Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/460

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834 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. Kssex Slreet, Si rand, t-o. Mitkllosox, «lio was living num. in ITOtf ; aud by Uis fii'st wife he liad a son, jAMEri Ogilvie, of II ilborn llill, St. Andrew's, Holbovn, Loudon, who ni. circa 1776, Elizabetli Lloyb, of Wales, sister of "Williiiiu Lloyd, master in command of the " William Steership," and d. 23rd Mareh, 179t>, and was buried at St. Andrew's, Hol- born. She was b. 1756, and w-as buried 9th December, 1848, at Alyerstokc, Hants, aged 92. They had besides other issue, who d. in infancy, I. William, of whom presently. II. David, entered the navy as a first class volunteer, served as a midship- man on board the " Victory," Lord Nelson's flagship at the battle of Tra- falgar, became a lieutcMiant R.N., and commander of the E.I.M.S. "Juliana," at the wreck of which he was drowned, 25th December, 1821, leaving no issue. His wife, Mary Anne, daughter of William Lloyd, master E.X., before- mentioned, m. secondlj-, Gates- hill, and rf. s.^;. 1875. III. Edward, lieutenant R.>., h. in Lon- don, 1789 ; entered the navy 27th June, 1803, at Portsmouth ; drowned at sea, with his brother David, num., 25th December, 1821. I. A daughter, b. circa 1777, second wife of Benjamin BAYXTO>',a major in the army stationed in Canada, grandson of Sir Andrew Bayxton. They had issue. II. Anne, b. circa 1794 ; )«. at the Epis- copal Chajjcl, FuUiam, London, 18th January, 1821, Benjamin Eayxton, Comniiinder E.N., of Ewer Common, Alverstoke, Hant<^, and (in 1842) of Binstead, Alton, Hants, son of Major Benjamin Baynton, by his first wife. Arms — Ai'g. gutte dc poix a liuu pasi Conimander Baynton was b. 17th September, 1789, in Wales, and was di'owned in Bahiclava Bay, 14th November, 1854, having had issue by his wife, who d. 14th January, 1872, and was buried at Holdgate, Much Wenlock, co. Salop. The eldest son, William Ogilvie, of Merton, Hunter River, New South Whales, b. 1782 ; entered the navy as first class volunteer, July, 1794 ; became a retired commander on the junior list, lltli August, 1832, and on the senior, 9th March, 1846. He m. at St. George the Martyr, Southwark, co. Surrey, 10th May, 1812, Mary, daughter of Edward White, of Old Swan Yard, Bishopsgate, London, and by licr (who d. 23rd August, 1881, and was buried in Caniperdown Cemetery, Sydney, New South Wales) had issue, I. William Kitchenham, of Merton, Hunter River, New South Wales, b. at Mitcham, co. SuiTey, England, Feb- ruary, 1813 ; (/. unm. 16th April, 1856, and was buried at Merton, New South Wales. II. Edwaed David Stewaet (Hon.), of Yulgilbar. III. Frederick Henrv, of Yidgilbar, b. at Nice, France, i2th April, 1816; d. tiiim. 20th April, 1846, at Yulgilbar, and was buried in the private cemetery there. I. Mary Ellen, baptised at Merton, co. Surrey, England, m. privately at Mer- ton, Hunter River, New South Wales, 1841, Wellington Cochrane Bu>'Dock, of Wyangerie, Richmond River, New- South Wales, and has issue. AVill'am Ogilvie d. at Sydney, 5th March, 1852, aud was buried at Camperdown Ceme- tery there, guard, gu. holding in the dexter ])aw a trident in bend sinister or in chief a chaplet of roses also gu. and in base a portL-ullis sa. Crcsf — A lion ramp. gu. charged on the shoulder with an anchor gold gorged with a chaplet of roses arg. holding in the dexter fore-paw a plumb-rule erect ppr. and resting the dexter hind-paw on a saltirc or. Motto — Toujours. .Keiirfe/u-e —Yulgilbar, Clarence Eiver, New South Wales. Bnir;>» "ly/FAJOR CHARLES WILLIAM DRURY, of Kingston, Ontario, Canada, It I Major Canadian Artilleiy, h. IStli July, 1856; m. at Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Mary Louisa, daughter of James A. Hexdersox, Q.C, D.C.L. Major Drury served during the North West Rebellion, was commended by General Middlctou for his gallantry on that occasion, and has the medal and clasp.