Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/413

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BURKE'S COLONIAL GLXTRY. 7tid PlEKS. I3iirt.,ol'Tnstcrniigh Abbey {see ItruKE's Peeraije and Barotictdqi'). II. James, third son, of wliom wo trout. The tliird son, James I'ieks, who m. and hud, with ollior issue, an okiost son, ]Ienut PiEtts, of Lisdawkey, co. Leitrim, who m. . n, daui;hter of Culnan, and (I. 1802, k'uviug is.xiio, I. "William, rf. s. p. II. Henbt, of whom prcsontly. The second son, IIexey Piers, Major Royal Staff Corps, m. Ann, daughter of RrMuoi.D, and d. Srd June, 1S72, having by her, who d. 27th Ajiril, ]iS73, had issue, I. llEMiY William Hull Ccilman, of whom presently. II. Charles. III. George, d. s. p. I. Anna Maria, m. (ilh Janvmry, 1818, John Edwai-d Montaou (sec that familif, p. 80'J), and d. lllh Xovendier, 1867, leaving issue. II. Elizabeth. The eldest son, Henuy William ITrLL Colkman Piers, of Batluirst Lodge, Cu])e Town, deputy superintendent of stores (with the rank of major), )«. 1842, Ann, daughter of Weakley, and d. 18th May, 1887, leaving issue, I. William ITinry Joseph, m. Emily, ilaughterof Jk'JiXABD, and d.s.p. 2M Septendier, 1887. II. Walter Kumdold, the subject of this nuMuoir. III. Charles Kdward, M.B. Aberdeen, M.K.C.S.E. IV. Frederick Charles, d. Ist Januarv, lsfi2. V. Alfred Ilavton, d. 13th October, 1872. VI. .rlliin- .Shute. VII. .lames lleni-y Rumbold, (/. fith Novend.ier, 1878. VIII. Henry Truman. I. Anna Maria. II. Henrietta Hedlcy. III. Lctitia Kitton, d. 7th March, 1865. Anns — Az. three lions passant guardant in fess between two double cotises arg. Crest — An arm embcjwed, vested az. eiiffed arg. the hand holding a llag erect. Uesidence — The Residency, Peddie, Cape Colony, South Africa. foul SIR JAMES ARNDELL YOUL, K.C.M.G., of Waratah House, Clapbam Park, CO. Surrey, England, h. 1810, m. first, at Clarciidoii, Tasmania, 9th July, 1839, Eliza, daugliter of William Cox, of Hobartville, N.S.W. {sec that family), and by lier, who d. 4th January, 1881, lias had issue, I. Harry, h. 4th March, 1841, m. in Melbourne, 9th February, 1867, Emma Mary Gear, fourth daughter of Dr. Robert Martin, of Heidelburg, Melbourne, and d. 5th March, 187(.), leaving issue, 1. James Arndell, h. 1872. 1. Edith de Guzman, h. 18G8, d. 18G9. 2. Ida Lucy, h. at Melbourne, 1869, m. 12th October, 1892, Godfrey Bignall, fourth son of Anthony William Ci.aukk, of Armathwaite Hall, Cumberland, and has issue, Evelyn Mary de Guzman, b. 1893. 3. Clara Adele, h. 1871. 4. Eva do Guzman, 6. 1873. II. Chai'les, of Symmons Plains, Perth, Tasmania, J. P., h. at Syuimons Plains, 7th November, 1843, m. in Loudon 20th November, 1872, Locklina Charlotte, youngest daughter of Francis Fl.ioxMOlil-:, of Beauvilliers, Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania (see that family), by Charlotte, his wife, daughter of Captain Thomas Pktkrs, of the Duke of York's Regiment, and has issue, 1. Charles Albert Henry, h. at Symmons Plain.s, 23rd June, 1878. 1. Mabel Constantino Annie, h. at Syminons Plains, ath September, 1873.