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Aniseed, 51.

Anonas, 10.

Antigua, (see Ciudad Vieja, Guatemala, and Santiago), coffee-plantations near, 23, the Hotel Rojas at, 24, Alvarado and his wife associated with, 25, ruined by floods, 25-6, rebuilt, and destroyed by earthquakes, 26; at present day, 27, bees of, ib., cochineal trade of, replaced by coffee-culture, ib., Fiesta de Reyes at, 28, Indian costumes seen near, 28-9, charm of the place, 29.

Ants, 109, marching army of, 122; Parasol-ants, curious habits of, 148.

Archers, Maya, mentioned, 67.

Arinchuak, 181.

Arms, absence of, in carvings at Ixkun, 176, and Quirigua, 150, shown at Chichén Itzá, 207, 210

—— used in the present day, 237.

Arrieros and Mule-trains, 23, an uncivil individual, 219.

Astronomical theories as to the use of Maya temples, 234.

Atalaya, Castle, Utatlan, 66.

Atitlan, Lake of, 45, 46, 47, animal life near, 48, native travellers near, ib., attempts to photograph Indians of district, 49, returning pilgrims near, 49, 50, canoes on, and fish in, 57.

Atitlan, Volcano, see Volcan.

Atlatl, Mexican throwing-stick, in sculpture, Chichén Itzá, 207, 210.

Aurora, or yellow-breasted trogon (Trogon caligatus), 120.

Avendaño, Padre Fray Antonio de, his embassy to the Itzá chief at Tayasal, 248-9.

Avila, Gil Gonzales de, lost with his party on the Rio Dulce, 250-1.

BABIES, Indian, 10, 29, 31, 134, 166.

Bacalar, Spanish station at, 189.

Ball Court (Tlachtli) at Chichén Itzá, 204-6, at Rabinal, 104.

Bananas, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 23, 31, 76, 78, 108, 118, 156, uses of fibre of, 197.

Baptism the only rite considered vital by Indians, 186.

Barbas de viejo, flower (Bromelia), 58.

Barbasco, 145.

Barlee, Sir Frederick, Governor of British Honduras, 187.

Barrancas, or ravines, near Guatemala city, 8, 12, 17, 22, near Godines, 44, in the Motagua Valley, 76, near Uspantan, 88, near Utatlan, 63, 68.

Barrios, the, or wards of Cohan, how managed, 92.

——, General J. M. Reina, visits Champerico, 7.

——, General J. Rufino, his railway scheme, 173, his death, 133.

——, Puerto, railway from, in construction, 145.

Bats, 48, 78.

Bees, destructive work of, at Antigua, 27.

—— wild, at Quirigua, 147.

Beetles, 122.

Belehú, road to, 86, writer's quarters at, 87, scarcity of water at, 88, no road from, ib., departure from, and crossing of the Chixoy river, 89.

Belize, English merchants of, 49, writer's journey to by land, 187, and by river, 188; town of, and inhabitants described, ib., its history as a British colony, 189; Santa Cruz Indians at, 190, Dr. X. at, 190-2.

—— river, (see also Makál), 181, 182, mangrove-swamp and bridge near, 187, divide in mountains near, 176.

Bennett, Mr., estate of, 107.

Benque Viejo, 181, ruins near, 182.

Bernouilli, Dr., results of his visit to Tikál, 235.

Bignonia (flowers), 23.

'Biologia Centrali-Americana,' 126, 127, 198, 258.


Aurora, or yellow-breasted Trogon (Trogon caligatus), 120.

Blackbirds (Quiscalus), 110, 121.

Cardinal bird, scarlet, 203.

Chocolateras, spoonbills, 216.

Cuckoos, ground, 110.

Divers, 216.

Ducks and coots, 57, 216.

Egrets, 216.

Flycatchers, 110.