 1878. II. Ellen Maberly, h. l.'ith February, 1880, C y 2