Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/467

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TirUKF/S COI.ONIAI. GENTRY. 841 ■' Joshua, of Iv^wirli. Ma>s., C^ip- ' tain, baptised 28t,li Nov.-mboi-, ITUfi; m. lOth SoiitL-mbor, l/(>2, Kunico BritNiiAM, and ■!"» •Inn.-, 1701. liMvin^ by bc-i- (»lu) ,/ Februarv, ISUl) had is.mio, (1) Josb'na, h. 13lh Fobruary, 1768; m. first, 27tb Novrni- ber, 1792, Lucy Anukews, and bv l»n- (who rf. 23i-d April,' 17115) had issue, a son, , ,, , (a) .To,shua, /y. 2 tUi Mareb, 1703; w. 21st Mareb, 1822. Hannah . dhkvs, and (l. lOtli May, 185S, hwing him t»o daugli- ters, wborf. ««"'• He m. secondly, 28th April, 1790, Anna AxnuKWS, and f?. 2(Hli .laiuiary, 1810, liav- iiiff by her (who tl. 2nd Sep- tember, 1858) had issue, (/,) Issacbar, h. 201b Feb- ruary, 1779; m. lOtli November, 1810, Abi- gail Haudy, and by lier, who rf. 27tb Febru- ary, 1800, had issue, an only daughter, Elzina. (A Zaccbeus, h. 9lb No- vember, 1807, '«. 27th April, 1830, Sally BriiN- HAM, and had issue, four sons and four daughters. {a) Anna, h. 7tb April, 1800 ■ d. nnm. 30th October, 1832. (i) Lucv, h. 19th July, 1802;" m. 27th March, 1836, Daniel Poland, and (/. 26th February, 1838. ((•) Susan, h. 4th July, 1805 ; »«. 12tli May, 1820, Daniel Poland, and d. 16th April, 1835. (rt) Ebzabeth, I. 24th February, 1810. (2) Caleb, a captain, m. 14th Sepnnnber, 1791, Jemima PrLCli-EB, and d. 1704 (perislied at sea with all his crew) . (1) Luey, m. IGth October, 1783, Jacob Andbews. (2) Betsev, m. 27tb November, 1798, "John Smith, and removed with her husband to Enfield, New Hamp- shire. (3) Susan. 3 Mark, of Essex, Mass., captain, 'h 11th March, 1730; m. 26th November, 1767, Hannah GooD- nrE, and d. Otli June, 1791, having by her (wlio d. 31st July, 1801) had issue. (1) Mark, m. 3rd March, 1791, Margaret JJruxiiAM. (2) Sargent, of Enllehl, N.H., Ml. 1st July, 1802, Haiinah C'nAFTS, by whom lie had issue, Arba, h. 31st August, 1805; Hannah, J. 21th January, 1808, m. Gideon Stei'Iikns ; CMarissa, m. Lee, and Addison. (3) Eppes, of Enfield, ft. 2Uh March, 1780, m. 2nd April, 1802, Abigail CnAFT, and bad issue, (a) Eppcs, ft. 27th March, 1805, d. 25th April, 1843. (ft) Aaron C, ft. 7lh March, 1807, )«. 4th May, 1844, Tawisin S. Gage, and had issue. (<■) Harvey, ft. 15th August, 1813, m. Lovina Biiow- NELL. (rf) Daniel, ft. 11th Septem- ber, 1815. ((?) Norman, ft. 15th February, 1821, m. 14lh September, 1847, Nancy D. Gage, and had issue, three sons. (/) Eleazcr, ft. 4th .Vugust, 1824, m. 13th September, 1854, H'rances E. Gagk, and has had issue, two sons and a daughter. {a) .Vbigall C, /». Phineas C'kosbY. (ft) Nancy, )«. Frederick Pettingill. (e) Hepsibeth, rf. 1839. (4) Goodhue. (1) Hannah, m. 28th July, 1791, Josei)h CoGSWKi.I.. (2) Rachel, m. 22ud December, 1803, Setb Dl7RNnAM, and rf. 10th October, 1812. (3) Sally, )H. 31st October, 1805. Wdliiun BUKNUAM, and rf. 29th August, 186). 4. Aaron, baptised 31st May, 1741, rf. an infant. 5. Aaron, of Essex, Mass., ft. 15th May, 1743, m. first, 2fjth Septem- ber, 1766, Margaret Stouy, and by her (who rf. 30th April, 177/), had issue, (1) Moses, of Essex, ft. 24th December, 1771, »'. 6th .Vpril, 1709, Kunice Andhews. and rf. latli December, 1859, having had issue, (a) Aaron, 6. 22nd Jan- uary, 1802, m. 24th November, 1827, Anna Andrews, and has issue, one son and four daugh- ters, (ft) Moses, A. 14th June, 1804, m. first, 22nd