Page:A Gentleman From France (1924).djvu/62

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whimper to go back to his mistress. He was fast becoming a soldier. Soon the bracelet was returned to the man's pocket. "We both love her, don't we, little soldier?" The dog wagged his tail in assent.

Then they said their prayer to the God of battle and rolled up in the blanket as they had done for the past three nights, the dog between the man's feet.

The following morning, reveille was earlier than usual. The man and the dog bolted their rations with the utmost dispatch.

When the meal was over, the Colonel picked up the Airedale and hugged him.

"I must go alone to-day, little soldier," he said. "Perhaps I sha'n't come back. If I do not, they will send you back to her. Tell her I died loving her."

Pierre did not understand the words,