Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/407

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BURKE'S COLOKTAIi (iKNTKY. 783 M.A. (CumbviilsO 1850, and a<f eutidem Oxoii, 1860, curate ot Timbers C'oonibe and Mount Silver, rector of Ideforc), Devon, 1877. rector of Norton- juxtii-Twyeross, eo. Leicester, 1878, m. Lmirii Jones, dan^bter of Brodio Jones (formerly Lkach), and his wife Eliza WiiiTAKEH, and </. Dtb October, 18S7,Imvinf; bad issue, 1. Artbur Blaeliford, is married. 2. Cbnrles Herbert, rf. voiuif;. 3. Hubert Henry, m. 'April, 1801, Catberine Louisa, yoimscsl daugli- ter of the late KlyHii.i., of Liver- pool and Jforanbam. 4. Sydney, is married. 5. Hamilton Lionel, educated at Dorchester College, and became a missionary at Ceylon. 1. Alice, III. 1SS8, Captain Stanley Brenton Yon Donop, R.A. 2. Agnes Anna. 3. Etbel Mary Blaeliford, m. 3rd April, 1894', Eev. Charles H. PlGOlT, vicar of 8t. Mary's, Fronie, Somerset, England. X. Alfred Cox , of Wailcato, New Zea- land, h. 1825, became a large squatter; 111. Miiry, daughter of Major Mac- pnEKSON, of the 99tb Eegiment, and had with other issue, 1. A daughter, m. a son of Sir Alfred WiiiTAKEE, and nephew of Louis Duncan Wiiitakee, by bis wife Rebecca, daughter of William Cox, of the 46th Eegi- ment. 2. A daughter, in. a son of Sir Walter L. Bullee, K.C.M.G., of Kew Zealand. 3. Mary, m. Rev. Frederick Charles Lloyd, vicar of Chalsev, Bucks, third sou of the late Rev. H. W! Llotd. II. Anna Clarendon, b. at Eairficld, 1828 ; III. at Sj-dney, Captain Eiebai'd Eams- B0TT05I, 99tb Regiment, who took the name of Isdeewood on the death of his uncle, and jjurcbased Guienes Coiu't, Essex, and d. in London, 15lli Julv, 1875, having by her (who d. at Guienes Court, 29th October, 1870) had issue. The eldest son, William Cox, of Hobartville, New South Wales, was for some years in the 40th Regt., and served in the Peninsubir war, and went afterwards with his regiment to Australia and settled at Hobartville, New Soul h Wales. He was b. at Devizes, Wilts, 13th November, 1789 ; m. 12th August, 1813, Elizabeth (4. 1792), yoimgest daughter of John Pipee, of the 0th Foot, of C'olyton House, eo. Devon, by his wife, Frances, widow of Captain de WlXTOX, and daughter of Stephen Ateault (who rf. April, 1794), descended from an ancient Huguenot family of La Roehelle, who after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1686, look up his i-esidence at Rhode Island, United States. William Cox d. at Hobart- ville, 20tb January, IS.'O, having by Iiis wife, who d. 9tb June, 1804, bad issue, I. William, A. December, 1814, in. Eliza ISLINOTOJf. II. Joiiy HOBAET, of whom presently. III. iSloper, A. 1823, »«. Adelaide .Sopliia, daughter of John Gaemxg, who was the son of Frederick Gaelixo, of Red Lion Square, by his wife, a daughter of Lieutenant William Gordon Waud (who fought at Waterloo), and had issue, 1. Frederick William Sloper, 4. 1859. 2. Clarence Hobart, A. ISOO. 3. Sloper Pijicr, b. 1864, killed by a fall from his horse. 1. Eleanor Adelaide, A. 1850, in. John Gillespie, of London, and has issue, five sons and three daughters. 2. riorcnco Louisa, m. Sbollo Montgomery Cay, and has issue. 3. Alice Victoria, m. 7th May, 1881, Edward Cox, of Fernside {whom see p. 76). 4. Ida Jane Elizabeth, »«. Frily Castleden, and has issue. I. Ann, m. 21st December, 1853, Major Henry Reynolds, of the 58lh Foot (who served in the first Afghan War, and was present at the capture of Chuznec: medals), and by him, who d. 19th Jidy, 1859, bad issue, 1. William Cox, A. 2nd May, 1811 ; m. 8tb June, 1886, Constance Pal- MEE, and d. 1894, le.aving issue, (1) Keith. (2) Palmer. (1) Dorotliv .Vun. (2) Winifred. 2. Heni'y Charles, Colonel (retired), late Professor at the Royal Mili- tary College, Sandhurst, A. 7th February, 1846 ; m. Edith, daugh- ter of — Elin, and widow of — de Salis, and has issue, Henry Victor. Milicent Helen. 1. Elizabeth Piper, h. 17th Feb- ruary, 1837. 2. Teresa Felicia, h. 25th February, 1852; )«. (as liis second wife), 3rd July, 1877, His Excclleiu-y Sir Robert George Crookshank Hamilton, K.C.B., Governor of Tasmania, son of Rev. Zaehary Macaulay Hamilton, of Bressav, Shetland Isles, N.B. {see Hamil- ton, of Ilohart) , and has issue, Gavin Macaulay, A. 11th June, 1880. Mary Caroline, A. 291h Alareh, 1878. 3. Annette Mary, A. 11th .April, 1854. II. Eliza, A. 25th August, 1817; hi. 1838, Sir James ArndcU YorL, K.C.M.G., of Waratah House, Clapliam Park, Surrey, England (see thai famHi/).