Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/419

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IJURKK'S COLOXiAL (iKXTIlY. 795 n, Au<;iistii Anno, )«. 31st Oetubor, 1811-, C'iilit;iin .lamos McCrill Straciiax, of Toronto, late of the UStli Uoginicnt, who (/. 1870, eldest son of the Kiglit Kev. John SrnACnAN, l{isho]i of Toronto, ur. Lonisa Mathilda, m. Ifith Ajnal, ism;, Oeoi-ge William Ai.i.AX, of lloss Park, Toronto, and c/. s. ji. 13th May, 1852. IV. Mary Anndia, m. at Toronto, 30th April," 1863, Donald McNiXES, of Hamilton, Upper Canada, and is deceased. The eldest son. Sir James Likix Rouinsox, Bart., of Beverley Honse, in the city of Toronto, Canada, and of (lie Middle Tomple. London, England, barrisler-at-law, h. 27th March, 181S, m. loth May, 18 15, Elizabeth, eldest danghter of John Ahnoi.d, formerly of llalsti'il, near Sevenoaks, co. Kent, and afterwards of Toronto, Canada, and (/. 21>t .Vn^ust, lS!)t, having had issne, I. Henry Urasset, //. Kith Ajiril, 18«», (I. V. p. II. Fkederick Arnold (Sir), third Bart., the snbjeet of (his memoir. I. Eunna, d. iinm. 18fi4. I I. Caroline Longley, </. unm. 1852. iir. Marion Louisa, »«. 7th July, 1882, Erancis Osmond Catlkv, of Toronto. {See ihat familif) IV. Jidia Margaret. Armx — Per chevron vert and azure ou a chevron nebulcc between three stags trippant i an unicorn's head couped between two ein juefoils of the first. Crest — -V stag trippant or ssmee of lozenges azure and resting the dexter foot on niillrind sable. Multo — Properc et provide. Seiiihiiee — Toronto, Canada.

  1. racmc.

PATRICK JAMES FREDERICK GR.EME, of Rigby, Lake Dauphin, and Beulali, Manitoba, Canada ; recently of Iiichbi-akie and Aberuthven, co. Perth, N.B., late Lieutenant 79th Highlanders, h. 16th March, 18-1-9, 4". hi.s father in the Scotch estates 20th December, 1854. Having sold this property he .settled in Manitoba. ILincaar. This ancient family derives its lineage from Graeme, who was made Grovernor of Scot- land aud guardian to the young king. EuGEXE II, in -135. Graeme broke down the famous wall of Antinincus, extending across the country from cast to west, from Grangemouth on the Firth of Forth to Dumbarton, and called to tliis day Graem's Dyke. His deicen- dant Sir William Graeme, of Kincardine, had a charter from the Duke of Albany, 1 107, of entail of the lands of Avdd Montrose ; from Sir William's marriage with Mariota, dauglitcrof Sir JohnOLiruAXT,of Aberdalgy, descended William, the first Earl of Montrose, who was killed at Flodden, 1513. The earl, by liis third wife, Christiana, daughter of Thomas Wavex, of Stevenson, the relict of Patrick, sixth Lord of Hallyburton, had two sons, Patrick, of whom wetreat,and Andrew, who entered the chnrch, and became first Protectant bishop of Dunblane ; the former, Patrick Graeme, of Inchbrakic, was a minor at his father's death, and his mother, the Countess of Slontrosc, was appointed his guardian. By a charter dated 201 h June, 1513, and now in possession of the family, the earl conferred on ttiis Patrick and his heirs male, the lands of Inchlii'akie, Fowlis, and Aberuthven. Patrick m. .Margaret Stkwabt, daughter of Lord Fleming and grand-daughter of the Duke of .Vlbany, brother of King Jame.s IV, anil liy her (wl o m, secondly, Sir Duncan CamI'IIELL, of Gleii- orchy), had issue, I. Georoe, his heir. II. Robert, archdeacon of Ross, he was commissioned by the Kirk Assembly to reform the parishes of Caithness and Sutherland in 1571, and was ancestor of the Graemes of Dn/nie, CO. Boss. I. Niehola, m. David MuRBAT, of Ochtertyre, who was killed at the bat- tle.of Pinkey, 1547. III. Margaret, m. first, Casiprell, of Ardkinglasx, and second, Robert Buchanan, of Lenny. Patrick built the Castle of Inchbrakic, which was besieged and burned by Ci'omncll, Init the extensive moat which surrounded it still remains, and close beside it stands one of the largest yew trees in Scotland, the thick branches of which once hid the (Ireat Marquis from the Covenanting troops. He il. in 1548, and was i. by his eldest son, Gkoroe Graeme, of Inchbrakic, a minor, but who was served heirto his t'atherin 1555. He III. Margaret, daughter of Andrew Rollo, baron of Duncrub, ancestor of Lord Rollo,