Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/501

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INDlvV. 875 CrMnRAE-STEwABT, 1'". E., of Monli'osc. Briitliluii, Mi'lbounu'. 33ti. StiilinK, Hun. .1. I,., nf South Australia, (fllli. Stockton, A. A., DX'.L.. etc., of St. John, New IJninswick, Canada. 271. Stoclilon, It. W., of New .rerscy, Canada, 'ITi. Stout, lion. Slv U., K.C.H.G., of lianklon, N.Z., 80. Strachan, Capt. J. N., of Toronto, Canada, 7;i5. Strang, J., of Qnebec, Canada, (4(»7i. Strange. .1.. of Toronto, Canada, 849. Strange, John, of Kingston, Canada, 849. Strange, M. W., of Kingston, Ontario, 849. STltANOE. Capt. M. W., Kingston, Ontario, 848. Strange. 0. S., of Blontagnc Honse, Kingston, Canada, 849. STRA>r.K, Maj.-Gcn. T. B., of Strangmnir, Alherta, Canada, H4G. Stratford, 1'. R., of Ontario, Canada. (fil2i. STEATnY. Major J. 11., of King.'^ton, Ontario, 671. Street. J., of Tooyong, Victoria, (8). Street, lion. J. li.. of Sydney, 1 10). Stbetch, Vi n. T. C. B., of St. Kilda, Melbourne, Aus- tralia. ('i0'2. Stuart. T. 1'. A., of Sydney, N.S.W., K3. {Anns, p. 2S8.) STrcKEY, J., of Te liangituniau. Wellington. N.Z., 712. Stuekcy, S., of Chiistchurch, X.Z., 7l:i. Sttoholme, J., ot Merevale, Christchurch, and Cold- stream, Ashburton eo., Canlerliury, N.Z., 170, (ti23). Studliolrae, M., of Waimate, Tiinaru. Canterbury, N.Z., 171. STrBT. C. of Australia, 444. (Ai-,it>, p. 704.1 Sturt, E. 1". S.. of Melbourne, Australia, 447. Sturton. A., of Chicoulimi. Saquenay, Quebec, (747l. Sumner. Hon. T. J., of Stony Park, Brunswick, Victoria, Australia, (192). Sutcliffe, E. W.. of, Nova Scotia. |119). Sdter, Most llev. A. B., of Nelson, N.Z., S94. Sutherland. Hev. K. U. M., of Kai-Korui, Duneilin, N.Z , (7181. Suttor, Hon. F. B., of Bathurst, N.S.W., 820. Suttor, G., ot Baulkham Hills, I'arraniatta, N.S.W., 820. StiTToB, Hon. W. H., of Cangoura. Eathnrst, N.S.W., 819. Suttor, W. It., of Alloway House, Bathurst, N.S.W., 820. Swainson, V., of Wellington, N.Z., (97). Swan, J., of Hobart, Tasmania. (521). Swan. J., of Beaulieu, Hobart, Tasmania, (523). Symunds, C. H., of Victoria, Australia, 573. Symonds. E. S., C.M.G., cf Tutelo, Kcw, Melbourne, Australia, 673. Symonds, E. C., of Victoria, .ustralia, 573. Tabutcau, W., of Hanke's Bay, N.Z., (718). Tapper, It., of Wadham House, Invercargill, N.Z., 300. Tableton, Hon. R. A., of Glenelg, Fernbrook, and Cavendish, S. Australia, 299. (.Corriffauta, p. xiv.) Taylor, W. D., of Timmering, Rochester, Rodney county, Victoria, Australia, (156). TASCHE.MAKER. W. H., of Taipo Hill, Otago, N.Z., 364. Tenison, C. M., of Hobart, Tasmania, 507. iArim, p. 612.) Thompson, J., of Quebec, Canada, (466). Thompson, J., of Sydney, N.S.W., (625). Thomson, G. J., Q.C, of St. Stephens, N. Brunswick, (646). Thomson, J., East Mailland, N.S.W., (348;. Thomas, F. W. G., of London, Ontario, Canada, (706>. Thomson, J. T., of Lcnncl, Gladstone, Invercargill, N.Z., 305. Thornton, E. T., of Cape Colony, South Africa, 425. THoBNroN, Hon. G., of Sydney ; Longwood ; and Llan- gollen, all in N.S.W., 282. Thornton, S., of Sydney, N.S.W., 283. Thornton, Right Rev. S., of Bishopscourt, Ballai-at, Victoria, Australia, 424. Thurston, His Excellency, Sir J., Bates, of St. Ileliers, Thornliurn and Suva, Fiji, 17, (207). Tilley, L. A., of Toronto, .36. TiLLEY. Hon. Sir S. L., C.B., of Fredericton, and St. Andrews, New Brunswick, 36. {Cnrrif/erida, p. xxii.) Tindal, C. F., of Hamornie, N.S.W., 478. TiNDAL, C. G., of Bonshaw and Ramornie, N.S.W., 478. (/Inns, p. 60S. J Tindal, J. T., of Karrabi), N.S.W., (833), 478. Tind.all, W., of I'enrilh, N.S.W., (276i. Todd, SirC, C.M.G., of Adelaide, N.S.W., 791. (492). •l'.)vvart, H., of N.S.W., (166). Towart, J. A., of N.S.W., (le.-it. Towart, N., of N.S.W., (166). Towart, R., of Casterton, Normanhy, Vitloriu, Austra- lia, (166). Toluiie, W. A., of Geelong. Victoria, Australia, (277). Tons, W., of Springtleld, Orange, N.S.W., (321). Towns, Hon. R., of Criuibrook, Rose Bay, N.S.W., (707). Tow.vsHKND, Hon. C. J., of Halifax, Nova Scotia, 084. Townshend, Rev. «.. of Amherst, N.S., 084. Trangmar, II. W.. of lileak House, liirregurra, Victoria, Australia, 3G0. TBANG.MAR, J., of Burswood, Portland ; Violet Creek, aiul of Morgianii, co. Nornianby, Victoria, .uslni' lia, 360. U'i'i-ri'f'ixia, p. xxii.) Tregarthen, O. P., of .Sydney. N.S.W., (281). Tripp, li. IC. II., of Melbourne, Victoria, 237. Tripp, C. Q., of Orari Gorge Station, Canterbury, N.Z., 237. (253). (a»rri'/o('/<(, p. xxii.) Tripp. C. H.. of Chrislehurch, Canterbury, N.Z., 237. Tripp, L. O. 11., of Wellington, N.Z., 237. Trodton, Capt. F. II.. of Clifdale House, Baluiain, Sydney. N.S.W . ;,3ti. Tucker, Rev. II., of Soutli Yarra, Melbourne, (440). Tucker, Ven. Archdeacon J. K., of Victoria, Australia. (30). TuLLocH, Maj.-Gen. A. B., of Woodland's, St. Kilda, Australia. 619. Tulloch, .S. S. , of Melbourne, Australia, 619. TuppEB, Hon. Sir C, Bart., of Armdale, Nova Scolia, 85. (Anit-^, p. 128 ; cayrli/eji'ta, p. xxii.) Tupper, Rev. C, of Kingston. Nova Scotia, 87. Tapper, Hon. C. H.. of Halifax, Nova Scotia, 85. Tupper, J. S.. of A'innipeg. Canada, 86. Tupper, T., of Sangus. Massachusetts, 86. Tupper, W. .1., of 'innipeg, Canada, 86. Turnliull. A. P.. of Prinsep Park, near Bunbury, Vic- toria. Australia, (4). Tiirnbull, .1. .!., of Milbrook, New Norfolk, Tasmania, 523. Tdrnhui,!,, W., of Ellibank, Wellington, N.Z., 666. TtjRNER, Hon. J., of llighfield, Onturi >, Canada, 275. {(.'nrrijicixiit., pp. xiv and xxii.) TtiRNEB, liight Rev. J. !•'., of St- Cuthberfs, Armidale, N.S.W,, 465. Tweddell, T.. of Quebec, Canada, (747). Twining, C. Q. C, of Halifax, N.S., 740. Twining, E. C, of Halifax, 741 . Twining, (i. J., of Halifax, N.S., 740. Twining, J. J., of Australia, 740. Twining, Rev. J. T., of Halifax. .V.S.. 740. Twining, I,. R., of Halifax. N.S. , 740. Twining, P. G., of Halifax. Nova Scotia, 739, Twining, St. George, of Halifax, N.S., 740. Twining, Rev. W., of Halifax, N.S., 740. Tyler, J. C, of Clendon, Melbourne. Australia. 672. Tyler, .1. C, of Rockhampton. Queensland. 672. :. Tyrwhitt, J., of Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand, 218. Tybwhitt, K. E., of Nantyr, West Gwillimbury, Canada, 211. Tynvhitt, S., of Greensborough, North Carolina, U..S.A., 217. Tyser, R. B., of Wellington, N.Z., (474(. ■78). Upton, M., of Cape Colony, i'l,~j,. Urquhart, R., of Yangery Park, Victoria, Au4ralia, (15). Vail, E. A., of New Brunswick. 680. Vail, Hon. W. B., of Weymouth, Ottawa, Canada, 685. Van Cohtlandt, S'^c Cobtlandt. Van Koughnet, .in' Koughnet. Vautin, J., of -'Vdelaide, South Australia, (537). Vaux, T., of Ottawa, Canada, (266). Veal, Rev. E. G., of Burnside, Victoria, Australia, (G3H). Vereoe, 11., of Tantauroa, Auekl.ind, N Z., (118). Verdon, lion. Sir G. F., K.(J.M.(i.. of (iueen St , Mel- bourne, and Alton, Upper Maildon, Victoria, 232. {Coi-ri'j'UKla, p. xiv.t Vernon, F. G., of Coldstream, Okan.agan, and of Vic- toria, British Columbia. 196. ViGNE, A., of Cape Colony, 780. Vigne, H. T.. of Culsdon, Cape Colony. 780. VooEL, Sir J., K.C.M.G., of Wellington, N.Z., 618. Von Mueller, sec Mueller. Von .Stieglitz. ace Stieglitz. Waite, R. B., of Blue Hole, and Moreland EstaU), MontegoBay, Jamaica, (166*. Walker, A., ofTaaniania, (.370).