Page:A General Sketch of Political History from the Earlist Times.djvu/435

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THE DARK AGES, 476-918 Forming Volume I. of Periods of European History. ' A thorough master of his subject, and possessed of a gift for clear exposi- tions, he has supplied the student with a most valuable and helpful book.' — Spectator.

  • No better exponent of this era, so full of difficulties and complications,

could have been chosen.'— Journal of Education. 1 This volume will be valued by all historical students as supplying a real want in our historical literature, and supplying it well. ... His touch is sure and his insight keen. For the accuracy of his facts his historical reputation is a sufficient guarantee.' — Times. THE EMPIRE AND THE PAPACY, 918-1273 Forming Volume II. of Periods of European History. 1 A more trustworthy historical treatise on the period and subject has not hitherto appeared.' — Morning Post. 1 One of the best of the many good historical textbooks which have come out of our universities in recent years/ — Times. f Altogether Professor Tout has given us a most trustworthy adjunct to the study of mediaeval times, which all who may be called upon to interpret those times to others may safely recommend and themselves profit by.' — English Historical Review. THE CLOSE OF THE MIDDLE AGES, 1273-1494 Forming Volume III. of Periods of European History. ' There is no longer any excuse for English-speaking teachers to be wholly ignorant of the history of Europe. The obligation lies on them to purchase these volumes, and then read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, so that they can supplement their teaching with intelligible comment.' —School World.

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of the late Middle Ages.' — University Correspondent. { The book is a monument of skill and labour.' — Aberdeen Journal. EUROPE IN THE i6th CENTURY, 1494-1598 Forming Volume IV. of Periods of European History. ' A singularly clear, thorough, and consistent account of the great move- ments and great events of the time, and the volume may be accepted as one of the best extant handbooks to a period as complex as it is important.' — Times. 1 There is certainly no other single book in English which covers the ground so adequately.' — University Correspondent. 1 Mr. Johnson's narrative is clear and accurate, and his grasp of the history of his period wonderfully strong and comprehensive. '—Journal of Education.