Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/240

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NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Book V., 1081 to 1470 GUIDING DATES Alexius Comnenus . .1081 Council of Clermont . . 1095 First Crusade . . . 1097 Investitures settled . . 1122 Conrad of Hohenstaufen . 1138 Second Crusade . . . n 47 Frederick Barbarossa. 11 52-1 190 Frederick's war with the Lombard cities . 11 58- 11 76 Henry 11. of Anjou, King 1154 1159 1 170 1 180 1187 1 189 1 190 1 198 1204 1212 -1250 of England Alexander HI., pope . Murder of Becket Philip Augustus, French king Saladin captures Jerusalem Third Crusade . Henry vi., emperor Innocent III., pope Latin Empire of Byzantium Battle of Navas de Tolosa . Frederick II. . .1215 St. Louis IX. . . 1226-1270 German Interregnum . 1 256-1 273 Simon de Montfort . . 1265 End of Crusades . . . 1272 Edward 1. of England 1272- 1307 Boniface VIII., pope . 1294- 1303 Popes at Avignon . 1305- 1377 Independence of Scotland . 1314 Teutonic Knights Battle of Morgarten . Hundred Years' War begins Jacquerie Wycliffe in England Great Schism Henry V. in France Sigismund, German 1378 1415 king, 1411 1309 1315 1337 1347 1358 1370 1415 1422 1438 414-1417 . 1429 Council of Constance Joan of Arc. Hapsburg dynasty . . 1438 Printing press invented . 1442 Fall of Constantinople . 1453 Louis XI 1461 Marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella . . . 1469 LEADING NAMES Alexius Comnenus— Peter the Hermit— Urban II.— Godfrey de Bouillon — Henry Plantagenet — Thomas Becket— Pope Alexander III. — Frederick Barbarossa — Richard Coeur-de-Lion— Philip Augustus— Saladin — Innocent III.— Frederick II.— Simon de Montfort— Alfonso the Wise — Louis IX. — Charles of Anjou — Rudolf of Hapsburg — Edward I. — Genghis Khan — Boniface VIII. — Philip the Fair — Robert Bruce— Edward III.— Emperor Charles IV.— Wycliffe— Huss —Tamerlane — Henry V. — Wenzel— Sigismund— Othman— Joan of Arc — Sultan Mohammed— Louis XL— Charles the Bold— Constantine — John Hunyadi — Skanderbeg — Matthias Corvinus — Henry the Navigator— Ivan III.— Jagellon. 223