Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/320

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308 THE BOURBON AGE Augustus. The Poles were willing enough to depose Augustus, who had no one to fall back on except Russia, the rest of the world having for the most part enough on its hands with the war of the Spanish succession. But when Charles insisted on the election of the Polish noble Stanislaus Leczinski, he threw a great many of the other nobles into the arms of the deposed ruler. But wherever Charles appeared he was irresistible. His next move was to occupy Saxony itself. Augustus was obliged to resign the Crown of Poland to Leczinski, though he retained the title, and to give up the Russian alliance. It was at this time that the operations of the Grand Alliance against Louis xiv. were perturbed by the fear that Sweden might join with France. Meanwhile, however, Peter of Russia had been reorganising and drilling his army, and in his turn was overrunning those Charles Baltic provinces which had been destined for invades Poland. The amazing successes of Charles had Russia. been accomplished with very few troops, and he was never able to leave a substantial force to hold the territories which he conquered with ease. Now, like Napoleon a hundred years afterwards, he thought he could bring Russia to her knees by marching on Moscow. Peter avoided battle with the great captain, but fell with his whole army on the reinforcements which were following, of which only a remnant cut its way through and joined Charles. Finally, while Charles was besieg- ing Pultawa, Peter arrived with an overwhelming force and annihilated the Swedish army. Charles, who was suffering from a wounded foot, was with difficulty extracted by some of his gallant followers, and carried to safety across the Turkish border, where he remained for a long time engaged in attempts to persuade the Sultan to turn his arms against Peter. It was not till 1710 that he achieved this object, and in the meanwhile Peter had completely secured himself in possession Peter and °^ ^ e P rovmces on the eastern shores of the the Turks, Baltic. When at last the Turks were induced to 171 °- declare war on Russia, Peter advanced against them, but found himself trapped and at the mercy of his enemies