Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/354

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342 THE Qui- British victories of beron and Quebec . French crushed in India Peace of Paris and Huberts- burg . First Partition of Poland . Accession of Louis XVI. SOU] IBON AGE American War of Independ- 1759 ence begins 1775 1760 Peace of Versailles . '. 178.3 Pitt's India Act . 1784 1763 Britain annexes Australian 1772 The States General sum- V 1788 1774 moned ... J LEADING NAMES Louis XIV.— Charles II. of England— William III. of Orange- Colbert— Louvois — Turenne— John Sobieski— Prince Eugene— Marl- borough— Peter the Great— Charles XI I.— Regent Orleans— Walpole— Fleury — Alberoni — Frederick William I. — Frederick the Great- Charles VI. — Maria Theresa — Emperor Francis I. — Tsarina Elizabeth — Tsarina Catharine — William Pitt, Earl of Chatham— Robert Clive — George Washington — Warren Hastings— Emperor Joseph II. — George III.— William Pitt the Younger. NOTES THE SPANISH AND AUSTRIAN SUCCESSIONS, 1700 and 1740. GENEALOGICAL TABLE, SHOWING CLAIMANTS TO PORTIONS OF TH1 SPANISH DOMINION, 1699-1701, AND OF THE AUSTRIAN DOMINION, 1740. FRANCE. Henry IV. Louis XIII. SPAIN. Philip III. Philip IV. I I I Louis XIV. Philip, D. of Maria m. Infanta Orleans. Theresa, m. Maria | Louis XIV. Theresa. ' Regent ' I Orleans. I Maria, m. Ferdinand III. __ ! I AUSTRIA. Ferdinand II. Ferdinand III m. Infanta Maria Charles II. Margaret, m. Leopold I. f Leopold I., m. I Dauphin. I 1. Infanta Margaret. I 2. Eleanor of Neuberg. J f Elector of Bavaria. Joseph I. Archduke Duke of Burgundy. f Philip V. | | •) Charles VI I f Electoral Prince. Maria Amelia Louis XV. 7n . Elector of *MariaTheres; ??i. Francis of Lorraine, Francis I. Emperors printed in capitals. Kings of France printed in italics. Kings of Spain printed in dark type t Claimants in war of Spanish Succession. * Claimants in war of Austrian Succession. I Joseph I. Maria Amelia m. Elector of Bavaria,

  • CharlesVII.