Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/360

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73G BURKE'S COLOISriAL GENTRY. Mnrdi, ]8lfi, Augusta, (lauf;liter ] of Pctci- IToBEOCKS, ami (f. 1891, I leaving issue, j (1) Alexander Macintosli, J. 1st February, 1856, Captain Roval Dublin Fusiliers. (1) Gabrielle Augiistc, d. 8th IJeeeniber, 1872. (2) Adrionne Alieie MatliiUlc. (3) Augustc Beatrice, m. 30th November, 1888, Rev. Lori- nier Wilton Strong, and d. 10th November, 1891, leaving issue. 4. James Dunlop, J. 1821 ; m.l854, Florence, onlv child and heir of Lieutenimt-Colonel Ckadock, and d. S.J). 1872. 1, Mary Scott, mi. 1845, John Locke Stratton, of Turvreston House, CO. Buckingham, and d. 1850, having had issue, Edith Mary, m. 1874, Sydney Hamilton Little, H.M. Consul, Madrid ; and Laura Harriet, m. 1869, Eev. George Edward Willes. 2. Eliza Macintosli, m. 1843, John Graham Bobgee. and d. 7th October, 1891. He d. 10th January, 1892. leaving issue. John Horrocks (Sen.) settled at Preston in 1791, and by his talents and enterprise founded the commercial prosperity of that town. He d. 1st March, 1801. His eldest son, Peter Horrocks, of Penworlham Lodge, D.L. and J. P., Captain Lancashire Militia, b. 2nd Marcli, 1791 ; sold Penwortham Lodge in 1829 and in 1837, settled at Beomond House, in the parish of Chertsey-Beomond, CO. Surrey ; m. 11th November, 1811, Clai-a, daughter of William JuPP, and grand- daughter of Phil'i.delphia, daughter and co- heir of Thomas Gratwicke, of Ham Park aud Anginering, Sussex. He d. 7th June, 1841, having by her, who d. 20th August, li'>65, had issue, I. John Ainsworth, b. 22nd March, 1818; landed at Adelaide, South Australia, with his brother Eustace, 22nd Mari-h, 1839: built the village and church of Penwortham, one hundred miles north of Adelaide, in Stanley county ; and d. at Penwortliam 23rd September, 1846, from the effects of a gunshot wound received when conducting an expedition across the •wilderness to Gulf Carpentaria. A range of hills bounding the village of Penwortham, known as " Flinders Range," " Horrocks' Pass " or " G' lly," and Mount Horrocks, per- petuates the memory of this brave and enterprising colonist. II. Arthur, of whom presently. III. Eustace, b. 1st May, 1821, landed with liis brother John at Adelaide, South Australia, in 1839; returned home in 1840; and rf. «. y. at Jersey, 22nd Julv 1841. IV. William Scott, i. 1st .Tuly, 1823; Lieutenant 21st Madras Native Infan- try, 1S42 ; and d. s. p. of cholera at KuUadghee, 15th December, 1844. T. Edgworth, of Mascalls, Kent, and the Hill House, eo. Oxford, Major in the Uigliland Borderers or Stirling Militia, formerly Lieuteuant 1st Royal Lanark Militia, J. P. co. Kent, b. 5th June, 1829; m. 24th June, 1869, Elizabeth Mary, only daughter and heir of Henry Westo^r, of Burwood Cottage, Surrey, and has issue, Clara Elizabeth, m. 1st July, 1893, Frederick Beverly, second son of the late Edward Morgan, of Hungerford Park, Tunbridge Wells. TI. Crawford Davison, h. in Langschen Haus, LTnterdt-jbling, Tienna, 2nd September, 1834; d. 22ud October, 1842. I. Clara, b. 31st August, 1812. II. C'clia Ann, m. 4th August, 1857, Lieutenant-Colonel John Temple, COth Rifles, only brother to Sir Gren- ville Temple, Bart, of Stowe. He d. 1870. She d. Januai-y, 1894. III. Augusta, m. 7th March, 1846, George Horrocks, Lieutenant 78th Highlanders, third son of John Hor- rocks, of Tullichewan Castle, co. Dumbarton (see abore). IV. Mary Alicia, m. 10th December, 1844, William Eastficld Wilkinsoit, Lieutenant 21st Bombay Native Infantry, who d. 14th January. 1885, leaving issue. T. Amelia Elizabeth, m. 19th April, 1843. Charles HoRRocKs, Captain loth Regiment, second son of John Horrocks, of Tullichewan Castle (see above). TI. Ann Eliza. Tii. Anna Maria, m. 10th February, 1863, Lieutenant - Colonel Charles Nassau Martix, R.E., who d. 4th January, 1891, leaving if sue. The second son, Arthur Horrocks, b. 6th October, 1819, settled at Penwortham, near Clare, Stanley CO., Soutli Australia ; m. 13th June, 1850, Ann Jacob, of Woodlands, and d. in his house in Childers Street, Adelaide, 7th July, 1872, leaving issue, I. Eardley, the subject of this memoir. II. Arthur John, b. at Penwortham, 7th July, 1852 ; living in LTpper Assam, India. III. William Crawford, of Adelaide, South Au>tralia, b. at Penwortham, 27th April, 1856. IV. Charles Jeremiah, of Toxtetli, Wal- kcrville, b. at Penwortham, 16th April, 1858 ; appointed a justice of the peace, December, 1892 ; m. 12th April, 1882, Agnes Rebekah, daughter of John CiIEHUV, olTicial assignee of South Australia, and has issue, John Ainsworth, I. 29th June, 1887.