Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/363

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. 739 SlTAW of Kiniara, ami Jfargaret his wife, daugliter of Jolm Ghaxt, of Eallantomb, and widow of AVilliam SliAW. Captain .Tunics SiiAW was son of Angus Shaw of Slacliill, and Jean his wife, daugliter of Donald XI ac- PiiERSON of Culliidinc. Mr. H. SIuodonMld had if sue by her, who <l. 24th October, 1S(;2, I. William, tl. vonni^. ir. John Alexander, of whom pre- sently. III. James, b. 17th October, 1816, il. jonnp;. I. Margaret, h. 7th July, 1S18, m. Eev. James Williamso.v, M.A., J.L.D., and professor at the Queen's Univer- sity, Kinsston, and </. 187(5. II. Louisa,'*. 29th March, 1818, d. iiiim. 1889. The only surviving son. Right JIon. Sir Johx Alexakdeb Mao- DOSAI.D, P.C. (Ensland), P.C. (Canadii), GC.B., D.C.L., LL D., Q.C., Knight Grand Cross of Isabella the Catholic, b. 11th Janu- ary, 1815. This eminent statesman wus called to the bar in ISIifJ, elected a niend)er of the Legislative Assembly in October, 1814, remained in the pidilie service, first in the Parliament of the Province of Cai:iada imtil the Confederation, of which lie was the prime mover, and then in the Dominion Parliament for over a quaiter of a century. He «as the most prominent statesman of Canada, and his career ^as in fact the parliamentary history Residence — W of the country. He was for the grenler parti of his service in the Executive Council, and was leader of the Government for Western Canada from 1855 with but little interru)ition until Confederation in 181)7. He was I'riino Minister of Canada from that date to 1872, and again from 1878 until he died. He wua created Knight Commander of the Bath, 1st July, 18(i7, |iromoled to the Grand Cross of that Order, 2.")tli November, 1884, and was invested by Her Majesty in person at Wind- sor Castle. Public statues to bis memory hare been erected in many of the principal cities of Canada, and a inemorial has been placed in St. Paul's Catbedral, London. Ho m. first, Isabella, daughter cf Captain Wil- liam Clakk, of Diilmavert, and by her, who d. 28th December, 1857, had issue, Ilrcii JoH.v, the subjei t of this memoir. Sir J. A. Macdonald, m. secondly, 3rd September, 1807, Susan Agnes, daughter of the Hon. T. J. DEnxAHi). a member of Her ^fajesty's Privy Council of Jamaica, and d. 6th June, 1891, having by her had issue, Mary Theodora Margaret (Hon.). His widow was created a Peeress as Baroness .Macdonai.u of Kakxsci-iefe. 15th August, 1891, in recognition of her late hus- band's distinguished public services (aee Burke's Peerage). Her ladysliip resides at EarnscliU'e, Ottav.a, at Les Eochers, Riviere du Loup, Quebec; and at Kelotsin Banff, North West Territories, all in Canada. innipeg, Canada. CVotiuntj. PHILIP GEOFFREY TWINING, Lieittonaufc Royal En;.,nncoi-s, instfuctor of the Ro^-al Militaiy College, Kitigston, Canada, h. September, 1862. an Hincanc. This is a branch of the very ancient family of Twining, nf Tirinini/, Tewkesbury, eo. Gloucester, which lordship or manor belonged to the Abbey of Winehcombe from the Norman Conquest to the dissolution of the monasteries in 1539. The registers at Twining and those at Painsniek and Per- shore make frequent reference to the Twin- ing s, of J'tciniiiff, to the year 1800, the earliest record being that of Thomas Twin- ing, of Tewkesbuiy, who was b. 13C0. This Thomas Twining mentions in liis will, dated 1412, his wife Christina, his sons, Richard, .lolin, and Thomas, and his daugh- ters, Alice, Agnes, and Elizabeth, and his grandson, Thomas, the son of John. Erom 1474 to 1488, another Thomas Twining was abbot of Winehcombe. W'e find also in the British Museum and in the record office many clocnments giving an Hccount of the siege of Evesham by the Parliamentary forces, and tbe trial and defence before Cromwell's com- niissioners of LlEHIENANT Joux TwiMXO, who was taken prisoner there on the 26th May, 1645, by Colonel Massey. He was twice imprisoned and his property confis- cated, 1651. He wrote a hook supposed to be in the possession of the Duke of Northum- berland, entitled Eemarks on Ike lli'ifort/ of Kinij (-'karles I, Oliper Cromwell and King Charles II, in a different and uncommon view. Vedicated to the Earl of Hertford, bt/ Jolm Tti-ining. His brother, Thomas Twining, of W'yre, near Per- shore, b. 1610; m. by licence dateil 27th October, 1666, Hester, daughter of William DiNELEY, of Naunton, Beauchamp, and nioce of Sir Ed ward DlNELKY, and by her had issue, I. John, of whom presently. II. Thomas (Rev,), h. Iti75, vicar of Wilsford, 1700-22, presented a silver cup, worlli £10, to the College of All Souls, Oxford, and in 1736, gave iilOO for the clergy and choristers. He d. 1730. 3 B 2