Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Colonial Gentry Vol 2.djvu/64

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446 BURKE'S COLONIAL GENTRY. II. John, citizen and leather-seller of London, in. Frances, daugliter of Thomas Wiggins, of Oxfordshire, and rf. March, 1683, having had issue, 1. Jolm, d. young. 2. John, citizen and linen-draper of Loudon, d. unm. May, KiSS. 3. Josepli, of Kiplej, co. Surrey, living unm. 1091. 4. Nathaniel, attorncy-at-Iaw, 77;. the daughterof — PAKKnrn.sT, of co. Surrey, and widow of Captain COTITT. III. Edward, d. unm. IV. Thomas, of London, i«., twice, hut d. s. p. m. V. William, d. nnm. VI. Akthoxt, of whom presently. I. Frances, m. Alexander Soames, of Readinp;, co. Berks. II. Elizabctli, m. Vincent Swift, of Oxfordshire. III. Joan, m. Richard FiN'CH, of co. Middlesex. IV. Jlar^aret, m. — Johnson. V. Anne, d. num. The sixth and youngest son, AxTHONV Sturt, of London, twice a com- missioner for victualling the Royal Navy, and twice fined for Sheriff of London, b. Ifi24, who according to Le Neve, was " a meal man first, after a Commissioner of Excise, fined for Alderman of London, gott a great estate and had a grant of arms " 19th October, 161)1, and recorded his pedigree in tjjc College of Arms, London, 30th January, 1H91-2. He m. Mary, daughter and co-heir of James Chapman, of the city of Westminster, descended out of Buckinghajnshire. She d. 5th October, 1G91, and was biu'ied at St. Andrew's, Holborn. co. Middlesex. He was living in 1691, aged 67 years, and had issue, I. James, 1 , II. James,/ ' ^ "' III. Humphrey (Sir), Knt., standard bearer to the royal band of gentlemen pensioners temp. Charles II ; was knighted December, 16S1, and d. unm. May,lfiS4-, at Paris, where he was buried. IV. Anthony (Sir), of whom in-esently. V. John, d. young. I. Mary, d. young. II. Elizabeth, b. 1672; m. John Jeffeets, of London, merchant, and Richmond, Surrey, several times M.P. for Brecon, Radnor and Marlborough ; he d. at Richmond 20t]i October, 1715, leaving issue. The fourth but only surviving son and heir. Sib Anthonv Sturt, Knt., of London and lleckfleld, Hants, High Sheriff of that co.; b. 1664; knighted at St. James's on presenting the address from the county of Southampton about the peace, 27th April, 1713 ; m. Eliza- beth, eldest daugliier of Sir John Paesons, Knt., of Rygate Place, Surrey, alderman and sometime sheriff of London, and sister of Humphery Pae-ons, M.P. for London, and Lord Mayor thereof 1730 and 1740, and had iasue, I. Anthony, d. young. II. Humphrey, of whom presently. I. Elizibeth, b. 1689. II. Mary, b. 1691. The secoud son, Humphrey Sturt, of Horton, co. Dorset, b. 1687; m. 1717, Diana, daughter of Sir Nathaniel Napiee, Bart., of More Crichel, CO. Dorset, M.P. for Dorsetshire {temp. WiuiAM III and Anne), by the Hon. Catheriue Alington, his wife, sister and co-heir of Giles, third Loi-d Alington, and daughter of AVilliam, second Lord Alington, and by her (who eventuaUy became sole heir of the Napiers and Alixgto.vs) left at his de- cease, 1st February, 1739-40 (with tliree daughters, Diana; Catherine, wife of R. Stone ; and Mary, wife of the Hon. Gr. Shirley) one son, Humphrey Stuht, of Horton, who in- herited, at the decease of his first cousin. Sir Gerard Napier, Bart., 1765, the e-tate of his maternal ancestors, and represented Dorset- shire in Parliament from 1754 till his death, 1786. He m. 1756, Mary, only daughter and eventual heir of Cnarles Pitfield, of Hoxton, by Dorothy, his w-ife, daughter and heir of Solomon Ashley, and had (with five daughters, of whom Eliza Bizarre, was m. to Augustus Butlee-Danvees, brother of the Earl of Lanesborough ; and Diana, m. to Sir William Jlordaunt MiLNEE, Bart.), several

sons of whom were, 

I. Humphrey Ashley, of Horton, »!. 1781, Mary, daughter of the Rev. Edward Woodcock, LL.D., rector of Watford, Herts. He sold the manor and estate of Horton to the Earl of Shaftesbury, and d. -i. p. 11th June, 1825. H. Charles, il.P. for Bndport, on whom his father settled his unentailed estate of Cric'hel, co. Dorset, m. 1788, Lady Mary .inne .Ashley Cooper, daugh- ter of Anthony Ashley, fourth Earl of Shaftesbury, and had a son and heir, Henry Charles, of Crichel, co. Dorset, M.P. for that co. and sometime sheriff thereof, father of Henry Gerard, of the same place, who was created Bakon Alington, 15th Janu- arv, 1876. {See Burke's Peerage.) III. Thomas Lennox Napiee, of whom we treat. The younger son, Thomas Lennox Napiee Sturt, a puisne judge in the Hon. E. I. Co.'s service, b. 9th March, 1767 ; m. Jannette, daughter of Dr. Andrew Wilson, andrf. 13th January, 1837, having had nine sous and three daughters, viz., I. Alexander, d. in infancy. II. Charles, the Austialian explorer, the subject of this memoir, III. Napier Duncan (Rev.), rector of Edmonsham, CO. Dorset, m. Anna Maria, daughter of William Tueton, of East Sheen, co. Surrey, but d. n. p. IV. William Jlilner Neville, Lieu- tenant-Colonel in the Hon. E. I. Co.'s service, and deputy secretary to the government military department.