Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/437

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lU'KKI'rS COLONIAL C ENTRY. 811 1. Christ opiior, hi. Ci'ciliii, diuifiliter of Miijor Vbkxdn, and Imd issue, (1) Justinian Vonion, «>. Emily Maria Baeti.ett. (2) Cliristo])licr John, d. an infant, ISlo. (3) William (twin with Chris- toiiher), b. l.St5, ITon. Cap- tain Army SfrvifL* Corps ; m. and lias, ivith other issue, Christoplu'r. 2. Eichard, (/. unm. in Antigua. 1. Alicia, (/. tiiim. in Antij^ua. in. ANTUONi', of whom presently. I. Sarah, d. vnm. II. Frances, d. an infant. The third son, Anthony JlrsGRATB. M.D. (Edinburgh), treasurer of Antigua, West Indies 1825- 1852, b. 20th October, 1793 ; )?(. 18th May, 1821', Mary Harris, daughter of Samuel Sheriff, of the same island, and d. in Antigua, 24th February, 1852, having by her (who was b. 24th June, 1801, and d. in Lon- don, August, 1856) had issue, I. Wdliam, b. 23rd March, 1S21, d. unm. in Edinburgh, 26th November, 1840. II. BrKNTHOEN, of whom presently. III. Anthony (Sir), G.C.M.G., b. 31st August, 1828, was appointed Colonial Secretary of the Island of Antigua, in February, 1854, administrator of the Island of Nevis, October, ls60, and of St. Vincent, April, 1861, Lieutenant- Governor of St. Vincent, May, 1862, Governor of Newfoundland, April, 1864, and of British Columbia, June, 1869; Lieutenant-Governor of Natal, May, 1872 ; Governor of South Australia, June, 1873, of Jamaica, January, 1877, and lastly, of Queens- land in November, 1S83, in which oflice be died. Sir Anthony, who was created C.M.G. in 1871, K.C.M.G. 1875, and G.O.M.G. 1885, m. first, 1854, Christiana Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the Hon. Sir William Btam, of Cedar Hill, Antigua, and Westwood, Hants, England, and by her, who d. 1859, had issue, 1. William Anthony Byam, D.C.L , barrister-at-law, of the Inner Temple; b. 24th March, 1856. 2. Francis Edward, b. 1st Decem- ber, 1858, d. 9th May, 18C8. Sir Anthony m. secondly, 1879, Jeanie Lucinda, only daughter of David Dud- ley Field, of Graniercy Park, New- York, and d. at Brisbane, Queensland, 9th October, 1888, having by her had issue, 3. Dudley Field, EN., A. 5th Janu- ary, 1873. 4. Artliur David, Lieutenant B.A., b. intli March, 1874. 5. Herbert, b. 11 th September, 1876. 1. Joyce Harriet, d. October, 1874, in infancy. JV. ChristOjiber, su^ar-planter in the West Indii-s, m. first, Mary Hamuli, daughter of Captain Alured Caddt, and by her had issue, 1. Christopher, m. Annie Skeete, daughter of Henry Lackkncb, and has issue, Ivy Estelle. 2. Alured, m. Emma, daughter of — Tabouh, and has issue. He m. secondly, Eleanor Matilda, daughtcrof John Suiell, and d. 1865, leaving issue, 3. Herbert, d. unm. 1891. 1. Klla. 2. Amy, d. young. 3. Marian Christophinc, m. Edward Jones, of Antigua. V. James Sheriff (private secretary to his brother. Sir Anthony), d. unm. VI. Thomas Burder, sugar-planter, in the W^cst Indies, m. Adelaide, daugh- ter of Dr. CoULL, and left issue, Tlioinas Burder Coull ; Adelaide Coull ; Fanny Elizabeth Coull ; and Florence Joyce Coull. I. Mary, m. George Atkinson, and had issue. II. Joyce, m. William Ann Coull, and had issue. III. Margaret, d. vnm. IV. Frances, m. Herbert DoDsoN, of British Columbia, and had issue. T. Sarah (Zoe), m. John TnrxCH, of British Columbia, and bad issue. The second son, The Hon. and Eev. BrRNTHOEN Mus- GRAVE, of Holmworth, King's co.. Nova Scotia, member of the Legislative Council of Antigua, minister of the reformed Episcopal Church of America, b. in Antigua, West Indies, llth March, 1823; m. in the same island, 30th June, 1847, Frances Albouy, daughter of John Adams Wood, by his wife, Margaret Albout, and d. at Holmworth, 29th July, 1894, having by her, who d. 1893, had issue, I. Anthont (Hon.), the subject of this memoir. II. Burnthoru, of Belledune, Massach- usetts, United States of America, b. at Glenholm, Lockerbie, Scotland, 15th June, 1854; m. at Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1885, Anna, daughter of Dr. David HoNETMAN. III. George, of the firm Musgrave and Co., Halifax, b. in Antigua, 12th Jan- uary, 1858; m. in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 6th June, 1888, Charlotte Geddie, daughter of William Harris Hauuington, .and has issue, 1. W^illiam Burnthorn. 2. Francis Norman. 1. Annie Marjorie. I. Fanny Wood, b. ]8lh July, 1851. ir. Margaret Albouy. b. lOtii November, 1852; «i. at Ayle.^ford Church, Nova Seotia, 25th September, 1876. Burpe Mayhew Beckvvitii, M.D., and ha.s issue, two sons and two dauj^httrs. HI. Amy, b. nt H< Imwicklinm, West Malvein, Engluiid, Ith July, 1859.