Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/473

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BURKM-S COLONIAL GENTRY. 847 (lumiuion iii.'>im't(ir iif ArlliliTy, 1s71,uhiI dI' llie Si'lioul nl' (luiiiu'ry. Kingston, 1880, conimaiided Alborta Force duriug llu: icbiUiou ul' iSf^.'i, ;iud settled ut Stiangiuuir Military Colonization Ranch, Alberta. Jlo m. 18G2, Kliuor, daugliter of Cajitain T.Yi,oi;, H.K.l.CS., and lias had i.ssne, I. Harry Bland, educated at the Uoval .Military College, Kingston, Ontario, is now Lieutenant Royal Artillery, served through N.V. canipaign 1885. b. Kith September, l8Gk II. .lcaiukr Wilinot, student (Ontario Agrieiili ural College, served through the N.W. campaign, and settled in .Vlherta, //. I8ij0. III. Tom Bland, (7. in infancy. IV. Frank IJIand, il. in infancy. I. .Mice Constance, //. at Woolwich, 1870. II. Kathleen Bland. I', at the Citadel, (Juebee, 1»71-. III. Hilda Vidli't Blaiui. /<. at the Citadel, (^)uebec, LSTt). ILintnac. 'I'lio SiHAN'GE? descend it is said from the uaeieut Scotch family o! SrnAyo iif Balkn.i/i-ic, whose seiiioi' Hue became estiuct in t'.Lesevcu- teeiith century. The Strangs of Balkaskie are mentioned in 1362, as gentlemen of ancient lineage and fair estate in the eastern neiik, or corner, of Fife, Iiolding also lands in Twee- dale .some four eentnries ago. John Strang of Balkaskie m. 1362, Coecclia Austruther of Anstruther. From William Strang of Bal- kaskie in 1440, the line is traced until the estate was sold in 1615 ; the title deeds of the original lairdship of the .Strangs, now in pos- session of the Anstruther Baronets, confirmed the alienation of the old barony under a weight of debt soon after the union of the crowns. One of the Strangs fell in 1647 at the battle of Fawside or Pinkie, so fatal to Scottish chivalry, and the landless heir of their name rose during the German wars to be Lieuten- ant Colonel of Cochran's Scotch Kegiment. At the reformation. Sir Magnus and Sir Cxeorgo Strang were i'es|)ectively prebendaries of St. Colinc's and St. Andrew's in the Ork- ney Islands. Sir IVIagnus was also succentor of Orkney from lo44till his death in 156.5. Sir Robert Strang, the celebrated artist en- gniver,the son of Uavid Strange by his wife the daughter of John Scoll.w, of Hunton, was, it is said, a direct descendant {-sec memoirs ofkiiii hfi Dk.nxistoo-). Sir Robert fought in the battle of CuUoden in the body guiu'd of Prince Charles. He was attainted, and sought refuge in the house of Isabella, daighter of William Luiusden, )iis ailiancetl bride, whom he after- wards married. His son. Sir Thomas Strange, was a judge in H.E.I. Go's, sei'vice, among whose sons and grandsons may be mentioned Colonel Alexander Strange, lladras Cavalry ; Admiral Strange, Major Cliarles John Strange, R.A., wbu distinguished himself in the Crimea. The Canadian family descends from a branch settled in the county Kerry. M.Tiii:w Stk.v.nuk, of Buruhouse, wboalso held lands in Kilbrvdc and Kutherglcn, Lan- arksliire. was A. KiHo, m. Janet, daughter of .v. Wakuuop, of Auldhousc, in the same county, and d. 12th February, 1718, leaving issue a son, C'ArT.vix James Stuaxg, who inlieriled the Buruhouse estates and sold [lart of them, //. 1671, raised a company for Gkougi; I among liis tenants and relatives in the rebellion of 1715. lie was presented with the drums ami colours by the Iviiig. The muster roll of the com- pany, 1715, is in the possession of his direct descendant. Major Greneral T. B. Strange. Captain Strang d. 11th September, 1733, leaving issue, two sons, I. James, Captain of Burnhouse. II. AiEXAXDEii, of whose line we treat. The younger son, Alexander Steag, collector of i-us- toms, Aberdeen, i. July, 1714, hi. 27th April, 173S, Christian, daughter of .Mexander Find- L.TEE, minister of llamillon (and Jean his wife, daughter of Thomas KiuCALDy, Minis- ter of Carnwartli), and granddaughter, of James FiNDLATER of Dyke, Murray, and Christian his wife, daughter of Bkodie, of Brodie. Mr. Alexander Strang rf. 15th Aju-il, 1786, having by Ids wife, who d. 19th Janu- ary, of that year, had issu<', r. Thomas, a surgeon, h. 12th March, 1741, d. at Bombay. II. James, h. 14th February, 1745-6, d. .St li January, 1747-8. III. Cliarles, I. ISth April, (/. 30(li Sep- leudier, 1747. IV. AlEXANDKK, of whom presently. I. Janet, b. 17th October, 1739, d'. 24th September, 1740. n. Barbara, b. 13th February, 1742, d. tin Hi, III. Jean, b. 31st Alay, 1714, d. luili June, 1745. IV. Belhea, b. 25th June, 1748, m. Gabriel Kate, artist at Fowuus, Aberdeeu.