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Canoes of the Mayas of Bonacca, 193.

Capulin tree, bark of, 113.

Caracol, the, at Chichén Itzá, 203.

Caralampio, son of Gorgonio Lopez, see Lopez.

Cardinal bird, scarlet, 203.

Cargadores, see Indian carriers.

Caribal, or village, of untamed Indians, 236-7.

Caribes, see Lacandon Indians.

Caribs, 236, of Belize, 188-9, 190.

—— of Livingston, their fish-trade, 155.

—— women, pictures of, 192.

Carmen, Isla de, 212.

Carrera, the Dictator, and the priests, 11.

Castillo, the, at Chichén Itzá, 204, 209.

Catherwood, cited on the ruins of Chichén Itzá, 198, of Copan, 127, his plan of buildings at Utatlan, 69.

Catoche, Cape, landing of Cordova at, 195.

Caves, near the Rio Lanquin, 159.

Cayo, El, writer's arrival at, 182, men despatched from, to Tikál, ib., mozos paid off, 185, others become homesick at, 176, boat used at, 186; the stone lintel packed at, 240.

Cedars, 2, 140, 146.

Cedron nut, its uses, 170.

Ceiba tree, 121-2.

Ceniza, La, shooting affray at, 144.

'Cenotes, 196, 203, 207.

——, sacred, at Chichén Itzá, 208, 209.

Centipedes, 23, 122.

Cerro del Carmen, church of, 13, 14.

Chacujál, (see also Pueblo Viejo), ruins at, 104, 248; Cortés's expedition to, 250-1.

Chajmaic River, 167-8.

Chaltunes, or underground cisterns, 235.

Chambon, M., joins writer at Laguna, 215, and at Palenque, 219; dances a Zapateado, 221.

Champerico, port of, 7.

Champoton, landing of Cordova at, 195.

Charles V., and the cacique, 74.

Charms, Indian, against fevers, 59.

—— against Snake-bite, 171.

Charnay, M. Desiré, and his travels, 239-40, his work on Central America and Mexico, ib.

Cheirostemon platanoides tree, 33.

Chiapas, 61, Indians of, 236.

Chicha, an Indian drink, 31.

Chichajác, alleged idols at and search for, 168, 172.

Chiché, village of and mounds at, 75, obsidian knives etc. found at, ib., writer's quarters at, ib., precipitous track from to Uspantan, 76-7, writer's boxes detained at, 106.

Chichén Itzá, (see also Stephens), ruins of, 193, writer's visit to, 199, and quarters in, 200, 202, visited by officials, 200; Mr. Sweet joins writer, 202, arrangement and descriptions of the ruins, 202 et seq.; wall-painting of a human sacrifice found at, 207; difficulties of taking mouldings at, 207-8; Landa cited on the sortilege of the 'cenote at, 208-9; comparison of ruins at with those of Copan and Quirigua, 210; constant difficulties in getting workmen, 200, 211, success of work at, largely due to Mr. Sweet, 244.

Chichicaste trees, or tree-nettles, 72, use of their leaves, 73.

Chichicastenango (Santo Tomas), town of, 72, Indian costumes at, 73, Indian church-function at, ib., funeral procession at, 74.

Chico-sapote wood, 233.

Chilapa, 245.

Chili-peppers, 124, 237, 251.

Chimaltenango, hotel at, 41, hills and plains of, 72.

Chinic village, fruit-culture at, 76.

Chiquimula village, doctor at, 125.

Chixoy River or Rio Negro (q. v.), 87, bridge across, 88-9, 167-8.

Chocolateras (birds), 216.

Chol Indians, missionary effort amongst, 248.

Christmas market, Guatemala city, 10.

Chronicles, the, of the Cachiquel Indians, 61.

Chuaca, old Spanish settlement at, 196.

Chuntuchí, 248, 250.

Churches in Guatemala city, 12.

Chute fern, use made of, 91.

Cicadas, 77.

Ciguatecpan, 245.

Cimientos, or foundation mounds, 169, see Mounds.

Cinder ridge, on Fuego mountain, 40.

'Citas, 198.

Ciudad Vieja near Antigua, the former capital, 24.