Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/365

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. ■41 Adniinvl ll.-iliovt Frod.rivk AVinnixo- TON-lNGRAM, K.N., iiltll SOU o! t'ulioll KchvardWiKNiNGTOK-lNOiiAM.seioiul son of Sir Kciwaid ■Winm.ngton, second Biii-t., and bv him, wliorf. I81I1 S.»ptenibor, 3S89, lii.d is^^^ue (we BriiKKS Piern;/e und Baronetage). in. llanitt, h. 1842, d. tmm. at Halifax, 1891. IV. Claiidine Maud, I. 1S49, m. Kev. Boiircliioi- Wn.KY, Ticar of St. Mary's, Torquay, Devon, and bns issue, Arthur; Hugh ;' and Claudine (-we Bceke's jAUidcd Gei:/rt/). The third son, Edmtnd (.' Twikixg, of Hnlifax, liova Scotia, Canada, 4. 1829, m. at Ualifax, 18.57, Elizabctli T.<-c, daiiglitcr of John WuiT- MAN, of Ilahfnx, and ba.s issue, I. Edward Sydn<'y, of New York, /(. 1858, m. i[)eccnil)or, 1881), Frances Georgina, dnughlor of Jolin Staiils, and lias had issue, Edmund Stairs, 4. Scptomber, 1892. G Wynne (a daughter), 4. 1888, d. 1889. H. .Arthur, d. in infancy, 1859. Ml. Henry Esmond, living in J>ew York, 4. 1860." IV. Biiii.irGKorFEKV, the subject of this memoir. V. Charles, living in Halifax, 4. 186G. I. llorence Isabel, h. 1866. II. Elizabeth, 4. 1874. Arms—Ara.afessirmbadhdsa.mchieflu-onHaieisofthelasl. Cresi—A cuhil arm erect graKpiug two .snakes each entwined round the arm all ppr. /?M/rff«pe— Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. .-Idrfre.M— Roval Mdilarv College, Kingston, Canada. r/H4.«^JunioV Tnited Service; Sports ; and Athlcin-, London. i.lo)i>ti* CHARLES WESTALL LLOYD, J.P. of Bobinawarrat, Oxleysliue, Victoria, Australia, h. 31st March, 1834, m. Anne, daughter of John Karkeck Kikkham, of Oxley Plains, Australia, and has issue, I. Charles Kirkham, h. 16th July, 1870. II. Harry Herbert de Beaumont, h. olst December, 1873. HI. Arthur Leslie, h. 15th April, 1875. IV. Ernest Winsor, h. 4th November, 1876. I. Ethel Louisa, b. IStb April, 1878. Hintactc. The pedigree of this ancient family is very fully recorded at the College of Arms, from Bkochwkl, King of Powys (who rf.GlT), down to the present time. Twenty-second in descent from him was, Sib Gbu-fith Taughan (son of Griffith ap IecaN, of Garth, by Mawd, his wife, dangliter and heir of Griffith ap Kees A'ongam) created a knight banneret, by King Henkt V, on the battle-field of Agincourt, was Lord of Garth and Broniartli. A great Yorkist, he was beheaded in 1447, in Powys Castle, by the Lancastrian Henry Grey, Earl of Tankerville and Lord of Ponys. He m. Margaret, daughter and co-heir of GrifTith BEoronTON ap .Tenkiu BRorOHTON, of Broughton, co. Salop, and left issue, I. D.wiD, of whom presently. II. Cadwalader, of Maesvnawr, ancestor of the L1.0VD8, of Quntjrog Vawr, of Castell Mock, of Rhatidir, of Trehidan and of Mae.'^mawr and Trairscoed. He m. Lowry, daughter of Howell ap leiuin LlOYU, of Vaynor. III. Eeginald, of Garth, ancestor of the WyxN-hS (now Mytion), "/ Garth. and of the LiOYDS, of Broniartli and of Qaerrawr. The eldest son, David Lloyd, of Leighton, near Welsh- pool, "The Lord of Llai," >n. first, Lucy, daughter and heir of Mbbeditu ap Cadwala- der ap Owen, of Nantcriliba, eo. Montgomery. By her he had issue, wilh three daughters, David, of whom hcrcufrer. He m. secondly, Eleii, daughlcr of Jenkin Kynaston, of 'StoUes, co. Salop, and by her had with other issue, Humphrey, of Leighton, the first- appoint"ed high sheritT of the new county of Montgomery, in 154-1. He had a grant by charter, 12lh May, 1519 (11 Hknky VIII), of the Breiddan Forest and Criggion Moorcs, &c., from Edward Stallord, Duke of Buckingham. He m. Gwenllian, daughter of Thomas Price, of Newtown, and had issue, (Visit, of Salop 1623),