Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/380

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368 THE EUROPEAN CONVULSION battle raged, the British and Hanoverians stubbornly repelling the fierce onset. In the course of the afternoon the approach of the Prussians on the French right began to make itself felt. Finally Napoleon hurled the ' Old Guard ' against the British ; it was hurled back again, broken and shattered. Then at last the British line swept forward as Bliicher crashed in on the French flank ; Napoleon's army broke and fled. The exhausted British left the pursuit to the Prussians ; but no rally was possible. The allies marched on Paris. Napoleon threw himself on British generosity and surrendered to the captain of the Bellero- The End of phon ; but generosity to Napoleon was fraught Napoleon. w i tn t 00 many dangers to Europe. The great con- queror was sent to end his days on the lonely rock of St. Helena, far away in the South Atlantic. The Revolution was over. The Napoleonic wars were over. Once again the monarchs set themselves to reconstruct Europe.